
No way to ever find out the real numbers. But I'm guessing the skeleton crew on the cruiser was around 100 sailors. Aunt Ronnie didn't ask me where to send the Saipan, and these guys didn't decide how or where they were going to die. I will be making burnt offerings in their memory. You can cheer for the loss of the ship and feel for the families at the same time.
Looks like the Ukrainians finally embarrassed the German government to allow arms sales from the stocks sitting at manufactures warehouses. 100 of these fuckers will make a big difference in the war in the east, with American anti artillery radars, these shoot and scooters will destroy any artillery in range. Should be standard NATO ammo too, I wonder how much and what kind they are getting, some artillery munitions are precision guided these days.

30 for now and more later, I would not want to be on the receiving end of 30 of these guided by a drone and neither will Russian columns on the advance.
German Tank-Maker Send 100 PzH 2000 Self-Propelled Howitzers To Ukraine

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No way to ever find out the real numbers. But I'm guessing the skeleton crew on the cruiser was around 100 sailors. Aunt Ronnie didn't ask me where to send the Saipan, and these guys didn't decide how or where they were going to die. I will be making burnt offerings in their memory. You can cheer for the loss of the ship and feel for the families at the same time.
They bombarded cities and committed war crimes, so there's that.
I like how all of the TV pundits and experts talk about Putin and his personality disorder like he can't hear them.
People in the know say he might go locally tactical nuke if he is desperate and he will be. If they attempt to drive them out of Crimea, Putin will claim it is Russian territory and I figure that might be the red line. If the Ukrainians are wining big on the ground there would be little point in intervening and they will be expecting a nuke on the battle field, so there will be no concentrated forces there. Using one on a city would be pointless and would basically be the end of Vlad, they would surely kill the fucker.
That ship was sunk close to your area, it bombarded Mariupol and was involved in war crimes. How are people there taking the news? It will mean less of a threat of missile attack on eastern Ukraine and where you are.
Yeah but we’re waiting for the big thing. His frustraition is rocket high so it’s either nuke party or suicide rave, but i think he might combine them as i feel his biggest dream is to be remembered in history
Ukraine has used facial recognition tech to notify hundreds of Russian families of dead soldiers
Ukraine is using facial recognition technology from U.S. company Clearview AI to identify dead Russian soldiers and send the images to their families in an effort to turn sentiment against the war, according to The Washington Post.

The technology has been used to notify families of 582 Russian soldiers who were killed in the fighting in Ukraine, according to the country’s IT Army, the Post reported.

In total, the technology has been used 8,679 times in Ukraine, according to a statement from Clearview AI Chief Executive Hoan Ton-That given to The Hill.

They mentioned in the video that there might be nukes aboard! If Ukraine were to recover them...
Ukraine War: Captain of sunken Russian warship 'killed'

Ukrainian defense minister quips sunken Russian warship ‘a worthy diving site’
The defense minister of Ukraine quipped on Friday that a Russian warship that caught fire and sank after being hit with missiles by Ukrainian forces is a “worthy diving site.”

“A ‘flagship’ russian warship is a worthy diving site. We have one more diving spot in the Black Sea now. Will definitely visit the wreck after our victory in the war. BTW, I already have 300 scuba dives,” Ukrainian defense minister Oleksii Reznikov tweeted.

Reznikov also tweeted out a photo of him scuba diving in the sea, clearly bragging about a successful effort by Ukrainian forces to hit the Moskva, the flagship of Russia’s Black Sea fleet.

Meanwhile, Russia announced earlier on Friday that it had attacked a missile plant on Kyiv’s outskirts, which its defense ministry claimed made “long- and medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems as well as anti-ship missiles.”

Russia also vowed that it would ramp up its attacks against Kyiv if Ukraine waged more attacks on Russian territory.

“The number and scale of missile strikes against assets in Kiev will increase in response to any terrorist attacks or sabotage on Russian territory by Kiev nationalist regime,” the Russian defense ministry said.

Sound like some sissy that can dish it out but not take it.
Ukrainian defense minister quips sunken Russian warship ‘a worthy diving site’
The defense minister of Ukraine quipped on Friday that a Russian warship that caught fire and sank after being hit with missiles by Ukrainian forces is a “worthy diving site.”

“A ‘flagship’ russian warship is a worthy diving site. We have one more diving spot in the Black Sea now. Will definitely visit the wreck after our victory in the war. BTW, I already have 300 scuba dives,” Ukrainian defense minister Oleksii Reznikov tweeted.

Reznikov also tweeted out a photo of him scuba diving in the sea, clearly bragging about a successful effort by Ukrainian forces to hit the Moskva, the flagship of Russia’s Black Sea fleet.

Meanwhile, Russia announced earlier on Friday that it had attacked a missile plant on Kyiv’s outskirts, which its defense ministry claimed made “long- and medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems as well as anti-ship missiles.”

Russia also vowed that it would ramp up its attacks against Kyiv if Ukraine waged more attacks on Russian territory.

“The number and scale of missile strikes against assets in Kiev will increase in response to any terrorist attacks or sabotage on Russian territory by Kiev nationalist regime,” the Russian defense ministry said.

