Use of the word "nigger"

it means what it means, I dont know man! I am constantly changing who I am :P
it was, is a good comic strip, but the show is 50 times better, but I think the political views and alot of the things they make fun of go over a majority of their viewers heads

like the episode that was on yesterday one of my favorites... but who knows what I'm talking about :P
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wow I just read this whole thread, still trying to figure out the purpose..... there are some really racist peeps on this site........ the sad thing is that you are too ignorant to realize it!!!!
wow I just read this whole thread, still trying to figure out the purpose..... there are some really racist peeps on this site........ the sad thing is that you are too ignorant to realize it!!!!

Couldnt agree more,whole lotta justification going on in this thread.

I hate watching people try to justify why they are not racist,life's too short to worry about nigger,whitey,spic,wop,chink ect, what a stupid thread.
Wow. A three paragraph total flip-flop. Your an enigma (only in your own mind) Johnny Gold'Bama.
I usually avoid responding to your ridiculous word-vomit because you are an ignoramus. What good can come from me choosing to argue with a fool? You - ccodiane: Useful Idiot for the Extreme Right. It would only please the opposition and entertain the folks at home.
Yea, they are the best dogs EVER!! So even tempered but fromthe looks of them they will eat you...teeheee!! I am looking for a stud for her now... You should see her when she is clean.....

I dont know but i do know that Bully in your avatar is the shit,looks 90% like my 110 lb American Bulldog,best dog ive ever owned,she's laying at my feet right now purring like a cat.
I just have to say.... I am African American and to me the word "nigger", "nigga", "niggie" how ever you say it is a word that shouldnt be used in any context..... I understand you FDD about its just a word and sticks and stones... But have you ever had your child come home saying someone called him that word and what does it mean?!?! That is a hard conversation..... I remeber as a kid sitting around my grandparents as they are telling stories of thier childhood that dont involve sock hops, and good times and noodle salad (as good as it get tee hee one of my favorite movies) noooo its riots, not being able to drink from the same water fountain and so on and so forth and THAT WORD.... being called it constantly, like its your name and not being able to do nothing, not even say anything like stick and stones or you will get hit with sticks and stones..... I guess thats the way i see it, i dont tolerate ingornance well... i have two sons and my oldest is only 9 but i am teaching him right now that the way he carries himself is what will sets the tone and to embrace his culture not a sterotype.... Again i hate the word and if anyone said it to me face to face as an endearing term or in a negative way i would triangle choke them (UFC TONIGHT FREE SILVA vs IRVIN.... WOOOTY) just till they pass out!!
I just have to say.... I am African American and to me the word "nigger", "nigga", "niggie" how ever you say it is a word that shouldnt be used in any context..... I understand you FDD about its just a word and sticks and stones... But have you ever had your child come home saying someone called him that word and what does it mean?!?! That is a hard conversation..... I remeber as a kid sitting around my grandparents as they are telling stories of thier childhood that dont involve sock hops, and good times and noodle salad (as good as it get tee hee one of my favorite movies) noooo its riots, not being able to drink from the same water fountain and so on and so forth and THAT WORD.... being called it constantly, like its your name and not being able to do nothing, not even say anything like stick and stones or you will get hit with sticks and stones..... I guess thats the way i see it, i dont tolerate ingornance well... i have two sons and my oldest is only 9 but i am teaching him right now that the way he carries himself is what will sets the tone and to embrace his culture not a sterotype.... Again i hate the word and if anyone said it to me face to face as an endearing term or in a negative way i would triangle choke them (UFC TONIGHT FREE SILVA vs IRVIN.... WOOOTY) just till they pass out!!

judge: you are being charged with first degree assault. what is your defense?

you: he called me a bad name.

Words are indeed powerful. I learned a hard lesson when I was around 10 years old. Some of the neighbor's kids were over at my house one day and we were all playing. There was a girl there that lived 2 streets over. I didn't know her too well, but I did know here and we had mutual friends. I can't exactly remember what she did, but she did something that made me respond "Are you a retard or something?"...

She immediately broke down in tears and ran home. I was puzzled. When my mom found out, she went "Wrath of God" on my ass. Turns out the girl was in fact mentally handicapped and I didn't know. My mom grabbed me, marched me over to her house and had me apologize in front of her and her family...which of course I did willingly as I felt remorseful. To this day I remember what I did and still feel a pang of guilt for saying what I said.
if someone calls you that, why not just smile and walk away? then what power do they have over you? you are giving the word it's power. how hard is that to see?
if someone calls you that, why not just smile and walk away? then what power do they have over you? you are giving the word it's power. how hard is that to see?
What kind of ghandi loving peacenik are you? :peace::peace::peace:

ITs not the word but the implied disrespect behind the use of the word.
Yea but that with words like assmunch and dillweed... This word is much more than a word, its like evil..... That was a word that was used for years to discribe us as a people, its a word i associate with salavery and injustice and for some reason, i cant say why it makes my blood boil, and its the same whether it comes out of a person that is black or white mouth
if someone calls you that, why not just smile and walk away? then what power do they have over you? you are giving the word it's power. how hard is that to see?
Some speech is not protected.

One cannot yell 'FIRE' in a crowded theater.

One cannot possess child pornography.

If you call someone a provocative epithet with such an ugly history, such as the topic of this thread, you are yelling 'Fire' in the crowded theater. Chaos ensues.

The word is radioactive and should be treated as such.