to the old school stoners out there....


Well-Known Member
I think its just a case of when your young THC has a much more profound effect on your brain and body.
The psychological impact of your first few years of toking will always seem like the best even if you smoked ditch weed.

No weed of any kind can ever really bring that "feeling" back.
That is probably what we always search for and why no one can find it.
Lost in time forever:blsmoke:


Active Member
that's the truth right there man, it's all about how much fun it is when you're young, not the strength of the weed today, although I have heard that the high provided by the old-school strains was much more premium than today, and I can believe it, with the commercial path weed has gone down. You can still find unique shit around though, just have to know the right dealers and growers (nothin better than buds that just finished curing the day you bought 'em) Used to get this shit called Blue Triangle that this local grower created - OG Kush x Master Kush x Purple Kush, and the shit was one-hit killer. Seasoned smokers would pull one GB and be the highest they've ever been, and the smell off one eighter could fill a house. Grower moved though, so if anyone is getting this shit in their town, let me know. I'll buy his whole stash.


Well-Known Member
both my parents are old old school hippies, living a hop skip and jump from thai land allowd them to aquire the best stuff around. both say thai sticks are the best high they've had even though i've given them some GOOD shit.
I'm not surprised. Thai Sticks were being sprayed with hash oil at the time, which actually made them measure as being twice as strong as most other Marijuana from it's time, 22% THC. If you took some of the shit we have today and drenched it in hash oil, I'll bet they would think it was better than any Thai Stick they ever smoked back in the day.

that's the truth right there man, it's all about how much fun it is when you're young, not the strength of the weed today, although I have heard that the high provided by the old-school strains was much more premium than today, and I can believe it, with the commercial path weed has gone down. You can still find unique shit around though, just have to know the right dealers and growers.
You are very right, It doe's depend on who you know. But I think only SOME weed has gone down a commercial path. There are still plenty Connoisseur quality strains that really are more powerful than those from back in the day. And have a more "premium" high than any of the old-school strains as well. I'f you've smoked any Cannabis Cup winners, you know what I'm talking about.

I'm telling you, my mom married my dad because he had the best drugs out of anyone she had ever met by the time she was 30, so it wasn't like he had inferior product. They smoked all of the same stuff that every other hippie did, and they also used to grow the good shit by the acre (7 acres, so be exact). My dad compares the best Colombian or Acupulco gold, and the very Best Panama red, to the decent BC buds we get here, which goes for about $100 - $120 per 1/2 oz, $200 per Oz. The actual "Fire" or "Dro" or "Chron,"whatever you want to call connoisseur that I grow and sometimes buy, they say, is sometimes almost twice as good as what they used to have. I still can't find any hash my dad liked more than Turkish Black, though, lol. I think it really has more to do with the other thing you said about it not being the same when you are all grown up as opposed to when you were younger. It's just hard for some of these dudes to admit it... But how could 30 years of selective breeding make the species less potent and give a weaker high, when that is primarily what was bred fro. Sure, I know some indicas were mixed in with sativas to shorten flowering times... but If you mix the right one it, it could potentially make your new cross better than either strain by themselves.

Also, GoGrow, I think I know the one you are talking about. It's a different one than that. Wish i could find it. they claimed to have "heirloom cannabis seeds" and had a SHITLOAD of varieties to offer. it was a canadian seed bank, but didn't offer any pics, and it seemed a little sketch, so i never used it.


Well-Known Member
just had a harvest actually, might use some of the scrappyer parts to make some oil then drench some bud an roll a fat J for all of us! i'll let ya know wat they say.
I do believe the youth factor comes into it too. young, free and high:blsmoke: wat's not to love?


i think natmoon brings up a very valid point that i have yet to consider for some reason... he didnt start smoking til he was 18, so all of his stories are prob. from the first couple years of him tokin.... i know the first couple of years i smoked is the highest ive ever been; and that was all shwag...


Well-Known Member
People keep fixating on the THC percentage, but there's a lot more to a good smoke than how strong it is. Mad Dog 20/20 has more of a kick than Dom Perignon, but that doesn't mean it's better wine.

Primo weed in the 70s and 80s had a smooth taste and a nice, euphoric but clear-headed high: it was almost exclusively outdoor-grown 100% sativa. It probably wasn't as powerful hit-for-hit as some of the best pot grown today, but since it was considerably cheaper that wasn't so much of a consideration.

