Vanity Fair gets the chair for this video

Yet you persist when you are proven to be exactly what you portray me as.

Then prove me wrong. Use the cited reports to prove that the 0.4% (Oops. women are 0.9%) of the bisexual population can keep up with the 96.6% of heterosexuals.

Yet you never display it. It must rival your sexual prowess. ;)

As do you, or why else reply? ;)

Now post some more images of your deeply felt, yet equally repressed feelings about yourself.
No. You distorted what I said into an entirely different argument convenient to you, then pursued that surrogate argument. Instead of arguing, you are using every ugly dishonest rhetorical device known to Religious Conservative Man. So I will end with a meme that points to the consequence of your casual and unbounded dishonesty.

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No. You distorted what I said into an entirely different argument convenient to you, then pursued that surrogate argument. Instead of arguing, you are using every ugly dishonest rhetorical device known to Religious Conservative Man. So I will end with a meme that points to the consequence of your casual and unbounded dishonesty.

Look in a mirror, cannobeer.
What is dishonest about using your own words against you?

I didn't distort anything, cupcake. I used your words to show you being discriminatory to gays (how was it you descibed gays in the hospitality industry? Ahhhhh.....
The showoffs and drama queens do not represent all
in trying to argue diversity,
They are YOUR words. Own them. ;)

So yes, why don't you retreat into the intellectual void of meme posting. It shows you have such a grasp of debate.
I showed you to have the same attributes your falsely attributed to me, so I would expect no less of someone embarrassed that they can't think their way out of a paper bag (especially the one hiding their litre of brew).

What an absolute cunt this guy is.
I didn't segregate people identifying with that label from the rest of the human race. They did themselves by choosing a label to do that exact thing.
I personally have no reason NOT to think of you as a shallow pedantic waster of air now. ;)
Things a bigot would say:
If you weren't such a half-wit, I'd be concerned for the safety of the people around you.
Why ceefus, I never knew (or cared).
If you can point out how 0.9% of the population can originate progeny at levels high enough to continue the human race, I'm all ears.

Or are you saying that it is a choice rather than biology?
That would seem to go against the biggest claim that they have as to their being a natural occurrence in the population.
You're really bad at this, Choder.
No wonder everyone hates you.
Aside from being the laughing stock of politics and Buck's playtoy, you offer little else.
Come out of the closet YET?
Blobby, "everyone" sums up a very small clique of long time beneficiaries of the suspension of TOS where their posts are concerned.
It would seem to point to them having their tongues up (or being socks controlled by the hand of) the administration.

No one likes everyone in a "public" forum (because if it wasn't, it would collapse from lack of funding via advertising).
I just use you and your ilk to show the parallels between here and governments both past and present. ;)

Now post another meme. I couldn't ask for more considering your fine grasp of yourself.
Does it come to a happy ending?
Blobby, "everyone" sums up a very small clique of long time beneficiaries of the suspension of TOS where their posts are concerned.
It would seem to point to them having their tongues up (or being socks controlled by the hand of) the administration.

No one likes everyone in a "public" forum (because if it wasn't, it would collapse from lack of funding via advertising).
I just use you and your ilk to show the parallels between here and governments both past and present. ;)

Now post another meme. I couldn't ask for more considering your fine grasp of yourself.
Does it come to a happy ending?
Choder, I can't find ANYONE who likes you.

Cute you blame that on Admin (although THEY hate you as well)

Echoes real life for you huh?

Now Choder, what I fail to understand is why you persist in hanging around somewhere you're so unwanted/unliked.

Desperation, I assume.

No one would even notice if you dropped dead. ;)
Choder, I can't find ANYONE who likes you.
Cute you blame that on Admin (although THEY hate you as well)
Echoes real life for you huh?
Now Choder, what I fail to understand is why you persist in hanging around somewhere you're so unwanted/unliked.
Desperation, I assume.
No one would even notice if you dropped dead. ;)
How can I put this a way you'll understand?

You seem upset again. Big surprise. :lol:
Now post another meme. I couldn't ask for more considering your fine grasp of yourself.
Does it come to a happy ending?
I usually create my own memes, but I thought it apropos since you don't seem to have any other way of expressing yourself than to use others marginal creativity.
Not really upset though, just disappointed, even though history shows I had no reason to expect anything else. ;)
Why ceefus, I never knew (or cared).
If you can point out how 0.9% of the population can originate progeny at levels high enough to continue the human race, I'm all ears.

