
There's a standoff between Ukrainian and Russian forces around southern city of Mykolaiv, official says
From CNN's Tim Lister in Kyiv and Hira Humayun

Vitaliy Kim, head of the regional administration in the southern Ukrainian city of Mykolaiv, says there is a standoff between Ukrainian and Russian troops around the city.

"We don't shoot anymore. They do not shoot," he said on his Telegram account.
Kim said the Russians had left the military airfield but were still "right near the city."
"In general, not a fun situation — they seem to be here, but it seems like they are not in the city, sometimes they shoot, protect themselves," he said
"I can't call it a victory, because the enemy was not knocked out, not burned, they retreated," he continued.
Earlier on Friday: Kim said Russian forces had been driven out of the city.

“We kicked them out a bit, but the fighting goes on," he said, “But they are on the outskirts now. We kicked them out of the city.”
ok you made me curious? why?
Why i appreciate him?? The way of thinking, i’m a soldier, i protect anyone who needs it. A woman, a child, anyone bombed is a tragedy even if it’s in us, in thailand, egypt, france or mexico. And he’s totally right…if there are bullets there should be enough people to fire them. It’s a big diference between a civil man and a soldier. If you take 100 corporatists out of the office maybe 10 would hit the target, maybe. But soldiers are trained for this…maybe i’m wrong but it’s just my opinion. I can see only good things in a soldier that braves up(i don’t know the idiom for this:))perks of english as the second language) to help others in need, it’s a concious and personal decision. Maybe i’m a little jelous that he has the balls because since this started i really hoped i could go there and fight with them but i’m a coward in the making :-(
Why i appreciate him?? The way of thinking, i’m a soldier, i protect anyone who needs it. A woman, a child, anyone bombed is a tragedy even if it’s in us, in thailand, egypt, france or mexico. And he’s totally right…if there are bullets there should be enough people to fire them. It’s a big diference between a civil man and a soldier. If you take 100 corporatists out of the office maybe 10 would hit the target, maybe. But soldiers are trained for this…maybe i’m wrong but it’s just my opinion. I can see only good things in a soldier that braves up(i don’t know the idiom for this:))perks of english as the second language) to help others in need, it’s a concious and personal decision. Maybe i’m a little jelous that he has the balls because since this started i really hoped i could go there and fight with them but i’m a coward in the making :-(
I like “braves up”.
Why i appreciate him?? The way of thinking, i’m a soldier, i protect anyone who needs it. A woman, a child, anyone bombed is a tragedy even if it’s in us, in thailand, egypt, france or mexico. And he’s totally right…if there are bullets there should be enough people to fire them. It’s a big diference between a civil man and a soldier. If you take 100 corporatists out of the office maybe 10 would hit the target, maybe. But soldiers are trained for this…maybe i’m wrong but it’s just my opinion. I can see only good things in a soldier that braves up(i don’t know the idiom for this:))perks of english as the second language) to help others in need, it’s a concious and personal decision. Maybe i’m a little jelous that he has the balls because since this started i really hoped i could go there and fight with them but i’m a coward in the making :-(

Nah, you just have to make a choice, do you wanna help and they could use it, or not.....sometimes all it takes is a good stiff drink and the flip of a coin to make a decision.....js
Why i appreciate him?? The way of thinking, i’m a soldier, i protect anyone who needs it. A woman, a child, anyone bombed is a tragedy even if it’s in us, in thailand, egypt, france or mexico. And he’s totally right…if there are bullets there should be enough people to fire them. It’s a big diference between a civil man and a soldier. If you take 100 corporatists out of the office maybe 10 would hit the target, maybe. But soldiers are trained for this…maybe i’m wrong but it’s just my opinion. I can see only good things in a soldier that braves up(i don’t know the idiom for this:))perks of english as the second language) to help others in need, it’s a concious and personal decision. Maybe i’m a little jelous that he has the balls because since this started i really hoped i could go there and fight with them but i’m a coward in the making :-(
There are plenty of ways to help and fight, do what you are good at and try to turn it to this struggle. Join an organization that helps refugees, take one in etc volunteer at a hospital. Soon there will also be plenty of jobs connected to the war and training feeding and housing Ukrainian troops. If you are close to the border you should see some of this activity in the weeks ahead. Nobody will be reporting much on the preparations or what we are doing to help, only what the Russians and Ukrainians are doing.
Why i appreciate him?? The way of thinking, i’m a soldier, i protect anyone who needs it. A woman, a child, anyone bombed is a tragedy even if it’s in us, in thailand, egypt, france or mexico. And he’s totally right…if there are bullets there should be enough people to fire them. It’s a big diference between a civil man and a soldier. If you take 100 corporatists out of the office maybe 10 would hit the target, maybe. But soldiers are trained for this…maybe i’m wrong but it’s just my opinion. I can see only good things in a soldier that braves up(i don’t know the idiom for this:))perks of english as the second language) to help others in need, it’s a concious and personal decision. Maybe i’m a little jelous that he has the balls because since this started i really hoped i could go there and fight with them but i’m a coward in the making :-(

