"Those Who Oppose Gay Rights Are Vilified"

He knows his family will be honest with him believe me, he just worries about everyone else in his life because he hears what they say and says if they started acting different around him it would make him uncomfortable knowing how they really felt. I told him not to worry about other people but he says he doesn't judge people for their beliefs and cares about them the same even though he knows how they feel and I told him he was a bigger man than me. He's never known any other gay people and doesn't know what to do about it if he even wanted to. I really feel bad he's in this position and doesn't have any like minded individuals in his life.
I'll never forget the time I started a new job. I kept a low profile and stayed under the gaydar until my 90 day probationary period was up. I wasn't about to give them an excuse to fire me. That happened in Utah when i was going to school there. The subject came up whether I was married or not. I said no that I was gay. They fired me the next day. Anyway, I pretty much deflected questions about my sexual orientation. I heard all kinds of gay jokes, slurs, and outright hate. After my 90 day probation one of the worst haters asked me why I wasn't married. I looked her straight in the eye and said, "Because I'm gay."


She screamed it at the top of her lungs. it echoed off the walls. I actually had to cover my ears. She never spoke to me again.
Btw, was she old? I think that most young people don't give a fuck about sexual orientation. Children too. I have hope that as time goes on, this negative shit will fade away. Just like weed prohibition :)
No one is vilifying you, you are just in a debate you can't fucking win because you are outmatched. You are free to walk away from here and hang on to your beliefs. No one is asking anything less. But what you should take from this, is that everyone is different. We all have different dreams, desires, hopes and goals. We are all human. I didn't ask to be gay. I don't think it's cool. I didn't make a cognitive decision to like boys, it came natural, just as your desire for girls did. If you can stop and let that sink in for just a split moment, you may be able to see our side of the coin, even if just for a brief moment.

I don't feel society owes me a thing. I do however feel like a second class US citizen; however; I will admit that things have gotten MUCH better than since I was in highschool. At that age, back in time, it was routine for any gay guy to get beat up. That is why none of them came out. And unlike heteros, we can't spot a potential mate or date from across a room. Back then, I never knew of any other gay person, yet today, I know a lot of them.

We just want an equal stake in this thing called the human race...

And yet here I sit - vilified in your eyes and probably quite a few others reading this due to my beliefs. Nothing you can say will change the simple truth that people who speak their personal beliefs are vilified and persecuted.

Once again, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, and a good portion of the time it's not a choice someone makes. The community at large, however , does have some issues, a lot of power, and does strongly affect the media with a certain agenda.

Quite similar to Christianity - nothing wrong at all with being Christian, but when the churches become large and powerfu, bad things happen.
Btw, was she old? I think that most young people don't give a fuck about sexual orientation. Children too. I have hope that as time goes on, this negative shit will fade away. Just like weed prohibition :)

She was an older Latina woman. I didn't blame her. She's a product of her time. She ended up retiring early because she poisoned herself by using superglue to put in her dentures. Don't laugh. She almost died.


O.k., you can laugh a little bit but you must feel bad afterward.
nobody cares about gay people just like gingers but if i saw to dudes fucking outside somewere or one dude sucking another guys dick i would have to throw something at them
if by involved you mean throwing and object at them then yes but it only a threesome if i took my clothes of to
I have to speak my opinion on this..

I personally have nothing against gay people.. especially lesbians. I mean, I would love to see two chicks go at it.. and then let me join in somewhere along the act.

However, I also believe that God absolutely despises gay people.. because we, as humans.. were NOT made to have sexual intercourse with humans of the same sex.. its just not natural.. and its not meant to be. Any man.. that gets off.. with another man.. and has sexual intercourse with a human of the same sex.. IMO, has some screws loose in their head. I mean, its downright disgusting!!! It's not natural.. and its not meant to be like that.

But, on the other hand.. as long as the gays keep that nasty shit away from me.. I don't have any problems with it. But, also at the same time.. I still know its wrong.. and those who do these types of things.. will eventually be punished for it.

It's just not right.... and it almost makes me literally sick to my stomach.. to even think about two guys fucking each other. *puke* thats just not the way its suppose to be.

I personally think that all gay people are just sick in the head... I mean, shit.. you'd have to be sick in the head.. to want to stick your dick into some other guys asshole. That's just fucking nasty.. the nastiest of the nastiest!!

anyhow, I'm done with this thread.
Here is my two cents. Myself I am straight, been married thirteen years. My wife and I have friends and relatives that are gay or lesbians. At first I was that type to say "are you kidding me". When I started talking to these people, they were they same as everybody else. They just want to have a good happy life. I became great friends with some of my wives friends. Once you break down the wall in your mind that holds you back, life is great.

