Use of the word "nigger"

Moe punn Is my Nigga ....... Whats going on Bro..^5 ... ONE .. Right on ... Try that shit in my town... When a black person walks on main street in our town People start wispering,, whenever a black family moves in they usually move out within a month,, No one who owns land will sell to anyone else but white folks .. Im not saying it is right but thats how it is ,, Its just like a white guy walking through Harlem at night ,,,He is going to become a victim.... Peace Bro.. I dont hate , I just roll with it and mind my own business , I say each should stay with their own Kind
me my cuz my uncle and more recently my buddy oh ya i guy at work. use it to say hi like hey nigger head or just nigger and big (and little) kerniggra. just sounds kinda funny idk me and my cuz started it like 2 years ago to us it means your a grower or have helped grow or just a realy cool person. im white so it probly sounds strange but i dont care im not racest pesay but i grew up to stick to my race but it wasent ever told to us just a kind of attuited thing i guess
I was brought up to NEVER use the word, I pretty much don't. But, I'm curious about all these people who are saying that if someone uses what they consider to be an offensive word that you might be on the receiving end of their fist, so I have a question for you folks; Don't you see a little problem when things go from an uttered word to a physical damage?

I do. Med is right, words have as much power as we give them, or as much power as we take away. "Nice" used to mean you were a fool. Now..? Not so much.

While my husband (VTXDave) is a very white boy, his wife is mistaken for many different ethnicities and was born in the South. Our experiences are very different, though, and it makes for an interesting mix.
To answer your question its a clear double standard and as shitty as that sounds its just the way it is...

I'da slapped the shit out of you (open hand) if I'd ever heard you say it! hope your feeling aint fragile but the truth is the truth...

Hom36rown you hit the nail on the head wether black or white but again if you're white just think it instead of saying it at least in my presence...

See I wonder if a mafucka like this would say that shit if my 6'3" 290 lbs ass was standing beside him and if you would kudos to U for being a man and speaking your mind however I'd still be inclined to BREAK YOUR FUCKIN JAW!

So true but the my only problem has to do with the above mentioned post... See I live in one of the blackest cities in America so we out number white people by so much its ridicilous... Personally even though it means a fight I'd rather be around people who will call me a nigger to my face rather than think it and be too much of a pussy to say so.

True Story: Between 1998 & 2000 I was locked up in MD's roughest jail, one of the roughest in the country. SO anyways I'm the tier runner (for those who dont know thats like the camp troop leader) its about 50 of us on the tier and so one day we got new inmates all white boyz on the tier all at once (probably 8 or 9 i cant remeber exactly) all coming from Haggerstown (which is predominately a white boy jail and I mean tuff white boyz) I'm not talking about white boys who who give each other 5's and wear their hats backwards I mean Harley riding, bald head having, chain attached to their balls wearing, ford F 350 driving, confederate flag waiving, dukes of hazard, Higher learning watching White boyz. And One of those white boys (mafucka looked like Bam Bam Bigalo) was on the top level of the tier and said to one of his buddies something about "blah blah blah and they (meaning us niggers) can suck my white dick" White Power rained supreme on our tier for all of about 2 hours after that. Them white boys thought since they come on the tier kinda deep they were gonna run some shit... So I gathered the crew me,lil Derrick, T, Jabo, & Redds we locked in with each and every one of them man - man (locked in = got to their cell to fight lock the door and dance) but it was all 1 on 1 shit nobody banked them as you can see because the numbers werent exactly even some of us had to fight twice in about an hours time but what had to be done had to be done (truthfully we probably would have banked them if the brothers lost any of the fights but thankfully we didn't have to) so anyways the new transfers always come in right before evening feed up about 4:30 ish by 9 o'clock all 8 of them had been transferred to either another tier or pc (protective custody) or punk city as we called it... All because use of a bad word or two in the wrong persons presence... So I dont want this to sound like I'm a bully or anything like that but call my mother a bitch and Imma slap U, call my son a nigger and Imma slap you, call my Lord anything other than JESUS and Imma slap you... and I hope you can fight cause if you decide to hit me back trust and believe there's a ER trip in your immediate future and my win loss record aint unblemished but I am undefeated against white people but then again Triple H or Big Kevin Nash never called me nigger neither cause maybe I'd have an L on there but they would have gotten a fight none-the-less.

Not that i really care but what was the point of that big speech,i dont know what pennitentary you were in but the one's i was in wasnt like that,if you walked up & broke bad on another set's tier it'd be your ass.
I think its just another word, but I find most people who use it to be.. well intellectually lower then most, be it just plain stupid or just ignorance.

BTW Moe, talking big on the internet is pointless we have enough e-thugs on the internet we don't need more.

See I knew this was gonna happen, I'm sure that in your very PC friendly, uba non-violent world I probably sounded like "A nigga just ranting and raving" I assure you that is not the case there's nothing you read that you wouldn't hear me say to anyone's face @ a mall or @ a bar, or in line @ the supermarket... I thought I tried to accent just how much of a thug I'm not or a quote unquote tough guy I'm not, just that if somethings worth fighting about I will fight thats all and this is one of those fight about situations... FYI this is not me arguing over the net cause thats the dumbest thing ever... I mean we're all tuff behind these screens right...

Fuck that. I am undefeated against black people becuase I just locked them. How come I have heard black guys talking about white boys like it is nothing, but i have to lock someone after i call them black boy?

