Use of the word "nigger"

More people should be so bold in looking out for OUR children..................if you hadn't been so condescending, you might have been able to teach that old "bitch" a new trick......that times are changing and anything goes, especially when it comes to love.

True.... But you remember the scene from the matrix in the subway (1st time Neo & Smith fought) thats how it was I thought about running away and Trinity was probably saying "Moe just run" but I just couldn't...


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This thread got me thinking about racist jokes.So I looked up white people jokes.And, being a white person, I found them rather funny and shall now post them. Q: What's Orange White and Very Beautiful

Q: What does a white woman make for dinner?
A: Reservations.

I don't know if you watch King of the Hill? There was an episode way back when with Chris Rock guesting as an MC in a black comedy club. Towards the end, Bobby does a set at the club consisting entirely of "white" jokes he found on the internet. Example: "I'm so white during the LA riots I bought a TV."
More people should be so bold in looking out for OUR children..................if you hadn't been so condescending, you might have been able to teach that old "bitch" a new trick......that times are changing and anything goes, especially when it comes to love.
Are you crying out for a hug?

When i was in prison, i learned alot from living with black people. The fact that i had alot of laughs with them, and broke bread many times has left really unable to racial profile black persons.Quite frankly, while i realize there are alot of ignorant blacks, there are at least that many ignorant whites. A million times more ignorant hispanics.
The fact that i have lived in the bottom socio-economic class, has shown me that most of us are fighting the same everyday struggles with ourselves and those around us. We are all fighting to keep our heads above water.

That being said, fuck everbody. I dont like any of you.
"The fact that i have lived in the bottom socio-economic class, has shown me that most of us are fighting the same everyday struggles with ourselves and those around us. We are all fighting to keep our heads above water. "

You need a hug? Find another boyfriend...........and this time try and be the "man", Jr.
"The fact that i have lived in the bottom socio-economic class, has shown me that most of us are fighting the same everyday struggles with ourselves and those around us. We are all fighting to keep our heads above water. "

You need a hug? Find another boyfriend...........and this time try and be the "man", Jr.

You can be either one, i am sure they both fit for you.
Moe, you're an adjudicator? Fascinating.

No Seamen I'm actually not but the spell check must have mistakingly thought agitator was adjudicator and I didn't pay that close attention to it, gimme a break I was nice and high when I wrote it... Anyways to answer your question; No I'm not an adjudicator, what I am is an agitator...

Thanks for noticing my mistake... You're so smart well figure this out genius.


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No Seamen I'm actually not but the spell check must have mistakingly thought agitator was adjudicator and I didn't pay that close attention to it, gimme a break I was nice and high when I wrote it... Anyways to answer your question; No I'm not an adjudicator, what I am is an agitator...

Thanks for noticing my mistake... You're so smart well figure this out genius.

I wasn't taking the piss with you, why would you take the piss with me that way?
True Story: Between 1998 & 2000 I was locked up in MD's roughest jail, one of the roughest in the country. SO anyways I'm the tier runner (for those who dont know thats like the camp troop leader) its about 50 of us on the tier and so one day we got new inmates all white boyz on the tier all at once (probably 8 or 9 i cant remeber exactly) all coming from Haggerstown (which is predominately a white boy jail and I mean tuff white boyz) I'm not talking about white boys who who give each other 5's and wear their hats backwards I mean Harley riding, bald head having, chain attached to their balls wearing, ford F 350 driving, confederate flag waiving, dukes of hazard, Higher learning watching White boyz. And One of those white boys (mafucka looked like Bam Bam Bigalo) was on the top level of the tier and said to one of his buddies something about "blah blah blah and they (meaning us niggers) can suck my white dick" White Power rained supreme on our tier for all of about 2 hours after that. Them white boys thought since they come on the tier kinda deep they were gonna run some shit... So I gathered the crew me,lil Derrick, T, Jabo, & Redds we locked in with each and every one of them man - man (locked in = got to their cell to fight lock the door and dance) but it was all 1 on 1 shit nobody banked them as you can see because the numbers werent exactly even some of us had to fight twice in about an hours time but what had to be done had to be done (truthfully we probably would have banked them if the brothers lost any of the fights but thankfully we didn't have to) so anyways the new transfers always come in right before evening feed up about 4:30 ish by 9 o'clock all 8 of them had been transferred to either another tier or pc (protective custody) or punk city as we called it... All because use of a bad word or two in the wrong persons presence... So I dont want this to sound like I'm a bully or anything like that but call my mother a bitch and Imma slap U, call my son a nigger and Imma slap you, call my Lord anything other than JESUS and Imma slap you... and I hope you can fight cause if you decide to hit me back trust and believe there's a ER trip in your immediate future and my win loss record aint unblemished but I am undefeated against white people but then again Triple H or Big Kevin Nash never called me nigger neither cause maybe I'd have an L on there but they would have gotten a fight none-the-less.

Black Power
I used to watch it, but I just began to hate that show.I missed that episode.
I don't know if you watch King of the Hill? There was an episode way back when with Chris Rock guesting as an MC in a black comedy club. Towards the end, Bobby does a set at the club consisting entirely of "white" jokes he found on the internet. Example: "I'm so white during the LA riots I bought a TV."