what were you trained in???

'Putin's nightmare' as Russian soldiers revolt and security forces 'overwhelmed' at home: US diplomat Richard Haass

Appearing on MSNBC's "Way Too Early," foreign relations expert Richard Haass noted reports coming out of Ukraine that Russian soldiers are sabotaging their own vehicles because they don't want to take part in the invasion is a bad omen for Vladimir Putin.

Speaking with host Jonathan Lemire, Haass -- the president of the Council on Foreign Relations-- admitted that Russia's invasion may be unstoppable but in the long-term may turn into a nightmare for the Russian strongman.

"If you believe Vladimir Putin, his invasion of Ukraine is going according to plan," host Lemire began before adding, "That's a dubious assessment, but still what he said during a virtual meeting of his security council yesterday. Putin continued to push false claims that Nazis are in control of the Ukrainian government."

"The speech was intended to push back against reports of logistical problems slowing down the Russian army as well as intelligence from the Pentagon that some Russian troops are surrendering or sabotaging their own vehicles rather than fighting," Lemire stated before asking Haass for comment.

'"I don't think there's any way, Jonathan, he can get his original plan back on track because that ship has sailed," Haass explained, "He was counting on very little resistance from Ukraine, he had no respect for Zelenskyy, he thought the United States after Afghanistan had no stomach."

"Europe he also had contempt for, particularly Germany," he continued. "So he underestimated his opposition, overestimated the capability of his own forces. So now we are clearly on Plan B. Now he is basically turning to quantity, if you will, more than quality to essentially level big parts of Ukraine. But because he is who he is, because he is an autocrat, he has to be infallible. He can never admit that he made a mistake, so that's what you had yesterday. I don't know what the word is in Russian, but it must be something like spinsky."

Reacting to reports that Russian soldiers are sabotaging their own mission, Hass, explained, "Clearly they have more troubles. The Russians aren't used to fighting this kind of war. This isn't what they did in Syria -- it is at a scale they're not used to. The equipment looks old, the troops don't look well-trained, they're not motivated, they don't seem to understand what it is they're doing and why, so I think this is of a larger piece. The idea that there might be some troops sabotaging is really interesting. It doesn't seem to be happening at scale, but this has got to be Putin's nightmare because essentially he depends upon his security forces, not just the soldiers but obviously inside the country. That's any autocrat's nightmare, that as protests begin to mount that the security forces either get overwhelmed or show sympathy with the protesters."

