Vlad will also be broke soon and even if he could throw in the kitchen sink, it will be weeks before the ground dries out and he can get off the choked roads that pass through built up areas. Vlad not only had no plan B, he invaded at the worst possible time, the very being of mud season and that mud sticks like dog shit!
He did not know himself and he did not know his enemy, two fundamental mistakes that will be paid for in Russian money and treasure. Another big thing in war is the element of surprise, he never had any, we outed him before he started. I think Vlad might be in for a big surprise himself soon, from the moves I'm seeing in the news something is afoot. Ukraine has been training fresh troops and NATO equipping them with soviet arms mostly, NLAWS and stingers, they don't need 3 months of basic either. What will happen if the Ukrainians suddenly field 100 or 200K fresh troops in a fight that is in the balance? Now imagine if those troops were highly motivated and expertly lead, with a good smart plan provided by NATO experts, using NATO intelligence. The Russians are just about worn down and their logistics are stretched out and under constant attack from territorials who are shooting out the tires of trucks at a minimum. They should have had just about enough time to train significant new forces with NATO help, training multilingual armies is the main thing NATO does and they have a great deal of experience doing it in western Europe.