Or are you saying that it is a choice rather than biology?
That would seem to go against the biggest claim that they have as to their being a natural occurrence in the population.

lol. So sad. I honestly feel bad for you.
I usually create my own memes, but I thought it apropos since you don't seem to have any other way of expressing yourself than to use others marginal creativity.
Not really upset though, just disappointed, even though history shows I had no reason to expect anything else. ;)
Yawn. You're boring. You're boring me.

Do you ever say anything of value or do you just jump around and bark a lot?

What a pussy.:lol:
edited because hung quote

Look in a mirror, cannobeer.
What is dishonest about using your own words against you?

I didn't distort anything, cupcake. I used your words to show you being discriminatory to gays (how was it you descibed gays in the hospitality industry? Ahhhhh.....
in trying to argue diversity,
They are YOUR words. Own them. ;)


This is the center of your lie. You did not use my own words. Compare quoted material to your revisions of same. There is no arguing with that level of liar.

This also underpins your relentless display of the worst sort of bigotry: you lie about what i said as a gay man, and this specious argument gives you justification. "See? SEE??? The gay guy HIMSELF said so" when the record will show what I actually said.

Go back to your jealous, angry, hateful, horned God.


Here is a metaphor even you should be able to understand.

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This is the center of your lie. You did not use my own words. Compare quoted material to your revisions of same. There is no arguing with that level of liar.
When I click the little upward pointing arrow next to the quote it goes to the original post that says:
Your bigoted ignorance drips from this post.
"Yeah I know how gay people are." I am one and I don't make that claim. Gays are as diverse as any other people. The showoffs and drama queens do not represent all of us, and
your willingness to pigeonhole gays into a restrictive type celebrates your stubborn ignorance, what we gays call "stupidity".
Nice try insinuating I said that about Annie. You are as dishonest as you are misogynistic.
"Biological superiority" of heterosexuals is pure creation science. You are exposed as the classic far-right Inquisitionist. Go away and mail another fat check to your televangelist of choice, but leave us normal humans alone.
Are those not your words?
If you can't see they are then you're right.
There is no arguing with that level of liar.
This also underpins your relentless display of the worst sort of bigotry: you lie about what i said as a gay man, and this specious argument gives you justification. "See? SEE??? The gay guy HIMSELF said so" when the record will show what I actually said.
From you taking what I said out of context in your earlier reply post above?
Let me refresh your memory:
Yeah I know how gay people are, I know quite a few of them. If you've ever worked in the hospitality industry they are a disproportionate amount of those hired.
You seem to labor under the false assumption that they don't talk to any but their own and I don't remember them electing you as their spokesperson. ;)
I don't think I said anything about showoffs and drama queens. ;)
When I click the little upward pointing arrow next to the quote it goes to the original post that says:

Are those not your words?
If you can't see they are then you're right.

This also underpins your relentless display of the worst sort of bigotry: you lie about what i said as a gay man, and this specious argument gives you justification. "See? SEE??? The gay guy HIMSELF said so" when the record will show what I actually said.
From you taking what I said out of context in your earlier reply post above?
Let me refresh your memory:

I don't think I said anything about showoffs and drama queens. ;)
Just kill yourself.

But think of your landlord and slit your wrists in the bath or something clean.
When I click the little upward pointing arrow next to the quote it goes to the original post that says:

Are those not your words?
If you can't see they are then you're right.

This also underpins your relentless display of the worst sort of bigotry: you lie about what i said as a gay man, and this specious argument gives you justification. "See? SEE??? The gay guy HIMSELF said so" when the record will show what I actually said.

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Just kill yourself.
But think of your landlord and slit your wrists in the bath or something clean.
I have no thoughts of my own and can't argue so why don't you make my life easier by going away and stop proving I have nothing of any value to say.

I am my landlord. I live in a house I own with no mortgage. Can you say that?
How perfect that you'd post a meme (of a SJW gender-questionable no less) instead of recognizing the fact I proved you to be lying.
Those that apply the "I'm rubber and you're glue" dodge are of the lowest common denominator in both intelligence and rationality.

Own your words, buttercup. ;)