Today most of the commercially available weed is grown indoors and has a greater or lesser percentage of Indica in its heritage. Indicas are shorter and have a shorter flowering time: thus it makes more sense to grow them than Sativas, especially since a good Indica can have a silly THC percentage. (I remember the first time I smoked a purple Indica in 1983 and got so stoned I couldn't talk). But a lot of people find the Indica high is more narcotic and sedating: it leaves them couch-locked.

Is the weed stronger now than in 1960s and 1970s? On average, probably. Is it "better" -- that depends on your preferences. A lot of us old-time stoners would kill for a nice sack of Colombian Gold, even if its THC content isn't as high as the latest from Amsterdam.


Well-Known Member
People keep fixating on the THC percentage, but there's a lot more to a good smoke than how strong it is. Mad Dog 20/20 has more of a kick than Dom Perignon, but that doesn't mean it's better wine.

Primo weed in the 70s and 80s had a smooth taste and a nice, euphoric but clear-headed high: it was almost exclusively outdoor-grown 100% sativa. It probably wasn't as powerful hit-for-hit as some of the best pot grown today, but since it was considerably cheaper that wasn't so much of a consideration.

Today most of the commercially available weed is grown indoors and has a greater or lesser percentage of Indica in its heritage. Indicas are shorter and have a shorter flowering time: thus it makes more sense to grow them than Sativas, especially since a good Indica can have a silly THC percentage. (I remember the first time I smoked a purple Indica in 1983 and got so stoned I couldn't talk). But a lot of people find the Indica high is more narcotic and sedating: it leaves them couch-locked.

Is the weed stronger now than in 1960s and 1970s? On average, probably. Is it "better" -- that depends on your preferences. A lot of us old-time stoners would kill for a nice sack of Colombian Gold, even if its THC content isn't as high as the latest from Amsterdam.
couldn't be more true. quality over quantity


Well-Known Member
The old school stuff we are talking about was pure sativas from mostly equatorial regions..It was coming from its best possible environment. Most of the time it was chopped like tobacco is topped.They would cut the stalk and let it dry in the sun for a few days which would degrade some of the THC and have A killer high and you feel stoned stupid:)
todays herb is Stronger but not necessarily better.


Active Member
hi everybody. new to the site but not to the weed.haha. ive seen thai stick many times and i thought it was soaked in opium water(by-product of herion manufacturing) not hash oil. maybe they do it diff now, but that is what made it so killer back in my day.

one thing people overlook is that transportation/bricking destroys alot of thc. i think the best stuff back then is every bit as good as the best stuff now. the facts they have in mississippi would lead one to believe that its stronger now. i think the higher thc% has alot to do with less destruction of thc in transport and/or drying in the hot sun.

some peeps think a super crusty indica will be stronger just because the old school sativas dont have the huge resin glands. i for one would disagree. i use indicas for pain. its a snoring vs soaring thing to me.

if you want old school forget indicas/blends and go for a pure sativa. damn im old. to be fair chocolope does take me back too.:mrgreen:


hi everybody. new to the site but not to the weed.haha. ive seen thai stick many times and i thought it was soaked in opium water(by-product of herion manufacturing) not hash oil. maybe they do it diff now, but that is what made it so killer back in my day.

one thing people overlook is that transportation/bricking destroys alot of thc. i think the best stuff back then is every bit as good as the best stuff now. the facts they have in mississippi would lead one to believe that its stronger now. i think the higher thc% has alot to do with less destruction of thc in transport and/or drying in the hot sun.

some peeps think a super crusty indica will be stronger just because the old school sativas dont have the huge resin glands. i for one would disagree. i use indicas for pain. its a snoring vs soaring thing to me.

if you want old school forget indicas/blends and go for a pure sativa. damn im old. to be fair chocolope does take me back too.:mrgreen:

+rep for being the first person to actually mention a strain....


i saw nevilles haze mentioned i think.haha. i was going to say that instead of chocolope since its a blend and only takes you back to the 80's. its all good. :joint:

it was mentioned, but it was opinion of my age group; yours is more of what i was looking for; firsthand


Well-Known Member
I'm talkin something so Sativa it takes 14 weeks or more to flower! Any of Arjan's Hazes, or Hawaiian Snow maybe. Also, going with something like "Neville's Haze" or "Original Haze" might be a good idea since they were originally bred relitively long ago

GoGrow, I think I may have found a strain that he might like. Its called "Colombian Rojo Haze" and is from Seedsman. It is literally the old school Colombian Red, crossed with their Original Haze which is also from pretty old school genetics. I'll ask my dad what he thinks of the final product, if it tastes like the old school stuff or not.

