Threads that go against the basic principal of being a decent human being.

Should threads on dangerous chemicals that can lead to death be allowed.

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stays relevant.
No, it shouldn't. This is a marijuana website, not a fucking website on how to get pharmaceuticals...

It's hypocritical nonsense... How could you effectively promote cannabis as an alternative to some very dangerous and addictive pharmaceuticals when you have kids asking about how many Oxycontins to snort to get high.

I think pharmaceuticals and whatnot is definitely crossing the line... Since when did this place become a resource for "how to get high on anything" ???


Well-Known Member
so if we ignore/censor it, it will go away? best to leave all the threads and just do our best to convince people NOT to use these drugs.

alcohol and alcohol related diseases kill more people than all drugs combined. any beer drinkers here?



Well-Known Member
No, it shouldn't. This is a marijuana website, not a fucking website on how to get pharmaceuticals...

It's hypocritical nonsense... How could you effectively promote cannabis as an alternative to some very dangerous and addictive pharmaceuticals when you have kids asking about how many Oxycontins to snort to get high.

I think pharmaceuticals and whatnot is definitely crossing the line... Since when did this place become a resource for "how to get high on anything" ???
Makes sense but what about other "natural" botanicals, Peyote, even the killer Jimson Weed. These are not pharmaceutical and some of them can kill you. I agree though, I don't like the threads that pop up about oxys ect.


Well-Known Member
so if we ignore/censor it, it will go away? best to leave all the thread sand do our best to convince people NOT to use these drugs.

alcohol kills more people than all drugs combined. any beer drinkers here?

Good point here are the numbers actually:

Tobacco: 340,000- 450,00 deaths
Alcohol: 150,000
Aspirin: 180-1,000+
Caffeine: 1,000-10,000+
Pharmaceuticals: 100,000+
Illegal drugs: 3,800-5,200
and my favorite MARIJUANA: 0:leaf:


stays relevant.
Makes sense but what about other "natural" botanicals, Peyote, even the killer Jimson Weed. These are not pharmaceutical and some of them can kill you. I agree though, I don't like the threads that pop up about oxys ect.

My position is this, it shouldn't be tolerated. The whole "hallucinatory substances" section belongs somewhere else. What does the title of each page have in it? "Marijuana Growing"

I'm not for discussion of shrooms, acid, peyote, jenkem, or cat piss... honestly, each one of the topics that I personally feel dont belong here have their own forums somewhere else...

Take Shroomery for example... A website about the cultivation of shrooms... yet Ripper OD'd on fucking oxycontins like a dumb fuck on a webcam, and now the general public has a bad perception of their forum.

Is it going to take some kid doing too much too fast too soon before Rollitup is the next website in the media for promoting that? I dunno...

Of course fdd2blk has a point, at least if we see the threads we can advise against them trying it... I've seen people lose their entire lives abusing pharmaceuticals... it's pathetic.


stays relevant.
Good point here are the numbers actually:

Tobacco: 340,000- 450,00 deaths
Alcohol: 150,000
Aspirin: 180-1,000+
Caffeine: 1,000-10,000+
Pharmaceuticals: 100,000+
Illegal drugs: 3,800-5,200
and my favorite MARIJUANA: 0:leaf:

Keep in mind those numbers for pharmaceuticals are rising and rising...


Active Member
Of course fdd2blk has a point, at least if we see the threads we can advise against them trying it.
Yea.. but how many people actually do that when these threads pop up? And the second you do, you get ganged up on. Fuckit, let stupid die. Or just get rid of the hallucinatory substances forum. I don't know why people post about "poppy tea" or "Oxy" in these forums since they dont cause hallucinations.


Well-Known Member
i knew my numbers were off. sounded good though. :)

people tell me i influence others here. hmmm .........

you'd be surprised at how easy it is to get thru to some people. if you just take the time to try.


Well-Known Member
thats what i dont get,why do people want to do shit that will kill you,cannabis has such positive effects all by itsself,you can get real strong highs that have euphoric effects with premo homegrown grass:bigjoint:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I personally report any underage people I see on this site.They're not supposed to be on here.This is an adult website, and we're not babysitters.I don't want my children on here, and I monitor their internet activity to make sure sites aren't being visited that they shouldn't be on.I don't have a parental block on my comp.I don't need one.My kid knows where she can and can't go.It's real simple to monitor kid's internet activity.You just get up, go into the room where they are using the computer, and say, hey, whatchya doing?And you can check history as well.And cookies.ANd I have a neat little thing called disk investigator that shows me pretty much everything that has been just have to do a little searching.

That being said, I am not only personally for the legalization of marijuana, but any substance that an ADULT wishes to put into their body.I'm sure I'll hear a lot of bitching regarding this opinion,But that won't change my belief in the right of any adult to do whatever they want with their body.

We all know this website is not for children.We are not here to cybersit these children.If the report button isn't working, take a little time to pm a mod with the link to the threads of minors.You know, the dumb ones who yell, "I'm 15", and the like.It's appreciated.Saves the mods a little legwork.As for the minors we don't know about...well, we don't know about them.It's not our job to decipher their posts from any other member's posts.I think, if we start censoring such threads,we're being just like the people we fight against, proclaiming our way as the only way.If someone asks for knowledge, and you have it, give it.Otherwise, direct them to a site like Erowid where they can learn more about the substance in question.Because chances are, they're gonna do what they want anyway.The most you can do is help them be informed about the right way to do it.:peace:
Its a bad deal all around for real, sure they can get any info they want anywhere on the internet but why do we have to be the ones supplying it to them ?

