"Those Who Oppose Gay Rights Are Vilified"

It won't. They are protected as a church and the constitutional right of free speech. AS it should be. I don't fucking like what they say but I damn sure think they have the right to say it. fucking assholes.
Oh, I know they're protected under the Constitution but was unsure of how church rankings and such have influence on other churches.

I thought the Vatican was kinda up there as far as churches go? Too many religions out there to make sense of any of it.:?
I support anyone's right to express themselves. I think people who hate gays have every right to 'shout it from the rooftops'. I also think that if the majority of people who hear the message being shouted do not like it, they have a right to express that too. If that makes the person shouting feel like a villain, then he should stop shouting. What seems to be happening here is, not only do they want to shout it, they want it to be well received.

For what it's worth, I think gay rights is a silly term. Human rights are all that is needed. If a person is walking down the street they have the right to not be assaulted no matter what sort of human they happen to be. I think gay pride is silly as well. I do not see the logic in being proud of a circumstance of birth over which you had no control. I was born with 10 fingers, I don't feel the need to have a 10 finger parade. I do not think that gays have a unique culture that inspires celebration. I do not think gays should be treated especially bad, or especially good.
You have got to be fucking kidding me. Being persecuted more than GAYS?? You actually believe that? How many people do you see getting their heads bashed in with baseball bats or beaten to death by gangs of thugs simply because they oppose gay rights? None. How many gay men or those who are perceived to be gay do you see getting their head bashed in with baseball bats or beaten to death by gangs of thugs? A LOT. New York City alone is plagued with numerous gay bashings and murders.

Do you see people putting up websites called GOD HATES ANTI-GAYS and all ANTI-GAYS must die. Look across the country at what the teabaggers are doing to equal rights in states across the country. Governors and state legislators are repealing equal rights for LGBT folks everywhere or trying to impose straights only legislation.

You know what us GAYS want? For you to leave us the fuck alone and let us live our lives. We don't want to destroy your families or your faith or your churches or even your mistaken misguided beliefs. WE WANT TO LIVE WITHOUT FEAR. That's all. End of story. Look at Uganda and the Kill-The-Gays bill. Who got that ball rolling? Why some very eager and industrious evangelicals in the good ol' U.S.ofA.

Your post is complete bullshit.

No, your post is complete bullshit.

If a celebrity or politician goes on television stating anything that can be construed as the slightest bit anti-gay, they'll be ostracized and more or less ruin their career. If I walked into my office tomorrow and started telling everyone I didn't think gays had the right to get married, I'd be fired. On the other hand, if a celebrity or a politician "comes out" they will get hundreds of talk show offers, interviews, and their ratings of any show or movie they are in will skyrocket. If I walked in my office tomorrow and came out, I'd get 25 emails of people supporting me and telling me how "strong" I am.

It's not cool to be gay huh?

Why is it , that over the four years I was in high school, there went from being four people(three girls and one guy) that were homosexual freshman year to about 50% of the school claiming to at least be Bi by the time I graduated? Why did 3 different social clubs for gays open up? Why is it that there are school groups that get to cut class and go on field trips once a week, and the only requirement is that you are gay or "exploring your sexuality"?

Claim that the gay subculture is not more promiscuous all you want, but by FAR the craziest clubs I've ever been in regarding open sexual acts and the amount of drugs are the gay clubs. Yeah, you guys are better at partying than straights, but that's not really a scene that I think is healthy for my teens, straight or not.

New York is a shithole. I'm sure there are a lot of crimes against gays there. There are a lot of crimes against people for being white, for being black, for being asian, for being a woman, there too. Show me the stats of overall violent crime, of hate crimes in general, and of hate crimes specifically against gays in New York. While you're at it, show me the stats for somewhere that isn't a shithole.

I believe that you personally don't want to destroy families or churches, but there are very real and very outspoken people within your community that have explicitly stated that they do.
wow... you just made a complete ass out of yourself. Girls gone wild? Guys gone wild? Mardi Gras (show us your tits, sex in the streets), Spring Break, Jersey Shore, etc., etc., the list goes on and on. Two girls one cup? Do you really want to go down that road?

Do you even understand the concept of "coming out?" Do you even care? Why are people in the closet in the first place? Because it's a cute gay custom? Because it was and is dangerous to come out in this society with such a strong cultural taboo. As far as sharing your political and religious views at work that pretty much depends on the job and it's policies about discrimination. Because, guess what? It IS discrimination and depending on how you phrase it might also be construed as hate speech.