Hey it's your prerogative what you do and don't say and who you do and don't say it to. To be honest black boy aint even offensive to me so were we in front of each other I'd politely ask you if when you say "black boy" are you using that as a synonym for "Nigger" and depend upon your answer whether we have to dance or not... Being candid here you sound just like the guy I say I have respect and can appreciate, you dont like me and you aint gonna front like you like some pussy's who smile in my face and then talk shit when I'm out of ear range which at least tells me your manhood is not in question how ever just like my man Tony said "All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for no one" So disrespect me and I've all of a sudden run out of words to say...

Moe punn Is my Nigga ....... Whats going on Bro..^5 ... ONE .. Right on ... Try that shit in my town... When a black person walks on main street in our town People start wispering,, whenever a black family moves in they usually move out within a month,, No one who owns land will sell to anyone else but white folks .. Im not saying it is right but thats how it is ,, Its just like a white guy walking through Harlem at night ,,,He is going to become a victim.... Peace Bro.. I dont hate , I just roll with it and mind my own business , I say each should stay with their own Kind

Let me not understate the fact that I'm light skinned like a shade or two lighter than say a Tiger Woods so I've got a whole slew of white people in my fam and I'm not saying "lets segregate or anything of the sort, while Korvette is entitled to his opinion, I for one am not irritated when i see an interracial couple i just dont think that certain things are for everyone I mean I'm sure most of you that are married or attached love to see your lady dressed in leather and high heels but you'd be pissed if she came out the bedroom while you and your homeboys are watching the game lookin like that right... Not everything is for all to see,hear,say,experience etc... But thats just 1 mans opinion...

What year is this?

I know right... All this while we are on the brink of a black president right... cause he is gonna get elected trust and believe that. Obama "08" (I'm Rick James Bitch)
See I knew this was gonna happen, I'm sure that in your very PC friendly, uba non-violent world I probably sounded like "A nigga just ranting and raving" I assure you that is not the case there's nothing you read that you wouldn't hear me say to anyone's face @ a mall or @ a bar, or in line @ the supermarket... I thought I tried to accent just how much of a thug I'm not or a quote unquote tough guy I'm not, just that if somethings worth fighting about I will fight thats all and this is one of those fight about situations... FYI this is not me arguing over the net cause thats the dumbest thing ever... I mean we're all tuff behind these screens right...

Hey it's your prerogative what you do and don't say and who you do and don't say it to. To be honest black boy aint even offensive to me so were we in front of each other I'd politely ask you if when you say "black boy" are you using that as a synonym for "Nigger" and depend upon your answer whether we have to dance or not... Being candid here you sound just like the guy I say I have respect and can appreciate, you dont like me and you aint gonna front like you like some pussy's who smile in my face and then talk shit when I'm out of ear range which at least tells me your manhood is not in question how ever just like my man Tony said "All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for no one" So disrespect me and I've all of a sudden run out of words to say...

Let me not understate the fact that I'm light skinned like a shade or two lighter than say a Tiger Woods so I've got a whole slew of white people in my fam and I'm not saying "lets segregate or anything of the sort, while Korvette is entitled to his opinion, I for one am not irritated when i see an interracial couple i just dont think that certain things are for everyone I mean I'm sure most of you that are married or attached love to see your lady dressed in leather and high heels but you'd be pissed if she came out the bedroom while you and your homeboys are watching the game lookin like that right... Not everything is for all to see,hear,say,experience etc... But thats just 1 mans opinion...

I know right... All this while we are on the brink of a black president right... cause he is gonna get elected trust and believe that. Obama "08" (I'm Rick James Bitch)
I wanted to say that i wouldnt use the word without being ready for my jaw to be broken. And thats how it should be.
Not that i really care but what was the point of that big speech,i dont know what pennitentary you were in but the one's i was in wasnt like that,if you walked up & broke bad on another set's tier it'd be your ass.

Ahhh just for you to read it... thats all.
Obama Has a dream......

Look what happened to the last guy that "Had a Dream" He was put to sleep by the white man .. I predict the same for obama .. someone will try to take him out .. this is a fucked up place ...
Obama Has a dream......

Look what happened to the last guy that "Had a Dream" He was put to sleep by the white man .. I predict the same for obama .. someone will try to take him out .. this is a fucked up place ...

MLK's dream is a reasonable one.

Obama's is a nightmare.
Obama Has a dream......

Look what happened to the last guy that "Had a Dream" He was put to sleep by the white man .. I predict the same for obama .. someone will try to take him out .. this is a fucked up place ...

I agree that the attempt will be there but the world is a different place now with technology what it is I'd be floored if someone actually succeeds... GOD help us though if you're right. On another note that "other guys" dream is pretty close to being true with an asterisks.
On another note that "other guys" dream is pretty close to being true with an asterisks.

Someone needs to tell Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson that...The day they admit that all men are equal is the day they are both out of a very well paying job.:mrgreen:
this word carrys the burden of a really dark time in america for african american people and whites alike. In my opinion it is a hateful word that left its definition in the dictionary many many decades ago. A whole lot of tyranny and abuse lingers on the use of this word, and somehow this generation embraces it. I have heard it used to refer a friend, in all sorts of ways today. Bottom line is this word needs to be buried and forgotten because simply we as humans will make mistakes in history but certainly have the ability to evolve in the future. I think today we for the majority see one another as equal, therefor a slightly educated person would have no need to use this word.
Sure we do. Because otherwise, if we bury and "forget" it, we'll forget all that goes along with. And those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Let it stay, and let freedom of speech reign.