Undergrounds grow?


hey guy's. I know I have another thread on the go, but since this is about a diffrent topic I thought I'd open up a new thread.

I've read growing outdoors is probably the best, but with the day's getting shorter and all, I got an Idea, what if I dig a hole in the ground, with a window on top, have it insolated so the Geo heat stay's in , a solar powered light to give the plant a few more hours light after the sun sets to make up for the shortening day's.. do you think that would work (also reflective inside to hopefully compensate for the angle of the sun not shining directly into the hole)


Active Member
You'd have to dig a pretty deep hole...plus, other factors like humidity may become a problem, or a possible flooding with a hard rain...neat idea though!


huminity: I'll build the walls out of cement board, and seal it nicely.

flooding? build a small sump pump :) should be fun, I've designed and helped construct houses before, this would just be a house.. underground.. and probably no proper structure..
heat will be a problem at night. There is a reason people live in huts that are slightly bury'd in very hot conditions, because the earth absorbs heat quickly and keeps anything submerged in the earth equally cool.

So i dont know where u live but you should take that into consideration, Because i live somewhere very hot but even in winter i see that being a problem......

It has potential though, dont be dismayed by people telling you what u cant do , give it a try, outdoor plants (to me anyway) is like toilet paper, u can throw them away every time u take a shit and mess things up but they are cheap and easy to replace when u do.....

If its got a clear panel roof then ur watering requirements will be increased because it will become more dependant on sustanance. Also, it will need access to C02 during the day and 02 at night meaning it will have to be ventilated 2...... invent a ventilation / watering tube system while ur at it :)


a fair amount of air ducting that is heated With Geo thermal energy, I'm not too worried about sent outside, but I might but a filter on it anyways for insects and stuff.

Originalien: sorry I didn't see your post till after I replied. those are some good tips, I could allways try solar heating on top of the Geothermal heating, the Geothermal should remain close to 15*C evens through the winter, it's a bit cold, but the plant should be able to survive it, plus I'll probably check on it every day to water it, though I might be able to make the water from the sump pump go to the plant.. hmm, sounds like a really fun project.. especially since I'm on a shoe string budget at the moment.


Active Member
Hmm...well, gotta say, if you're successful at it, that will be quite the epic grow...a grow room with a fallout shelter facade...I'll be sure and holler at ya when the bombs start droppin, cause thats where im gonna wanna be! lol

Also, I'm assuming you live kinda out away from people? As to not arise suspicion when you're building an underground room in your backyard lol...outta curiosity though, why go through such trouble when indoor rooms can be done cheaper/easier?
have u taken into account the reduced lighting that the plant will recieve??? If its underground the only time its going to get light is between 11 - 1 pm so , u will lose alot of daylight hours because of the shadow its in


Lightning: ;) that's all I'm gonna say

Originalien: that's my bggest worry. I'm gonna try designing it so it gets as much light as possible, but.. we shall see, that's why it's an experiment, It'll be only 4 seeds, hopefully at least one of them will survive and be female, if not, it'll still be fun :)


Well-Known Member
power, venting is the least of your worries.

without proper retaining walls or system's in place you will find your self in a bit of a predicament after heavy rains and your plants are 6 feet under. Good luck


Well-Known Member
ground water will be an issue aswell. imo not worth it. just make a little green house above the ground


free 2X4's ^.^ I'll have plenty of structural support for any possible collapses. (not gonna use dry wall though for obvious moisture reasons)


Well-Known Member
ground water will be an issue aswell. imo not worth it. just make a little green house above the ground
yep too true.

how high are you above sea level. and do you live in a valley or ridge all these factors need to be taken into account