About your high school. You know what that's called? Progress. I hate to break it to you but those folks were bi and gay long before you knew about it. They just feel it's safer to be open about who they are. Why is that so hard to fathom?

Yes there is a lot of ethnic crime but gay hate crimes are only category that has an out for the perpetrator. Gay panic defense. Where you can plead it was the man's homosexuality that caused him to be assaulted and totally the victim's fault. We are denied housing, insurance, in some cases jobs, benefits, rights that married couples take for granted, actual marriage, etc.

The shithole comment was yours it's not my responsibility to provide stats for your words.

Yes and there are plenty of people calling for the death penalty for being gay or to make it crime or to keep it a crime in state law. There has even been demands that we be put on an island somewhere or be isolated in some part of the nation. Thanks to a couple zealots that have spread the hate overseas are responsible for the Kill-The-Gays bill in Uganda and are influencing other nations in Africa to follow suit. Hell, even old Fred Phelps sent letters to every nation calling for the death penalty.

Once again, your post was complete bullshit.
wow... you just made a complete ass out of yourself. Girls gone wild? Guys gone wild? Mardi Gras (show us your tits, sex in the streets), Spring Break, Jersey Shore, etc., etc., the list goes on and on. Two girls one cup? Do you really want to go down that road?

Yeah, and you know what that kind of stuff is called at a gay club? Wednesday.

FYI 2 girls one cup = 2 girls = same sex, homosexual content

About your high school. You know what that's called? Progress. I hate to break it to you but those folks were bi and gay long before you knew about it. They just feel it's safer to be open about who they are. Why is that so hard to fathom?

Special treatment is progress now? Also, it's amazing how 95% of those kids grew out of being "bi" once they graduated.

Because, guess what? It IS discrimination and depending on how you phrase it might also be construed as hate speech.

Completely proving the point of what the friggin' Pope said. My personal beliefs are somehow discrimination now.

Yes there is a lot of ethnic crime but gay hate crimes are only category that has an out for the perpetrator. Gay panic defense. Where you can plead it was the man's homosexuality that caused him to be assaulted and totally the victim's fault.

In your special little world I guess sexual harassment is ok if perpetrated by someone homosexual?
Special treatment is progress now? Also, it's amazing how 95% of those kids grew out of being "bi" once they graduated.

Asked each and every one of them did you? Yeah. Sorry, but I'm not going to take your word for that.

Completely proving the point of what the friggin' Pope said. My personal beliefs are somehow discrimination now.

Because it has always been discrimination. Just like when the catholic church ruled Native Americans didn't have souls or the U.S. government saying Blacks weren't completely human. Or when blacks weren't allowed to marry or vote.. or women not being allowed to vote.

In your special little world I guess sexual harassment is ok if perpetrated by someone homosexual?

Gay Panic has absolutely nothing to do with sexual harassment. It was simply a ploy to get someone off from killing a fag. They even tried that dumb ass defense with the Matthew Shepard murder. Yeah that 5'4 120 lb. guy sure was a threat to those big burly straight guys.
Oh and by the way, the next time a girl hits on you or comments on your looks? Beat the fuck out of her. Just take a bat and beat the living shit out of her. Because she sexually harassed you. That seems to be the appropriate response according to you.
And yet here I sit - vilified in your eyes and probably quite a few others reading this due to my beliefs. Nothing you can say will change the simple truth that people who speak their personal beliefs are vilified and persecuted.

Once again, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, and a good portion of the time it's not a choice someone makes. The community at large, however , does have some issues, a lot of power, and does strongly affect the media with a certain agenda.

Quite similar to Christianity - nothing wrong at all with being Christian, but when the churches become large and powerfu, bad things happen.
Oh and by the way, the next time a girl hits on you or comments on your looks? Beat the fuck out of her. Just take a bat and beat the living shit out of her. Because she sexually harassed you. That seems to be the appropriate response according to you.

Except that it wasn't a woman, it was a man. And women ARE taught to use violence against men hitting on them and being a bit too pushy.
And yet here I sit - vilified in your eyes and probably quite a few others reading this due to my beliefs. Nothing you can say will change the simple truth that people who speak their personal beliefs are vilified and persecuted.