We are getting weapons to them faster than we are letting on...
'We Need To Get Weapons Into The Hands Of Ukrainians' Says Adm. Stavridi
what were you trained in???
Nothing military related. I do communications so i could give russian soldiers a 4 hour speech about why putin sucks my dirty shoe(i wont say dick cause maybe he would like that) but that’s why i can’t do more than that, it’s just something that doesn’t let me get on that train and its that little voice that says noo dont goo you’ll die your cat will think you left him, so no i’ve made my decision and support the ones who can
Putin is on the wrong side of a proxy war here and is in a no win situation, but he will be pressed hard if he wants peace.
Amb. McFaul: Putin’s Fight In Ukraine ‘Is Just A Proxy War For His Fight Against’ The U.S.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul joins Garrett Haake to share his reaction to Russia’s strike on a Ukrainian nuclear plant, and to assess the motivations behind President Putin’s aggression in Ukraine. “I think people really need to understand that this is just a proxy war for his fight against us,” says Ambassador McFaul. “That's the way he frames this: the regime there is just a puppet American regime put in place by us.”
North America is in better shape for what's to come than the rest of the world. We have great natural resources, good fertile land, fertilizers and fuel but the prices will go crazy with world shortages, if you have land I would start building compost piles.
I figure my vineyard will produce good barter material. I've stocked up on enough bottles and corks to process next year's harvest. Small hobby vineyard, produces about 900 bottles/season. After next year, people will have to bring containers and I'll fill from barrels.

I need to learn how to chip flint into stone knives and axes. Any videos to suggest?

I'm trying to get my wife to learn how to make clothes out of animal hide. She's objecting to chewing the hide to soften it. I might have to trade her for a more compliant model.

It turns out those survivalists most thought of as crazy were right. That thought pisses me off.
Nothing military related. I do communications so i could give russian soldiers a 4 hour speech about why putin sucks my dirty shoe(i wont say dick cause maybe he would like that) but that’s why i can’t do more than that, it’s just something that doesn’t let me get on that train and its that little voice that says noo dont goo you’ll die your cat will think you left him, so no i’ve made my decision and support the ones who can
Nothing military related. I do communications so i could give russian soldiers a 4 hour speech about why putin sucks my dirty shoe(i wont say dick cause maybe he would like that) but that’s why i can’t do more than that, it’s just something that doesn’t let me get on that train and its that little voice that says noo dont goo you’ll die your cat will think you left him, so no i’ve made my decision and support the ones who can
sounds like that scene from Clockwork Orange.


It would be patronizing of me to say I understand what you are going through, being so close to the scene and seeing the wreckage all around you, so I won't do that. But I do care. From where I sit, safe and far away, I'm furious. Most of the world are.
Can recorded videos be shared here? Russians are thinking they can buy ukrainians by bringing trucks with food in the country, putin is trying everything, he’s in despair
ask the russians if they want to defect...if they do, great, if not, shoot the russians, take the food, and send the truck back with the dead russians in the back...
Russian military warns of "provocations" involving Western journalists in Ukraine

Russian Ministry of Defense spokesperson Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov warned on Friday that Ukrainian forces in the city of Kharkiv were readying a "provocation" in concert with Western journalists by firing heavy weaponry from a residential area with the aim of provoking a retaliation by Russian forces that would be caught on camera.
Russian statements about supposed "provocations" by the Ukrainian side have been a prelude to shelling or strikes by Russian forces.
"In the city of Kharkiv, Ukrainian nationalists are preparing a provocation with the participation of Western journalists," Konashenkov said in a video briefing released by the Russian MOD. "According to confirmed data, on Zhylyardi Street, Kyiv District, in a private residential area, multiple launch rocket systems are placed between the houses. Nationalists have forbidden local residents, including children, from leaving their homes. Now the installations are ready for shelling units of the Russian armed forces located outside the city. The purpose of the provocation is to call back fire from Russian artillery on the residential sector of Kharkiv. All this is planned to be filmed on cameras with the subsequent transfer of filming to Western journalists."
Konashenkov provided no evidence to support the claim. Russia has previously made baseless claims about humanitarian workers in Syria being involved in staging or provoking attacks to prompt international outrage and spur Western governments to intervene militarily. "Ukrainian nationalists" is a shorthand the Russian government has used to characterize forces putting up resistance to Russian troops.
Journalists working in Ukraine have extensively documented the heavy shelling of Kharkiv by Russian forces, including in residential areas.

they're worried
everything that happens in Ukraine is the fault of the russians...everything. they are the aggressors, they are the invaders, they are in the wrong, period. everything else that happens devolves from that situation...
i personally don't believe that the Ukraines are doing that, especially the part about ordering people not to leave, with "western media" there watching what's going on...but whatever is going on, is the russian's fault.