
If this is true it would be one Helluva kill ratio, even if say there were only 15,000 Russians dead and 3,000 Ukrainian dead would give them a 5:1 ratio of Russian to Ukrainian dead! Many of the Ukrainian dead were probably reservists and they have a couple of million of them by now. I think Russian causalities are gonna sky rocket over the next few weeks as the army tries to meet Vlad's deadline. No wonder the Ukrainians are screaming for more arms and ammo they will be using plenty of ammo slaughtering Russians, especially if that new mobile long range artillery shows up with trained troops and they get those new drones in action. I expect the roads the Russians will be advancing down will be lined with IEDs, the Ukrainians were trained in their use by experts, who were often on the receiving end. A ton or two of ANFO buried under the road and covered with a burned out tank will make them shit their pants a mile away and stop a column cold when they see the tanks up front a hundred or two feet up tumbling in the air! Shooting at the wreck from a mile away with a tank won't set it off...

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky estimated the death toll of the Ukrainian military during the invasion at 2.5 - 3 thousand people. According to him, Russian losses can reach 19-20 thousand people, although Officially Russia has recognized the death of only 1,351 servicemen
So the Ukrainians lost 3000 dead say and 10,000 wounded, but probably have good care for the wounded and can recover them more easily. So if the Russians lost the same ratio they would have 15,000 dead and 45,000 wounded, 60,000 total, wounded and dead. How many prisoners and how many deserters?

That was the toll after 50 days of war and the Ukrainians are really just getting into their stride and need more ammo and weapons. They are combat experienced now and have more and better weapons. When Uncle Sam and other allies send allotments of 30,000 sets of helmets and body armor, that is probably for new units of regular army that are still forming up and will be for awhile. Meanwhile the 200,000 Russians they started out with and added to are down at least 60,000 troops and of the 140 combat brigades at least 40 have been destroyed and others mauled. Another 50 days should see far more than the 60,000 casualties we've seen in the first 50 days. At a minimum, Vlad will be down to 80,000 troops in Ukraine and they might be spread around. Meanwhile the Ukrainian army is growing in numbers weekly, I see plenty of guys of military age still civilians in the video interviews.

Zelensky: up to 3 thousand Ukrainian soldiers died during the war
ZUMA Press Wire/TASSCopyright: ZUMA Press Wire/TASS
The Ukrainian authorities estimate that between 2,500 and 3,000 Ukrainian servicemen died during the war. said in an interview with CNN, president Volodymyr Zelensky.

About 10,000 more Ukrainian servicemen were wounded, According to Zelensky, and "it is difficult to say how many of them will survive."

The last time Volodymyr Zelensky called the death toll a month ago - March 12. According to him, it was 1300 people - that is, it was about half as much.

On March 30, President Zelensky's adviser Oleksiy Arestovich in an interview with the BBC refused to name the losses of the Ukrainian side:

"Of course, there are figures. I know them almost to the point of humanity, but I won't name them. Because no army in the world names its losses during the war. It's a state secret, first of all. And secondly, it can help the enemy to show the effectiveness of his actions and assess his combat potential. "
The Russian Defense Ministry last called the number of losses on March 25. Then the department recognized the death of 1,351 Russian soldiers.
I agree with the guy in this video, I think the sinking of the Moscow will be "determined" to be caused by the Ukrainians and will be used as a casus belli by Russia to declare war on Ukraine. This will allow Vlad to legally call up the reserve, they are setting it up on state TV, as can be seen in the video.
Russian Army Takes Its Biggest Loss Yet - Crucial Loss

i dunno, if it's too deep no one would be able to get to it....there is a reason they're call that the black sea..cause at a certain dept there is no o2 in the water or shall i say depleted...some one may correct me on that btw
To be fair, part of its perimeter is Chernye Zemlii, the Black Lands. Some old, organic-laden alluvium there that would grow some great smoke.
A little too cold to grow tabak
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They take a cheap anti tank grenade and modify it then add some 3D printed plastic fins and it becomes a bomb dropped from a hovering drone. A very inexpensive way to destroy a million dollar parked tank at night, hit the top of the turret and the ammo cooks off.
Ukrainian UAV dropping RKG-3 grenade modified into RKG-1600 bomb on Russian T-72 tank destroying it

i dunno, if it's too deep no one would be able to get to it....there is a reason they're call that the black sea..cause at a certain dept there is no o2 in the water or shall i say depleted...some one may correct me on that btw
Sixty miles off the coast south of Odesa, looks shallow up that way, dunno the depth, but she sunk in shallow water according to the map.