Yes, play the martyr. you want to talk vilified and persecuted? All homosexuals are pedophiles? Still fighting that one. All homosexuals have an agenda of turning children gay. You used that in this thread. We are making kids promiscuous. Kids have, are, and will always be horny as hell. It's a fact of nature. You can't blame homosexuals for that. it's simple biology. Yet, it's our fault. We are now being blamed for the holocaust. Yep. Homosexuals did it. We are being blamed for the destruction of society, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, sun burns and the occasional chafing. You can't even begin to compare this to your being told to keep your shit to yourself.

Once again, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, and a good portion of the time it's not a choice someone makes. The community at large, however , does have some issues, a lot of power, and does strongly affect the media with a certain agenda.

It is never a choice. It's just who we are. Just like being straight is who you are. You say there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay but you're entire argument in this thread has shown nothing but the opposite.

Quite similar to Christianity - nothing wrong at all with being Christian, but when the churches become large and powerfu, bad things happen.

And the sheep follow blindly, perpetrating discrimination and bigotry.
And yet here I sit - vilified in your eyes and probably quite a few others reading this due to my beliefs. Nothing you can say will change the simple truth that people who speak their personal beliefs are vilified and persecuted.

Once again, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, and a good portion of the time it's not a choice someone makes. The community at large, however , does have some issues, a lot of power, and does strongly affect the media with a certain agenda.

Quite similar to Christianity - nothing wrong at all with being Christian, but when the churches become large and powerfu, bad things happen.

I definitely find the highlighted portion offensive and a falsehood....so I have the right to judge you? You seem homophobic and trying to blame the shortfalls of society on a group and a very small group at that, that is at it's very beginning of acceptance? Your logic is so skewed that I believe you do not even truly believe what you are saying but saying it to deflect what you do not want discovered...it is ok... it is your choice...like it is theirs...but to blame promiscuity on sexual orientation? Or any other social failures? Nonsense...

Except that it wasn't a woman, it was a man. And women ARE taught to use violence against men hitting on them and being a bit too pushy.

what's the fucking difference? The right thing to do is feel flattered and accept the god damned compliment. For being too pushy? How about for attempted sexual assault. Yes, women are taught self-defense. It's up to them how they use it. You keep trying to intimate that all gay to straight interactions are threatening or harassing in nature. Why? Because we're all sexual predators? We're all potential rapists? 99% of the time the violence was perpetrated due to a compliment or a comment about hooking up. Should a woman beat the shit out of a man for complimenting her or hoping he could get lucky that night. That's a far cry from threatening or harassing behavior. Your argument is weak.
what's the fucking difference? The right thing to do is feel flattered and accept the god damned compliment. For being too pushy? How about for attempted sexual assault. Yes, women are taught self-defense. It's up to them how they use it. You keep trying to intimate that all gay to straight interactions are threatening or harassing in nature. Why? Because we're all sexual predators? We're all potential rapists? 99% of the time the violence was perpetrated due to a compliment or a comment about hooking up. Should a woman beat the shit out of a man for complimenting her or hoping he could get lucky that night. That's a far cry from threatening or harassing behavior. Your argument is weak.

I am of the opinion that his username is in memory of his brain:twisted:ie: carrion matter tween the ears....yep and surely will prove this hypothesis accurate...

what's the fucking difference? The right thing to do is feel flattered and accept the god damned compliment. For being too pushy? How about for attempted sexual assault. Yes, women are taught self-defense. It's up to them how they use it. You keep trying to intimate that all gay to straight interactions are threatening or harassing in nature. Why? Because we're all sexual predators? We're all potential rapists? 99% of the time the violence was perpetrated due to a compliment or a comment about hooking up. Should a woman beat the shit out of a man for complimenting her or hoping he could get lucky that night. That's a far cry from threatening or harassing behavior. Your argument is weak.

And a woman has never smacked a dude in the face when he hit on her?

Seriously though - I think you're right about this one - that defense looks like bs to me.

The entire point is that you're attacking me, based entirely off of me not "keeping my shit to myself", when the entire point of this thread was the question "do you feel someone expressing their thoughts if against gay marriage will be persecuted".

Did I even say anything against gay marriage? Did I state anywhere in this thread that I don't believe gays should marry?
And a woman has never smacked a dude in the face when he hit on her?

yes lets equate a slap on the cheek to beating someone into a coma or into a grave. Jesus.