It is not up to me to judge, CannibusGuru, you state God will punish them, how do you know, God said "judge not lest you be judged". I would never take that leap, because I do not know God's thoughts. Oh yeah, thats right the Old Testament tells us so, we are to live by the New Testament, love all others as we are to be loved.

So allow people to live there lives as they seem fit to, spent your energies on living a good live yourself.

I agree that I do not see having a gay pride parade as a great way to show who you are. Does it bring peace to you and others, once again I hope it does.

I hope this made sense, seem to be having writers block this morning.
No one is vilifying you, you are just in a debate you can't fucking win because you are outmatched.
What is the debate that I can't win? The only discussion I'm in right now is "will someone be shit on for saying something against gays" and the answer is yes. Are there times when this is justified? Absolutely. Are there times when it's not? Yup.

You are free to walk away from here and hang on to your beliefs. No one is asking anything less. But what you should take from this, is that everyone is different. We all have different dreams, desires, hopes and goals. We are all human. I didn't ask to be gay. I don't think it's cool. I didn't make a cognitive decision to like boys, it came natural, just as your desire for girls did. If you can stop and let that sink in for just a split moment, you may be able to see our side of the coin, even if just for a brief moment.
I absolutely believe that. However, the notion that this is never a choice that someone makes is simply not true. I'm an active member in a few different communities that have a much higher number of LGBT folks than the general public. As such I'm friends with several gay guys and a few lesbians, and each and every one of them(as far as guys) ranges from "I'm straight but I'd fuck a guy when drunk", attracted to both guys and girls but prefers relationships with men, to willing to give a mercy f*ck to one of their girl friends but really not all that attracted to girls, to pussy is absolutely disgusting. I understand that they don't have any control over how they feel, any more than anyone else can control their sexual attraction to women, or spanking, or feet.

I've also known plenty of people who claim to be gay(or admittedly, more often claim to be bi) for the very reason that others WILL see them as cool. Obviously this is a sign of immaturity, and I'm not accusing you of that.

The fact remains that if anyone, especially in the public eye, says anything against gay marriage, or even if they say that the flamboyant individual on the other side of the room is being extremely annoying(mostly because he won't shut the fuck up and stop acting like an asshat, and it has nothing to do with his sexual orientation), they WILL be shitted on by not just the gay community or outreach groups, but by the general public and the media as well.
All I have to say is my experience with my gay friends has been that they were more respective honest and giving than my straight friends...not saying that to make it seem they are better or anything just an honest evaluation of my experience...one's sexual preference has nothing to do with how their heart is... and people need to leave god out of their mouthes when they try to justify hate...less they forget their god made theygays they hate as well...so why not hate on their god? ignorance and ducking behind god is cowardice

However, I also believe that God absolutely despises gay people.. because we, as humans.. were NOT made to have sexual intercourse with humans of the same sex.. its just not natural.. and its not meant to be. Any man.. that gets off.. with another man.. and has sexual intercourse with a human of the same sex.. IMO, has some screws loose in their head. I mean, its downright disgusting!!! It's not natural.. and its not meant to be like that.

But, on the other hand.. as long as the gays keep that nasty shit away from me.. I don't have any problems with it. But, also at the same time.. I still know its wrong.. and those who do these types of things.. will eventually be punished for it.

It's just not right.... and it almost makes me literally sick to my stomach.. to even think about two guys fucking each other. *puke* thats just not the way its suppose to be.

I personally think that all gay people are just sick in the head... I mean, shit.. you'd have to be sick in the head.. to want to stick your dick into some other guys asshole. That's just fucking nasty.. the nastiest of the nastiest!!

anyhow, I'm done with this thread.

If it's so unnattural why do so many animals partake of it? Why do males have a prostate gland in their anus capable of giving them an orgasm to rival ANY woman's orgasm?Your arguments here are weak and ignorant, and your assertion that you understand exactly what your god wants is arrogant.
What is the debate that I can't win? The only discussion I'm in right now is "will someone be shit on for saying something against gays" and the answer is yes. Are there times when this is justified? Absolutely. Are there times when it's not? Yup.

I absolutely believe that. However, the notion that this is never a choice that someone makes is simply not true. I'm an active member in a few different communities that have a much higher number of LGBT folks than the general public. As such I'm friends with several gay guys and a few lesbians, and each and every one of them(as far as guys) ranges from "I'm straight but I'd fuck a guy when drunk", attracted to both guys and girls but prefers relationships with men, to willing to give a mercy f*ck to one of their girl friends but really not all that attracted to girls, to pussy is absolutely disgusting. I understand that they don't have any control over how they feel, any more than anyone else can control their sexual attraction to women, or spanking, or feet.

