Use of the word "nigger"

You mean I can CHOOSE to be a nigga? Now, why didn't my mom tell me that when I was little back in Louisiana? :lol:
If the word nigger is to be banded a list long of names will also be banned Hill billy honky, paki ,dirty arab, big nostrils (jews) ,curry hair (muslims), hairy pits (germans),paddy mick (irish) shitty teeth (english) concreat shorts (polish) sheep shaggers (welsh)
i think the word is just our culture today weather people like it or not. people throw it around like any other word. doesnt make it right but it happens.

It is just a word that the blacks hang on too for leverage.It is a word just like dick,bitch,and fucker but it always has to keep this color issue going on with it.I use nigger a lot and I don't have a problem with colored people.If I hafd a colored friend that didn't like me using that word around them then I wouldn't cause I respect my friends.I give everyone a chance.If people didn't make a big issue about race(Al Sharpton,Jesse Jackson)then the word would be just that.A word!Al sharpton is a NIGGER.He brings the race issue in everything.You wanna end racism but you preach it over and over with things that aren't even race related.Lets just keep it alive by putting the race in everything regardless of meaning.Go die Al!!!I fuckin hate you you NIGGER!!I like everyone till they piss me off!!!!No color or sex!
I don't say nigger very often, but I am ALWAYS blurting out, "God DAMMIT!" and "SHIT!" I also say fucking a lot. :oops: I have a potty mouf.
I'm a white guy. I realize the term 'nigger' is a bad one. My stepfather was black, and a brother-in-law was black, and one of my nieces is half black. So, I heard the term used in derogatory manner often enough as a child. And my mom, being married to a black man (20 years her junior at that) in the 70s, well, my mom was ahead of her time in that respect, and she got a lot of shit for it in terms of prejudice.

But...the fact that blacks can use the term and not whites is in and of itself racist, and in this case the racism is propogated by the blacks. Whenever one race is singled out for different behavior, or different reactions to behavior, whatever, that is racist. If you truly don't 'see the color of peoples' skin' then the race of the person using the term is irrelevant. I mean, they get to use the terms honkey and whitey and cracker and so on, right? I don't get my panties in a bunch over that. Every time someone uses the term though, whether they're black or white or red or whatever, the lifespan of the word is extended. Every time someone uses the word 'nigger', even if they're black, they keep the word alive and give it strength.

That said, I choose not to use any of those derogatory racist (or sexist) terms myself (kike, beaner, nigger, wetback, spook, cunt, gook, blah blah blah, the list is long). I find them all offensive, and I think less of people I do hear using them, regardless of the word or the race of the person using it. reflects the common usage of society today. There are 3 definitions, and the first two are used to denote a black person in a derogatory manner. The third definition is that it is a word that can be used for *any* victim of racial oppression. I don't quite get that one, as I've never heard anyone point at a Jew or a Mexican and call them a nigger. I guess it happens, but in my life I've never heard it used in that way.

My significant other is Jewish. I think I'll go call her a nigger and see what she thinks. If I don't come back, I'm dead. ;) reflects the common usage of society today. There are 3 definitions, and the first two are used to denote a black person in a derogatory manner. The third definition is that it is a word that can be used for *any* victim of racial oppression. I don't quite get that one, as I've never heard anyone point at a Jew or a Mexican and call them a nigger. I guess it happens, but in my life I've never heard it used in that way.

My significant other is Jewish. I think I'll go call her a nigger and see what she thinks. If I don't come back, I'm dead. ;)

hes not coming back.

ive called lots of people the n word. not just black people. but its a joke around here. i imagine it being different in different places.
it means a ignorant person... black isnt even in it. if you look it up in a real dictionary..
cant blame the word, blame society.
Well, maybe a few other places, like most of western Europe, Britton, Canada and Australia and New Zealand for starters.
Only in the U.S. is free speech protected by anything resembling the First Amendment.

In every instance you cited, except NZ to my knowledge, the Islamists use the laws of each country to punish speech criticizing their precious religion. Those laws are upheld.
Prominent media personalities on both sides of the Atlantic are in trouble for recent comments made about Islamic countries. Is freedom of speech threatened?
Radical Islam -- a Threat to Freedom of Speech?