The entire point is that you're attacking me, based entirely off of me not "keeping my shit to myself", when the entire point of this thread was the question "do you feel someone expressing their thoughts if against gay marriage will be persecuted".

First of all, I was generalizing. Please don't try and turn this around. It's not about you and I wasn't making it about you. But you are bound and determined to play the victim here. Second of all, you're the one that went off on the gay promiscuity tangent and how we are corrupting young people. Don't get butt hurt if I address and debunk your claims.

Did I even say anything against gay marriage? Did I state anywhere in this thread that I don't believe gays should marry?

Did I claim that you did? You're the one that brought up the scenario of saying you're against gay marriage on the job and the consequences from that. You keep saying your personal beliefs are being discriminated against. What personal beliefs related to gay equality would that be? If you are for gay marriage and feel there's nothing wrong with it then exactly how are you being discriminated against?
Person A: I don't like gays and I have a right to say it

Person B: I don't like homophobes

Person A: You have no right to say that because it makes me feel like a villian
Once again, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, and a good portion of the time it's not a choice someone makes.

lol, It's never a choice, you either have feelings for people of the same sex or not. The only choice is whether or not you act on your true nature and the only thing that prevents many gay or bi people from being who they really are is fear. Their lives are legislated as if they had made a choice but it's just who they are. My brother is gay and when we first talked about it he told me how it was hard for him because he didn't come across as gay so people never suspected anything but it allowed him to see how people truly felt about homosexuality and he felt like less of a person and that really killed me. He kept talking about how he felt that everyone he cared about would leave his life or treat him differently if they knew and he felt like he would be letting them down and disappointing them so he has never acted on his true nature. He is constantly depressed and feels like he has been cursed to be this way and doesn't understand why people care about who and what other people are. Until you take the time to understand someone your opinion will never be accurate because you don't have all of the facts. Just realize that your opinion is effecting peoples lives and is not the same as your opinion on everyday matters like what kind of music you like or what kind of clothes you wear.

The community at large, however , does have some issues, a lot of power, and does strongly affect the media with a certain agenda.
This is a group of people who have rights and their rights have been denied to them, what do you expect them to do? This shouldn't even be an issue they are human beings and have the same rights as anyone else.
I can identify with your brother. I grew up in a devout Mormon family with four older brothers. I wouldn't know how to "act gay" (whatever that means) if I tried. I hunt, fish, hike, bike, run marathons and shoot a mean bow. My own brothers used to talk some pretty nasty shit. It was fag this and fag that. When I came out, it all stopped. Their love hasn't changed one iota. I have full support from my family. It really helps. Tell you brother to keep his chin up. It gets better. :)
I can identify with your brother. I grew up in a devout Mormon family with four older brothers. I wouldn't know how to "act gay" (whatever that means) if I tried. I hunt, fish, hike, bike, run marathons and shoot a mean bow. My own brothers used to talk some pretty nasty shit. It was fag this and fag that. When I came out, it all stopped. Their love hasn't changed one iota. I have full support from my family. It really helps. Tell you brother to keep his chin up. It gets better. :)

I do and that's kind of what I meant. I had never really thought about it until some one I loved unconditionally happened to be gay. I just think people who aren't gay or don't have someone close to them that is gay will ever understand.

When I came out, it all stopped.
It's funny you should say that. One of the things my brother was worried about was if he did let people know, that they would act different and he didn't want people to be fake around him he knows we care about him but he sees all of the hate and says he would rather know how people really felt than have to live with people not being honest and patronizing him. One thing that doesn't help is our parents, they think it's his choice and have said things to him that really affected him which I think is one of the reasons he hasn't been able to move forward.
I do and that's kind of what I meant. I had never really thought about it until some I loved unconditionally happened to be gay. I just think people who aren't gay or don't have someone close to them that is gay will ever understand.

It's funny you should say that. One of the things my brother was worried about was if he did let people know, that they would act different and he didn't want people to be fake around him he knows we care about him but he sees all of the hate and says he would rather know how people really felt than have to live with people not being honest and patronizing him.

They didn't start censoring themselves. We have family get togethers where we share our burdens. It's a Mormon thing. I did a lot of explaining and discussing it with them over the years. They just realized that everything they heard, the stereotypes, the fear mongering, all of it was shit. Now they are behind equal rights for all. I'm so proud of my family. :D