The planned replacement date was 2040. She had 18 of years of service ahead of her. She had anti cruise missiles missiles aboard, so she should have never been hit. It was just poor war fighting on the part of the crew. They only had three, so this was a huge loss to the red navy.
I think she was commissioned in 1983,if the Russians planned for her to serve to 2040 the way they maintain equipment thank the heavens she is not nuclear powered or the fish would look like the ones on the Simpsons, I don't dismiss Russian know how,many brilliant minds still in Russia but they don't have the $ to maintain and equip a modern military in 2022, I don't frankly know how Russia recovers from this,their savage brutality of Ukranian citizen's is shocking,I've always respected the Russian people and wished for better relations but their actions here are tough to take,brutality in WW2 when mother Russia was invaded was understandable but here in Ukraine their reputation is severely tarnished.
If there are nukes aboard the Russians might nuke the wreck with a tactical weapon, no way would they let Ukrainians dive on it if it had nukes aboard. If you can dive on it with scuba, it's too shallow for subs to operate in, a small boat with a fish finder and some DIY depth charges would make it suicide for them. It would mean Crimea becomes even more important to Putin if that thing has nukes aboard, if he loses it, he loses all hope of recovering the nukes and either the Ukrainians will have them or Uncle Sam will.
I sure as hell wish that there are no nukes on board the cruiser because we already dodged bullets w/the nuke plant shoot up,know this,keep turning cards over,the ace of spades is in the deck,any nuke use in Ukraine would set devastating precedents, and Russian interdiction of supplies rolling into Ukraine is also looming,fingers crossed that no escalation occurs,Putin has no card to play vs. NATO other than the button which is stunningly obvious when evaluating the performance of his military,can't powerful people in Russia come to the obvious conclusion that the best facesaving approach to restore any honor in Russia is to remove Putin,it's the only way out and the easiest way out,the West can never seriously respect or deal w/Putin after this catastrophe and the cruelty and criminality that it entails IMO.
I think she was commissioned in 1983,if the Russians planned for her to serve to 2040 the way they maintain equipment thank the heavens she is not nuclear powered. . . . . . .
The crew obviously didn't use all the systems as they should have, but she had had two recent retrofit upgrades. There was nothing really wrong with the ship. They had got too used to lobbing missiles at civilians in Syria. They forgot that Ukraine is a nation of fighters.
That dead officers count more than conscripts? The true number is likely to be 1 in 10. Or said another way, the Russian Officer Corps is being decimated.
There are more switchblade drones being delivered than they are letting on, the UK makes them and so does Turkey under license. I figure officers are being targeted because of their importance to the command of the army the more senior with his staff in the field the better. I think there are teams hunting officers with snipers, switchblades and perhaps even precision artillery and mortar rounds. Once the officer is dead nobody knows what to do and surrender becomes easier, the sergeants have no authority and don't lead, like our armies. That's why so many officers are in range of weapons, they need to lead from the front, even the senior ones.

I remember reading many years ago about a German system that would automatically train and fire on a radio signal. So whenever an enemy HQ was in range, it would get hit with a pattern of artillery air bursts with in a minute of transmission. That was back in the 80's and things can be radio located with greater accuracy and speed today and missiles fired from an MLRS would do the job. A drone and a switchblade team could do it too, with intelligence provided via cellphone about radio transmissions telling them where to look.
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I think she was commissioned in 1983,if the Russians planned for her to serve to 2040 the way they maintain equipment thank the heavens she is not nuclear powered or the fish would look like the ones on the Simpsons, I don't dismiss Russian know how,many brilliant minds still in Russia but they don't have the $ to maintain and equip a modern military in 2022, I don't frankly know how Russia recovers from this,their savage brutality of Ukranian citizen's is shocking,I've always respected the Russian people and wished for better relations but their actions here are tough to take,brutality in WW2 when mother Russia was invaded was understandable but here in Ukraine their reputation is severely tarnished.
why are you commenting on the supposed savagery of the victims, when we have confirmed reports of the aggressors massacring civilians?
The crew obviously didn't use all the systems as they should have, but she had had two recent retrofit upgrades. There was nothing really wrong with the ship. They had got too used to lobbing missiles at civilians in Syria. They forgot that Ukraine is a nation of fighters.
I would bet a million Rubbles that the systems in question operated poorly or not at all, if the army’s trucks are a comparison.
Intel sources say Moskva had at least two nuclear weapons aboard when it went down in the Black Sea.
Unless they recover, or destroy them with a tactical nuke, it will mean nuclear war if Ukraine invades Crimea. If they don't destroy or recover them, the Ukrainians or Uncle Sam will have them, I don't think she went down in deep water. No way would Putin allow Ukraine to recover those nukes, a small one can be turned into a big one with the addition of fusion fuel. If he loses Crimea they are as good as gone. If they have nukes, the Russians have 5 diesel powered subs in the Black sea and some of them will be parked on the bottom close to the wreck listening.
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I think she was commissioned in 1983,if the Russians planned for her to serve to 2040 the way they maintain equipment thank the heavens she is not nuclear powered or the fish would look like the ones on the Simpsons, I don't dismiss Russian know how,many brilliant minds still in Russia but they don't have the $ to maintain and equip a modern military in 2022, I don't frankly know how Russia recovers from this,their savage brutality of Ukranian citizen's is shocking,I've always respected the Russian people and wished for better relations but their actions here are tough to take,brutality in WW2 when mother Russia was invaded was understandable but here in Ukraine their reputation is severely tarnished.
it is beyond tarnished. it is broken, possibly beyond repair.
soldiers of a "civilized" nation should know that orders to target civilian homes, schools, churches and hospitals are illegal, and should NOT be followed. i understand that you have a dilemma if you are ordered to do so, but you should at least protest such orders, not revel in them. the officers who gave those orders should have protested them to putin, and the men who received those orders should have protested them to the officers giving them. as far as i'm aware, very few if any did so. there have been multiple incidents of outright murder, rape, and pillaging....they aren't modern soldiers, they're fucking pirates, led by a cut throat captain.