
I posted this before, but it best illustrates what is happening in Ukraine with the increasing arrival of modern NATO weapons to a courageous and motivated population. This is from the 80's and the weapons have improved a lot in 40 years, it starts with a presentation at the CIA and something similar is going on right now there. As far as I know civilian C130s can fly deeply into Ukrainian territory (flown by Ukrainians) and drop arms and supplies, maybe not to the cities, but in plenty of other places. If they can land, they can return with wounded. A good clip that illustrates these weapons in action and the level to training and education required to use them! You just need guts.

The reverse of the Chinese symbol for problem, is opportunity. Fate has handed Joe a golden opportunity to do Vlad and reform Russia. The CIA must be going nuts over the possibilities that this presents and moving heaven and earth to get arms to the Ukrainians. The military also sees opportunity here since this war started and they especially know the value of Ukrainian moral and courage. With troops like this trained and armed in Poland anything is possible and they will be all in for supporting these folks to the max. Now take that and multiply it by 30+ countries. All of eastern Poland will become a vast supply dump and training camp for the regular Ukrainian army. Vlad blundered and he will pay in blood and treasure.
As long as level headed,sane people in position to carry out a desperate,cornered tyrants delusions recognize insanity and refuse to concur w/any erratic world altering orders he may issue in desperation then positive results are definately possible,let us all hope the calm in which a Soviet colonel displayed when his ICBM battalion was given launch orders due to a supposed multiple US ICBM launch and refused translates to the present(fingers crossed again)
There is a Ukrainian journalist on tv right now translating a russian article about the moms whose sons “disappeared”. Only one said and i quote “i’m one of the luckiest to find out her son died”. She is now waiting him home with the grave ready hoping he will arrive someday. There was a big scandal and the ones who told her about her son will probably face prison. All the others mom are told they disappeared. It’s even harder to find them now that that law with not saying bad things abou the military is on. Those who wrote the article are very brave as they can face up to 15 yr depending on the consequences of the ‘betrayal’
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As long as level headed,sane people in position to carry out a desperate,cornered tyrants delusions recognize insanity and refuse to concur w/any erratic world altering orders he may issue in desperation then positive results are definately possible,let us all hope the calm in which a Soviet colonel displayed when his ICBM battalion was given launch orders due to a supposed multiple US ICBM launch and refused translates to the present(fingers crossed again)
This is a classic proxy war and we have fought many with the soviets, same game, but different rules and we are holding all the cards after Vlad blundered bigly. The public, governments, militaries and intelligence services are all unified and want Vlad's ass, it's up to the Russians to deliver his head on a platter. Everybody knows the rules in this shit and nobody will cross the line, we don't need to, Vlad left the front door open in western Ukraine. Their position on the ground is so shitty from a strategic point of view that Ukrainians can resupply with C130s, the Russians have as much control of the air as on the ground, stinger phobia. Partisans and mobile units can roam the Russian rear at will and destroy their supplies, thus relieving the cities. The guns, equipment and even training are probably being delivered now, but don't expect to hear a lot about it.
This ain't the old Soviet Union of your memories Vlad, it's a free market economy linked into the global economy and he broke the UNs golden rule, the UN charter, among a host of other diplomatic agreements. This is not Vlad's first rodeo, he has invaded other former Soviet Republics and is implicated in crimes against humanity in Syria too. Mad Vlad will have to go, how is up to the Russians.

‘The damage is done’: Russians face economic point of no return
Shoppers and business people express despair and disillusion as sanctions cause run on rouble

As markets opened in a panic on Monday, many Russians rushed to local cashpoints in Moscow to retrieve their savings before the damage got any worse.

“It said they had dollars so I came here immediately,” said Alexei Presnyakov, 32, pointing to an app for Russia’s Tinkoff Bank, indicating he could withdraw hard currency. About 20 people were queued in line. “Yesterday [the rate] was 80 [to the dollar]. Today it’s 100. Or 150.”

“I just made a spontaneous decision today that I would ask [out of work] and go around until I took out all my money,” he said. “Before it was worth zero.”

Within minutes, however, the word traveled down the queue: the dollars were gone.

Nearly half the queue walked off. “Who needs roubles?” one woman said sarcastically as she walked away.

From shopping malls to corporate boardrooms, Russians were trying to find their footing on Monday in what the Kremlin described as the “altered economic reality” that the country was now facing following sanctions on Russia’s Central Bank and other key financial institutions. There were signs that something extraordinary was taking place: the Moscow Exchange, Russia’s largest stock market, has halted trading until 5 March.

With its reserves frozen, the Central Bank announced it would more than double its main interest rates to 20%, the highest this century, and force major exporting companies, including large energy producers like Gazprom and Rosneft, to sell 80% of their foreign currency revenues, effectively buying roubles to prop up the currency rate.
“Update March 4, 11:20 p.m. The governor of the Sumy region said that the city of Trostiane was captured and occupied, Aky News reports. Dmytro Zhyvytskyy said Russian forces control the ambulance unit and do not allow doctors to reach civilians except children.

Doctors have been warned they will be shot if they leave without permission, the governor said. He added all the shops have been robbed, the city is for permanence and surveillance by snipers. No one can buy, and Ukrainian forces are failing to bring aid to the city, the governor said.”
“Update March 4, 11:20 p.m. The governor of the Sumy region said that the city of Trostiane was captured and occupied, Aky News reports. Dmytro Zhyvytskyy said Russian forces control the ambulance unit and do not allow doctors to reach civilians except children.

Doctors have been warned they will be shot if they leave without permission, the governor said. He added all the shops have been robbed, the city is for permanence and surveillance by snipers. No one can buy, and Ukrainian forces are failing to bring aid to the city, the governor said.”

I don't believe russia has enough soldiers to occupy a ukraine that doesn't want them there, the more territory they capture the more soldiers they have to bring in to hold onto it.