Here's an article saying free speech is fine, as long as it is responsible. Who's sensitivity defines responsible?
What we need now on both sides is an understanding that this is not a legal issue, or an issue of rights. Free speech is a right in Europe and legally protected. No one should contest this. At the same time, there should be an understanding that the complexion of European society has changed with immigrants from diverse cultures. Because of that, there should be sensitivity to Muslims and others living in Europe.
Free speech and civic responsibility - International Herald Tribune

Under assault by Muslims and multiculturalists, free speech and freedom of the press are dead in Britain. The same sorts of people who killed them in Britain are killing them in Canada. They and their allies are using the British and Canadian courts and tribunals to bury our First Amendment rights in America.
Islam vs. Free Speech - HUMAN EVENTS
Only in the U.S. is free speech protected by anything resembling the First Amendment.

In every instance you cited, except NZ to my knowledge, the Islamists use the laws of each country to punish speech criticizing their precious religion. Those laws are upheld.
Radical Islam -- a Threat to Freedom of Speech?

Here's an article saying free speech is fine, as long as it is responsible. Who's sensitivity defines responsible?
Free speech and civic responsibility - International Herald Tribune

Islam vs. Free Speech - HUMAN EVENTS
Well Johnny, I'd have to say if you went on the MSM and started ranking on Muslims or any diverse group, your "freedom" of speech would be sharply curtailed, right here in the good old USofA. Try and go on Fox or any mainstream propaganda station and say the word "Nigger". Not only would you be chastized, but the word would be exculpated from the broadcast all together and only a referance to the "N" word would be allowed. "Freedom" in this country depends on how much cash you have, period.
Freedom of speech is not an absolute right. That is, you don't have freedom of speech in all areas and locations and under all circumstances. Private websites, like this one for example -- they have no obligation to let you say anything you please. It's like a private residence, the owner has the freedom to make the rules. Just like you get to make the rules in your own home, and on any websites you create. Likewise, Fox is a company, not the government, so they can set their rules how they wish.

Freedom of speech, as a right, applies when you are on public land, government land. In other words, not this dude's land or that dude's land, but on *our* land. Even then, there are a few restrictions, like you can't incite a riot, you can't incite a bunch of KKK members to string up a black dude, that kind of thing. Common sense restrictions for the most part.

Yes, you can go on the steps of the capitol building of your state and scream the word 'nigger' if you so choose. But you can't point at a black dude and scream, 'Let's hang that nigger!'
Only in the U.S. is free speech protected by anything resembling the First Amendment.

In every instance you cited, except NZ to my knowledge, the Islamists use the laws of each country to punish speech criticizing their precious religion. Those laws are upheld.
Radical Islam -- a Threat to Freedom of Speech?

Here's an article saying free speech is fine, as long as it is responsible. Who's sensitivity defines responsible?
Free speech and civic responsibility - International Herald Tribune

Islam vs. Free Speech - HUMAN EVENTS

You make a point, but you make it sound like its completely an Islamic thing

In france, challenging the holocaust, is punishible by jail time

Im not saying this to make a point about the holocaust, i think we all know how dumb that is

but is that freedom of speech?
You make a point, but you make it sound like its completely an Islamic thing

In france, challenging the holocaust, is punishible by jail time

Im not saying this to make a point about the holocaust, i think we all know how dumb that is

but is that freedom of speech?
Your point reinforces my point directly.

My point regarding Muslims specifically is that they use the law as a club so that their religious sensibilities be treated gingerly. No criticism allowed. Otherwise violence can be expected if the law does not act to punish the perpetrators who dare speak out.
Well Johnny, I'd have to say if you went on the MSM and started ranking on Muslims or any diverse group, your "freedom" of speech would be sharply curtailed, right here in the good old USofA. Try and go on Fox or any mainstream propaganda station and say the word "Nigger". Not only would you be chastized, but the word would be exculpated from the broadcast all together and only a referance to the "N" word would be allowed. "Freedom" in this country depends on how much cash you have, period.
After it is all said and done, one may still go to the public square and shout the n-word to the top of your lungs and not fear being hauled off by the thought police.

One must contend with the fallout stemming from that very public action. Anyone is free to use their voice to disagree. However, offer a rebuttal in the form of a fist smashing the mouth saying the n-word, and guess who goes to jail?

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