I've also known plenty of people who claim to be gay(or admittedly, more often claim to be bi) for the very reason that others WILL see them as cool. Obviously this is a sign of immaturity, and I'm not accusing you of that.

The fact remains that if anyone, especially in the public eye, says anything against gay marriage, or even if they say that the flamboyant individual on the other side of the room is being extremely annoying(mostly because he won't shut the fuck up and stop acting like an asshat, and it has nothing to do with his sexual orientation), they WILL be shitted on by not just the gay community or outreach groups, but by the general public and the media as well.

Someone who is not gay would have to be brain dead as you have convinced me you are, to chose to be ostrisized, ridiculed, hated, looked down upon, lose friends and loved ones for pretending to be gay. Yeah right......

It is pure and simple logic that the only people who come out are gay and it is not a choice but go through being ostrisized, ridiculed, hated, looked down upon, losinf friends and loved ones ALL OF THE TIME because it is who they are and what they feel. They can no more chose who they are attracted to than we can when we see a girl we want. Yet because you or some other closed mined ignorant person finds what two other people feel for each other offensive they should hide it? Bullshit...as I stated at the beginning I stated one must first violate a person's right to be who they are and pursue happiness before they can even have an opinion so therefore no...you DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT!! Now without first having overstepped your boundaries that you want protected to be able to form an opinion about their preference.

I feel pity for you more than anything...its ok you can be gay ...that is what your problem seems to be...fear that your feelings for the same sex may be revealed if too much gayness is around.....it will be ok.......we understand

I prefer women and long as I can remember this is my preference....same thing for them...I didn't wake up straight one day...and they didn't wake up gay one day...it is what they feel and they have the right to feel it as openly as we do....and we are much more open and promiscuous than gays by a long shot...get your head out of your ass and be real.......you arguments are ludicrous

Someone who is not gay would have to be brain dead as you have convinced me you are, to chose to be ostrisized, ridiculed, hated, looked down upon, lose friends and loved ones for pretending to be gay. Yeah right......

It is pure and simple logic that the only people who come out are gay and it is not a choice but go through being ostrisized, ridiculed, hated, looked down upon, losinf friends and loved ones ALL OF THE TIME because it is who they are and what they feel. They can no more chose who they are attracted to than we can when we see a girl we want.

It's not always like that. Yes, it used to be. Yes, it still is depending on the families and social groups involved. There are still kids who decide to claim they are gay to piss off their parents or to make friends or to gain some sort of social advantage in a workplace or industry. There are people who make entire careers based on "I'm gay" and write comedy and host shows because of it.

Yet because you or some other closed mined ignorant person finds what two other people feel for each other offensive they should hide it?

Two people being in love is a beautiful thing. Never once did I say that I was offended about two people caring for each other OR say that anyone needs to hide anything.

I prefer women and long as I can remember this is my preference....same thing for them...I didn't wake up straight one day...and they didn't wake up gay one day...it is what they feel and they have the right to feel it as openly as we do

So you repeat the point that I make but somehow I'm a monster for saying it?

You got anger issues, bro.

and we are much more open and promiscuous than gays by a long shot...get your head out of your ass and be real

You're the one being ignorant here. You obviously know nothing about gay culture. There are a large number of gays who are offended by this particular aspect of the community and feel that it makes them look bad, but denying it doesn't make it go away. Make some gay friends then go and party with them, then come back here and repeat what you just said... Or are you too insecure with your sexuality to do that?
All I have to say is my experience with my gay friends has been that they were more respective honest and giving than my straight friends...not saying that to make it seem they are better or anything just an honest evaluation of my experience...one's sexual preference has nothing to do with how their heart is... and people need to leave god out of their mouthes when they try to justify hate...less they forget their god made theygays they hate as well...so why not hate on their god? ignorance and ducking behind god is cowardice


You're the one being ignorant here. You obviously know nothing about gay culture. There are a large number of gays who are offended by this particular aspect of the community and feel that it makes them look bad, but denying it doesn't make it go away. Make some gay friends then go and party with them, then come back here and repeat what you just said... Or are you too insecure with your sexuality to do that?

You do not comprehend what you read do you..... I have gay family and friends...I was speaking of the promiscuity of straight people ...... get a dictionary or actually read before you spout off...I am totally comfortable with my sexuality...you are the one saying they should not flaunt who they are.... have had gay sexual experiences as have almost all people if they are honest...and while enjoyable I am not attracted to it...I am attracted to women...am in love with my lady like I have never been...... but you may think whatever you wish of me...it is your right...but you try to interfere with what I do and...well ...nevermind...you already know


you are the one saying they should not flaunt who they are....

