i think the word is just our culture today weather people like it or not. people throw it around like any other word. doesnt make it right but it happens.
Dictionary.com reflects the common usage of society today. There are 3 definitions, and the first two are used to denote a black person in a derogatory manner. The third definition is that it is a word that can be used for *any* victim of racial oppression. I don't quite get that one, as I've never heard anyone point at a Jew or a Mexican and call them a nigger. I guess it happens, but in my life I've never heard it used in that way.
My significant other is Jewish. I think I'll go call her a nigger and see what she thinks. If I don't come back, I'm dead.![]()
Well, maybe a few other places, like most of western Europe, Britton, Canada and Australia and New Zealand for starters.No guilt, no blame....say what you want and let others think what they will.....only in America.
Only in the U.S. is free speech protected by anything resembling the First Amendment.Well, maybe a few other places, like most of western Europe, Britton, Canada and Australia and New Zealand for starters.
Radical Islam -- a Threat to Freedom of Speech?Prominent media personalities on both sides of the Atlantic are in trouble for recent comments made about Islamic countries. Is freedom of speech threatened?
Free speech and civic responsibility - International Herald TribuneWhat we need now on both sides is an understanding that this is not a legal issue, or an issue of rights. Free speech is a right in Europe and legally protected. No one should contest this. At the same time, there should be an understanding that the complexion of European society has changed with immigrants from diverse cultures. Because of that, there should be sensitivity to Muslims and others living in Europe.
Islam vs. Free Speech - HUMAN EVENTSUnder assault by Muslims and multiculturalists, free speech and freedom of the press are dead in Britain. The same sorts of people who killed them in Britain are killing them in Canada. They and their allies are using the British and Canadian courts and tribunals to bury our First Amendment rights in America.
Well Johnny, I'd have to say if you went on the MSM and started ranking on Muslims or any diverse group, your "freedom" of speech would be sharply curtailed, right here in the good old USofA. Try and go on Fox or any mainstream propaganda station and say the word "Nigger". Not only would you be chastized, but the word would be exculpated from the broadcast all together and only a referance to the "N" word would be allowed. "Freedom" in this country depends on how much cash you have, period.Only in the U.S. is free speech protected by anything resembling the First Amendment.
In every instance you cited, except NZ to my knowledge, the Islamists use the laws of each country to punish speech criticizing their precious religion. Those laws are upheld.
Radical Islam -- a Threat to Freedom of Speech?
Here's an article saying free speech is fine, as long as it is responsible. Who's sensitivity defines responsible?
Free speech and civic responsibility - International Herald Tribune
Islam vs. Free Speech - HUMAN EVENTS
Muslim outrage at police advert featuring cute puppy sitting in policeman's hat | Mail OnlineA postcard featuring a cute puppy sitting in a policeman's hat advertising a Scottish police force's new telephone number has sparked outrage from Muslims.
Only in the U.S. is free speech protected by anything resembling the First Amendment.
In every instance you cited, except NZ to my knowledge, the Islamists use the laws of each country to punish speech criticizing their precious religion. Those laws are upheld.
Radical Islam -- a Threat to Freedom of Speech?
Here's an article saying free speech is fine, as long as it is responsible. Who's sensitivity defines responsible?
Free speech and civic responsibility - International Herald Tribune
Islam vs. Free Speech - HUMAN EVENTS
Your point reinforces my point directly.You make a point, but you make it sound like its completely an Islamic thing
In france, challenging the holocaust, is punishible by jail time
Im not saying this to make a point about the holocaust, i think we all know how dumb that is
but is that freedom of speech?
After it is all said and done, one may still go to the public square and shout the n-word to the top of your lungs and not fear being hauled off by the thought police.Well Johnny, I'd have to say if you went on the MSM and started ranking on Muslims or any diverse group, your "freedom" of speech would be sharply curtailed, right here in the good old USofA. Try and go on Fox or any mainstream propaganda station and say the word "Nigger". Not only would you be chastized, but the word would be exculpated from the broadcast all together and only a referance to the "N" word would be allowed. "Freedom" in this country depends on how much cash you have, period.