A good number of the supporters of those type threads are still children,a quick look at those type members other posts shows many of them are trying to hide light bulb grows from their parents in their bedrooms,is it nessacary to supply information regarding deadly pratices to these children from this site ?,they wont listen to the adults warning them,they will listen to the posts where people survived taking the substance & follow their lead.

Just look at recent threads on this site,one thread yesterday was about a kids highschool:o,its growingly aparent that a vast portion of the membership of this site are children who cant grow weed at home,these type kids are desperate enough to try & hide a grow from their parents which shows right off that they are not thinking clearly,desperate children do desperate things,what if one of them gets the information that kills them from this site ?

Nieve children are easily influenced all adults know & understand this,at some point adults should be able to open their eyes & say that we are aware of the great influx of children on this site & step foward & limit information posted on this site that could kill somebodies child.

Regardless weather their our children or not,sane adults are supposed to step foward when children are being put at risk & then do something to put a stop to it,not sit idly by while children participate in things that can kill them.

Turning a blind eye & allowing high school kids to post on an adult weed forum is one thing,pot is pretty much harmless but when the adult group turns a blind eye to possibly deadly situations that these children on this site are not mature enough to handle, nor have the life experience to make an informed decision about i feel its a direct irresponsible act of any adult.

Would any of the parents on this site be cool with their child learning how to take Jimsonweed from the other nieve children on this site,or from the very young adults that believe freedom of speech over rides all saftey issues & takes away any & all responsibility from the adult membership ?

Im sorry for the long posts but this is something i feel very strongly about,ive never stepped foward before on this site & brought up any issue with the vast numbers of children here,this issue is different,i cant remain silent while we allow children to discuss deadly topics,ive showed the thread in question to several other weed smoking adults including my wife & all said pretty much the same thing,wtf is wrong with this picture,its just a matter of time before some kid ends up dead using the info we allow & they are right,it speaks a very sad story about whats happened to the adult thought process IMO.


Well-Known Member
I must be missing something here,are you saying that since kids are stupid we should get used to watching them pass around info thats proven to kill people & be ok with it ?

Hopefully i have this wrong.
No you have it right. My position is basically what stony here says:

"any substance that an ADULT wishes to put into their body.I'm sure I'll hear a lot of bitching regarding this opinion,But that won't change my belief in the right of any adult to do whatever they want with their body."

All you can do is tell whoever they are how dumb it is. Ban it and they won't be here to say how dumb it is, they'll just go somewhere else.

I really do figure if they are that dumb, and tons of folks who aren't all anti drug told them... Then hey, at least we tried, and yes natural selection would have gotten them somehow anway no matter what happend.

We are not talking about the brightest tools in the shed here.

If you try a known deadly poison and hope to randomly not get too much you are probably also the type of person we would have seen later on the news getting killed in some other stupid way like this anyway:

It's probably just best as is, you can't stop them all nor should you really have a right to.


Well-Known Member
and the tags to this thread make a nice shopping list for the weekend. funny stuff.

so what else shouldn't i be trying? lololol


Well-Known Member
No you have it right. My position is basically what stony here says:

"any substance that an ADULT wishes to put into their body.I'm sure I'll hear a lot of bitching regarding this opinion,But that won't change my belief in the right of any adult to do whatever they want with their body."
Something every defender of these garbage topics are all pointing to is the 18 & above adult factor when we all clearly know this is not the case.


Well-Known Member
I personally report any underage people I see on this site.They're not supposed to be on here.This is an adult website, and we're not babysitters.
This isnt about stemming the flow of children on this site,it cant be stopped no matter how hard its tried to be stopped,the report a post feature is a joke & should not be ponted to as an effective tool to explain away why the adults of this site take no interest in limiting information that could kill a child from comming from this site in the first place.

You also tout bad parenting as an explaination of why we share zero blame in allowing this information to be passed through this site,just because a parent takes no interest in what information their child is getting are we supposed to shirk any & all responsibility to act like adults to limit the info as well ?

To me this sounds like they dont give a shit so why should we care.


Well-Known Member
A question for all.

What does this site stand to loose by banning topics where the drug has a high probability of death.

I'll give my answer.

Traffic & or post count.

I can find no other loss.


i wasnt gonna jump into this, but kingtrip brought it to my attention last night, and after reading the whole thread just now i am amazed...

pan; you seem to feel strongly about the welfare (hate that word btw) of the children... yet at the same time, your proposed approach seems to be, like fdd said in his first post, that if we ignore it, or don't allow it, that it will go away??? that just takes the blame off of our shoulders, does nothing to actually help the situation... its the proverbial pontius pilate washing your hands of the situation rather than taking part in trying to prevent it...

i think threads like these should be completely expected and allowed...

expected because marijuana is an illegal drug by the books, so it is lumped in with all other illegal drugs.... people seeking info on an illegal drug, whichever it may be, probably have an easier time finding our huge pot growing forum, (with a small subforum for hallucinatory substances, mind you) rather than finding a datura or oxycontin forum.... so they come here and ask their sometimes ridiculous questions...

it should be allowed because we are all SUPPOSED to be adults here, yet like you pointed out, we sadly all know that this is not the case...especially with some of these less mainstream drugs, or routes of administration... we should steer these people, young or old, into the right directions with their mind altering ventures, and advise them into the safe ways to do (or not to do at all in some cases) these said drugs.... we also need to stay on top of trying to weed out the underage members; as near impossible as that may be...

what we should not allow imho, are the people that egg on dangerous behavour rather than spread good information....

if we do these things, i believe we would actually be doing something to help, rather than just look the other way and say "go somewhere else; dont die by me"...
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