Where? Quote?

The fact of the matter is that I don't think anyone should "flaunt" anything. To flaunt means to boast or to present something in a boasttful manner - not an endearing quality.
I miss "Will and Grace", it was a really good show.

Don't care what anyone thinks, just wanted to say that.:-P
I remember in the comedy religious, they mentioned something about a gay gene. It was the during the part where bill is interviewing the gay now strait preacher.

Gonna watch that again tonight.
I have to speak my opinion on this..

I personally have nothing against gay people.. especially lesbians. I mean, I would love to see two chicks go at it.. and then let me join in somewhere along the act.

However, I also believe that God absolutely despises gay people.. because we, as humans.. were NOT made to have sexual intercourse with humans of the same sex.. its just not natural.. and its not meant to be. Any man.. that gets off.. with another man.. and has sexual intercourse with a human of the same sex.. IMO, has some screws loose in their head. I mean, its downright disgusting!!! It's not natural.. and its not meant to be like that.

But, on the other hand.. as long as the gays keep that nasty shit away from me.. I don't have any problems with it. But, also at the same time.. I still know its wrong.. and those who do these types of things.. will eventually be punished for it.

It's just not right.... and it almost makes me literally sick to my stomach.. to even think about two guys fucking each other. *puke* thats just not the way its suppose to be.

I personally think that all gay people are just sick in the head... I mean, shit.. you'd have to be sick in the head.. to want to stick your dick into some other guys asshole. That's just fucking nasty.. the nastiest of the nastiest!!

anyhow, I'm done with this thread.

Homosexuality is observed in 100% of species which reproduce.

No species has been found in which homosexual behaviour has not been shown to exist, with the exception of species that never have sex at all, such as sea urchins and aphis

List of homosexual animals

I am amazed at how often God is offended by his own designs.

I will agree with one point, it's disgusting. However I also find the act of eating a cows tongue disgusting, and my grandma, a good christian woman, loves em. There is a big difference between deciding something is distasteful to you, and deciding that all people engaging in that something deserved to be punished, or have something wrong with them. Pretty much every couple who has sex does something that another couple would find disgusting. When forming an opinion, we must be careful not to base hatred on distaste alone. If no one was ever allowed to be offended by anything, then no one would ever be allowed to do anything. Everything you say, do, or stand for offends someone somewhere.

It's not always like that. Yes, it used to be. Yes, it still is depending on the families and social groups involved. There are still kids who decide to claim they are gay to piss off their parents or to make friends or to gain some sort of social advantage in a workplace or industry. There are people who make entire careers based on "I'm gay" and write comedy and host shows because of it.

social advantage? workplace advantage? What planet are you living on? Most states have absolutely no protection for LGBT's in the workplace. As I stated before I was fired when my employer found out I was gay. That wasn't 20 some odd years ago that was less than 10 years ago. I can be denied housing in a lot of states. Social status? What as a punching bag? Gay bashing victim is now a social status? Really? I lost a partner to gay bashing and I myself have been assaulted on three separate occasions. Yes such a great fucking life I have. Karrion you are full of shit and have no clue what you're talking about. You're pulling most of this right out of your ass.

Two people being in love is a beautiful thing. Never once did I say that I was offended about two people caring for each other OR say that anyone needs to hide anything.

Yet you persist in your insistence that you are being vilified for your "beliefs" and have yet to clarify what those beliefs are. You say you are apparently FOR gay marriage and equal rights and have "gay friends" (I still can't believe you used that tired old cliché) so what exactly is your point?

You're the one being ignorant here. You obviously know nothing about gay culture. There are a large number of gays who are offended by this particular aspect of the community and feel that it makes them look bad, but denying it doesn't make it go away.

There are a FEW who feel we should go main stream. A few. These are the folks that let the years of abuse and shame get to them and want a revolving closet door so they can go in and out at will. Kind of like a security blanket. All I see are beautiful children of God celebrating their individuality and the freedom to express who they are. If you want to turn the tables I can judge the entire straight population by Spring Break or Girls Gone Wild!!! You see how ridiculous that is? Do you really think people in gay pride parades conduct their daily lives in the same manner? Really? After the plethora of posts from you its quite clear that you have no gay friends nor ever had any.

Make some gay friends then go and party with them, then come back here and repeat what you just said... Or are you too insecure with your sexuality to do that?

Why would going out with gay people threaten your sexuality? Because once again you're intimating that we're all sexual predators and want nothing better than to destroy your precious heterosexuality. If your straightness is that fragile and so easily influenced.... maybe you're not so straight as you might think. People secure in their sexuality aren't sitting around worrying that the GAY might rub off. Give me a fucking break.