Anyway, Colombian Rojo(red) Haze from Seedsman, It's about as old school as you can get from most places. Once again, good luck.
hi everybody. new to the site but not to the weed.haha. ive seen thai stick many times and i thought it was soaked in opium water(by-product of herion manufacturing) not hash oil. maybe they do it diff now, but that is what made it so killer back in my day.
to be fair chocolope does take me back too.:mrgreen:
So you heard they were soaked in opium water? By the dudes and babes at the party or hang-out where you used it? Thats awesome man, I'm envious we can't just live like that anymore... but does that automatically trumps the CIA/DEA Term-paper of a drug study that I read I'm just saying that anything back then soaked in or sprayed with enough hash oil to make it measure 22% THC, would automatically make it about twice as good as anything else. People might even think the stoniness of the hash was a little bit of opium mixed in. I'm just sayin, based on the studies, Thai-Sticks were adulterated by hash oil and not opium. It makes more economic sence. The hash oil can be made from the Thai-Stick byproduct. Opium would need to be purchased, or at least diverted from regular production (If some real serious druglord was manufacturing both) to be sprayed on the marijuana. Why not just turn it into heroin like the rest of your opium? It's taking away something worth alot more, and using on something that goes for less. It would be a bad business move. I'm just sayin... It was probably hash... no offence dude. Also, why does no one seem to realize that this study I keep referencing WAS done back in the day. like in 1969 or 1970 or something. It was at a library, If I had a web link I would give it but, like I said, it was in a library. The study done in the late sixties/early seventies showerd that most marijuana was around 1%-5%, but there were areas of the world (panama, mexico, afganistan) that produced marijuana with 9%-12%, in some cases to 13% or 14%. That sticks were found to be adulterated with hash-oil, and that made them twice as strong as almost anything out there. I'm not surprised you guys thought it was laced with opium. maybe some special hippie had taken the time to lace an "extra special batch" in your case, and grew a whole opium feild, and felt like ding something cool and dipped the That Sticks in his mixing product. but it was probably just Hash oil. No offence meant man :peace:

+rep for being the first person to actually mention a strain....
it was mentioned, but it was opinion of my age group; yours is more of what i was looking for; firsthand
Ok, so I'm a younger age group, but at least give credit where credit is due. Every site that seels Chocolope says "It brings you back to that old school chocolate flavor," So... no offence meant, but I actually put alot of time into this including asking a firsthand source many questions on multiple occasions. I mentioned at least 3 strains, I WAS at least TRYING? sorry I'm only 26. I'm not like gonna go on a rant or anything, but please give credit where credit is due. At least one person noticed and reminded. +rep to you sir. :peace:
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Well-Known Member
I'm ole school and my opinion if I was smoking the stuff today back in the day I'd be as high and probably higher. When it's new it's new and everything that goes with it and it only happens once and you can't go back .Back in the day was a once in a lifetime expieiance and you can come close but never have those exact effects and it doesn't mean today's stuff isn't as strong imo Showgirl


Ok, so I'm a younger age group, but at least give credit where credit is due. Every site that seels Chocolope says "It brings you back to that old school chocolate flavor," So... no offence meant, but I actually put alot of time into this including asking a firsthand source many questions on multiple occasions. I mentioned at least 3 strains, I WAS at least TRYING? sorry I'm only 26. I'm not like gonna go on a rant or anything, but please give credit where credit is due. At least one person noticed and reminded. +rep to you sir. :peace:

i give credit where it is due; you have recieved rep for your help; and i do appreciate it, all i meant about the age group thing, was that i was looking for a firsthand experience, not an opinion such as my own, no matter how much research...didnt mean to downplay your effort.


Active Member
no offense mmj1982. but ive seen it first hand. the water is thrown away by the drugs producers. the villagers would work or trade space to the producers for money and the water. basically it was free. anyone on this site from thailand with modern knowledge?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, hash-oil does make more sense . . . I was around A LOT of stick in the early 70's in suburban D.C. and, until a minute ago, would've sworn it was opium-dipped. You CAN teach and Old Fart new tricks!
Sure glad nobody bet me earlier this morning.