Sound like some sissy that can dish it out but not take it.

hopefully it's not to deep to go after......be a hell of a grab though
hopefully it's not to deep to go after......be a hell of a grab though
If there are nukes aboard the Russians might nuke the wreck with a tactical weapon, no way would they let Ukrainians dive on it if it had nukes aboard. If you can dive on it with scuba, it's too shallow for subs to operate in, a small boat with a fish finder and some DIY depth charges would make it suicide for them. It would mean Crimea becomes even more important to Putin if that thing has nukes aboard, if he loses it, he loses all hope of recovering the nukes and either the Ukrainians will have them or Uncle Sam will.
If there are nukes aboard the Russians might nuke the wreck with a tactical weapon, no way would they let Ukrainians dive on it if it had nukes aboard. If you can dive on it with scuba, it's too shallow for subs to operate in, a small boat with a fish finder and some DIY depth charges would make it suicide for them. It would mean Crimea becomes even more important to Putin if that thing has nukes aboard, if he loses it, he loses all hope of recovering the nukes and either the Ukrainians will have them or Uncle Sam will.

i dunno, if it's too deep no one would be able to get to it....there is a reason they're call that the black sea..cause at a certain dept there is no o2 in the water or shall i say depleted...some one may correct me on that btw
This is what the Ukrainian commercial octocopter drones are dropping while hovering over their target. They modify these to deploy fins I imagine, instead of a parachute, or just glue plastic fins on the handles, cheap as dirt and perfect for the job, weighs a little over a kilogram and a big model weighs just 1.7 KG. One of those big agri-drones can carry a 30KG payload, a 2.5 kg bomb rack with 17 of these grenades. So one drone could take out over a dozen tanks or trucks per sortie. If the targets were predesignated by another recon drone and the exact GPS coordinates programmed into the agri-drone then it could proceed to 17 targets at night and hover over each one, while dropping an anti tank grenade and moving on to the next target on the list, video recording everything and working autonomously. It could have a 1 meter accuracy or less and land automatically where it took off from. Two guys would load up the new bombs and change the battery working from a half ton while the new sortie way point data was loaded into the drone's computer. Each grenade probably costs less the $40 bucks and are easily modified and a drone crew could do a half dozen sorties a night. In autonomous mode the drone doesn't transmit or receive, it is radio silent and so are the guys operating it, so it can't be jammed.

Destroying million dollar tanks for $40 is a real bargain! Even if ya paid a hundred bucks for the big ones.

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According to this fellow Russia realistically has a maximum of 3000 serviceable tanks, probably closer to 2500 serviceable tanks, most of them T72 variants. So far Ukraine has captured or destroyed over 500 hundred tanks, so say Vlad needs to keep 1000 tanks minimum, cause Russia is a big country with many enemies, so say 1000 tanks to go before Vlad throws in the towel. He can't produce any more tanks, though he might be able to cobble another couple of thousand from existing junk over time, a long time. Get him down to less than 1000 operational tanks and his army is broken, not to mention eliminating the trucks that support them. Once his army is broken he won't be able to hold onto his satellite countries like Belarus and Kazakhstan. Georgia could want stolen provinces back too and Ukraine might help them with a future military alliance.

How Many Tanks Does Russia Really Have? And Where Are They?

One of the ways Russians get real news, use google translate, it should pop up.

One in five is an officer. What do Russia's confirmed losses in the war with Ukraine say?
The above suggest that officers would be a valuable target for switchblades, it will cripple the Russian military today and for a future offensive in a few months. It will also cripple them for a decade if they lose the core of their army, plenty of time for Vlad to die. If the numbers are true and say Vlad can't start a new offensive with reserve troops and junk before the end of July, his army currently in Ukraine will be pounded into dust by the new weapons arriving. There won't be much to reinforce in 3 months and few officers left from the original invasion, if the Ukrainians give them special attention.

If any Russians show up in Ukraine in August, they will need to fight their way back in and their prospects for survival will be bleak by then. If the Ukrainians can use the new artillery the British, Germans and Americans are giving them along with counter battery radars, they might just inflict shocking losses on the Russians during their advance, scooting and shooting, while directed by drones and perhaps using precision ordinance on high value targets. Sammy is also supplying drone jamming and anti drone gear, so their artillery will be crippled without drone support. In addition the Ukrainians will own the night with night vision equipment. With enough drones they will own the sky at night and could also destroy many Russian vehicles at night, some with dirt cheap anti tank grenades.

So I'd say if the Ukrainians can master the mobile long range artillery they are getting they might give the Russians a dreadful pounding with it. Along with offensive drones working at night on parked tanks and guerilla and special forces operations at night using night vision equipment the Russians are in for a rough ride in the next couple of months methinks. It's raining there now and creating mud, to the Ukrainian's advantage and overcast is denying satellite coverage to the Russians.

When will Vlad use tactical nukes to get his ass outta a jam? It probably won't help him on the battlefield and if he uses one on a city while getting his ass whipped it won't go over well at all. He might use one at the entrance to Crimea, if the Ukrainians are breaking through and he has nothing left there to defend it, because he cleaned it out for Ukraine. However even then there would not be a lot of forces in a small geographic area and many will be inside tanks, APCs, in trenches and foxholes. They will also be equipped to deal with the fallout, probably much better than the Russians they are fighting.