
This is fake news?..
It was cooked up in the kremlin and supported by the Russian government, there were some Russian extremists there. The Russians are having a lot of trouble in the Russian speaking places too. Maybe many of the Russians in Ukraine are there for the same reason Zelenskiy left, they didn't like Putin. It is not hard to foment trouble in those places along the border and that is what has been done here and in a half dozen other places in Vlad's empire, the guy was KGB FFS.

Russian disinformation gets onto Wikipeadia too and I'll bet that is a hotly contested section and there will probably be lot's of edits. Yeah those poor rebels shot down an airliner with an advanced AA system from Russia a few years back and murdered hundreds of civilians, then bulldozed the wreckage, nothing to see here.
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So, the war in Donbas which started this whole thing, and has been going for the past 8-years, doesn't count?
EVERYTHING on wikipedia is suspect...i don't even look at it unless i can find NO other source of information
Some sections are being fucked with by China, Russia and others and there are frequent wars, but 99% of Wikipedia is pretty good, where folks agree on facts. It is still an amazing resource for education, but not for certain things like this. Expect changes in this section as the academics come on board in a big way.
Are they saying that it was the hot food that blew up this maternity hospital?

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Shit at this point there is no way in hell I would accept a blanket from Putin's military.
Really,the site of pregnant woman,bloodied,being helped from a bombed out hospital,is nauseating,just listened to Julia Ioffe on PBS Mar.9 broadcast and what a dark picture she paints, says refugees being accepted w/open arms in countries that are pretty xenophobic and over time it might not be pretty,also says every time WE say Putin won't he does (Syria,Crimea,US elections,Donbass,Ukraine), when asked about his nuke threats, she says he is more dangerous right now than at any point in his reign and is well aware that a bullet between the eyes is his only fate.
Some sections are being fucked with by China, Russia and others and there are frequent wars, but 99% of Wikipedia is pretty good, where folks agree on facts. It is still an amazing resource for education, but not for certain things like this. Expect changes in this section as the academics come on board in a big way.
i have found a lot of reliable info on wikipedia, but i've found nearly as much misinformation, and down right lies...it's at best a third or fourth go to
Hitler probably said the same about Stalin.
Hitler never had the kinds of analysts and data we do today, Hitler was half educated and pulled shit out of his asshole and wouldn't listen to experts anyway. We learned from Hitler too, I for instance, cut the experts estimates of war his cost in half, he's still broke at 60 days max.
i have found a lot of reliable info on wikipedia, but i've found nearly as much misinformation, and down right lies...it's at best a third or fourth go to
Not so much for current or controversial aspects, but as an educational resource for kids and others for common everyday things it is great and better than the old expensive encyclopedias.
No, don't think so. We know it goes back to the soviet collapse and everything that lead up to it, way more than 8 years. I'm afraid I don't know my history well enough to point to what started this whole thing.
you can't point to one thing...putin does what he does because of his background and training, and his experiences..., russians in general do what they do because of historical events, many of which require research if you aren't from the area. i've heard ten different "experts" espouse 20 different theories, and with limited knowledge of the people and their psychology, any of them could be correct for all i know, or all of them could be full of shit for all i know.
what counts is people dying for bad reasons...and at this point, putin is the bad reason
because the future isnt written and America is spending a bit and already had 300 troops on the ground in Ukraine before the war started. Its also helping Bidens polls. Fuel prices are not though.
America loves a good war. Domestic politics tends to take a back seat and the war machine is worth a bob or two.
Canada had hundreds of NATO trainers in Ukraine for a long time, they recently setup shop in eastern Poland. Other EU countries did the same and have been helping Ukraine prepare during the reign of Trump, the idiot. It was because of this constant support that Vlad felt he had to act when he did, now that his puppet was no longer in power. Vlad bet on the US election too and on Trump clinging to power if he lost, which he tried. America recently jumped in with both feet like the EU when it became clear the Ukrainians could win and the magnitude of Vlad's error.

It is a fight for liberal democracy, with all it's flaws, it was once on our doorstep, now it is on his and in his fucking face, he might not survive it an knows it. Liberal democracy is what we do and I hope we do a lot more of it, because it has the means to evolve adapt and improve over time while including more people, it has a history of this in many places and the world in general. Vlad's way is the dark side and it's never been more stark.