That still doesn't explain the silly white and pink elephants that seemed to frolic around every country road we rode while and after smoking stick!
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sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
I sold a little pot around D.C. in the late 60"s . . . 120$ lb / 15 a lid (oz) and have grown my stash since the mid-70's. :blsmoke:
$120 a pound?!?!?! damnit someone needs to invent a time machine so i can go back and get some poundage:weed:

but seriously if we talk pure numbers, today's stuff has a higher THC content but i dont think anything could really compare to smoking a pure strain like the old days before everything was a cross of a cross of a cross. it seems a shame that there really arent alot of geneticlly pure strains these days.


Well-Known Member
Ive had the same debate with my mom then she took to hits of my shit ( killer green but not even the good shit i could get at the time) 10 minutes later she was curled up under the covers of her bed wimperin to me that "the shit was laced"" it had to be". hahaha it still cracks me up, debate over. but i think the old schoolers really think that because back then the good stuff came around every once and a while and when they smoked it their tolerance was lower so they got higher .......or thought they did


Well-Known Member
First off to go grow, I know you gave me credit, I was not having a good day. didn't mean to sound cross. BHowever, by "research" I meant several conversations with a 60 year old ex hippie. hours of talking altogether. It's not like I JUST read the huge government testing synopsis of 25 years of research done by both the CIA and the DEA. I put a shit-load of effort into this thread, and it seemed like it got brushed aside the second time around. no offence.

skinnypuppy, you have seen with your own eyes that they throw opium water away and that poor villagers want it. thats cool. But, no offence meant to you, did you see them dipping Thai-Sticks in it? Because the previously classified study I read (which was a couple hundred pages long, and yes I read the whole thing. It was source material for a term paper, I had to get a copy sent from the archives in D.C., and I now believe the copy I used is resting at the library I did the majority or my research in.) said the actual tests turned up Hash Oil every time over a period of, I believe, 25 years. I believe there was even something about "rumors" that Thai Sticks were being adulterated with opium, however none of these proved to be true over the entire length of the study. In all the tests done over the years, no marijuana products were found to contain ANY opiates, except for a few samples of Turkish hash from the mid-seventies (probably the black kind my dad seemed to like so well, lol). It is not cost effective to lace weak drugs with stronger drugs. Anyway, this study that I actually researched for a legitimate paper said that out of all tests done by the CIA abroad or the DEA at home with foreign drugs, over a 25 year period (most of the sixties, the entire seventies, part of the eighties) no Thai Sticks were tested with any Opiates, just lots and lots of hash every single time. Also, who would throw "opium water" away? If some liquid at a drug factory still has any drug in it, it gets refined into product. otherwise, you are literally throwing money down the drain. why wouldn't that "opium water" get turned into opium.

I have made opium myself, out of papaver somniferum (opium poppy), and If you have opoids suspended in water, all you need to do is slowly let the water evaporate and soon you have pretty high grade opium. I suspect this "opium water" to be a chemical by-product of the conversion of opium into morphine, the second step towards heroin. Theres a little opium in that, as well as all kinds of nasty shit, and if they were throwing it away, it wasn't worth anything. Maybe there's trace amounts of opium amongst the chemicals that the villagers are able to extract in small amounts to use to trade or barter in their rudimentary economies, which are usually based on drugs anyway (rather than precious metals and commodities, like most civilized countries where a smaller percentage of the poor are exploited). I don't think people who produce hard drugs are the type of people who would get rid of something that could potentially make them money, Which 'opium water' would, if thats what it was.

Also, If you use common sense, why wouldn't it be sprayed with Hash oil? Thai Sticks were heavily processed, especially for marijuana, the way they were wrapped onto those sticks with hemp rope or whatever. They would have alot of raw by-product like sugar leaves and fan leaves. stuff that contains THC. Someone smart might make all that shit into hash oil and make their weed so strong that 30 years later, people still think it was laced with opium, lol.

There is something to the PURITY of the high offered by certain varieties. These landrace strains are still around, and I think they are gonna be making a comeback pretty soon. If people can "re-find" all these lost and muddled strains, and inbreed for potency a couple times... these old school guys and gals could be in heaven!
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