It's Parkinsons.
At least we didn’t have to wait for the dust to settle to see you look like a nitwit.Typical reaction from a brainlet. Fuck Putin. The murderous midget has seen to the slaughter of thousands of my brethren and coreligionists. Still, I have no problem acknowledging that he's running rings around American and NATO globalists. When the dust settles, I will be laughing; you will be left looking like a nitwit.
Russia is winning the war, and it's not even close. The Russians will impose their will on the Ukraine, just as they did in the North Caucasus, the South Caucasus, and in the Crimea. It will be hilarious watching the salt flow from all the brainlets who fell for both the anti-Russian propaganda and the "Ukraine will defeat Russia" nonsense.
Russia has taken little land beyond what was held by the separatists before the 'Special Operation' began. There still is a good chance that Russia will take the southern area but there is also a good chance of Ukraine holding them to the areas they have now. If Russia is doing so well why is Putin lying to the Russian people about how the war is going, why they are fighting in the first place? While not as good as knowing the language I use Google translate to view a number of news outlets from Russia. And before you go saying that we are lied to by the Western media the lies told by your media have been exposed many times by events on the ground (we are retreating from Kiev as our objectives have been completed) to the Moskova sinking (Oh, it was a fire and not a Ukrainian missile, we are just moving the rest of our ships farther away so they do not have a similar 'fire').Russia is winning the war, and it's not even close. The Russians will impose their will on the Ukraine, just as they did in the North Caucasus, the South Caucasus, and in the Crimea. It will be hilarious watching the salt flow from all the brainlets who fell for both the anti-Russian propaganda and the "Ukraine will defeat Russia" nonsense.
40% of the vote going to the far right. That is much better than she did before. I think the parliamentary elections are in June. I would be amazed if they didn't pick up a bunch of seats. The far left too for that matter. The young folks mostly sat this one out.
A twat who happily falls for propaganda is my definition of a brainlet. Lots of brainlets have exposed themselves with this Ukraine nonsense, including otherwise sound people who have long resisted propaganda of any kind.
Actually out of Russia, her father is in Crimea. The news site is Russian, I tried to get a translated link but they have something funny going on with the page detecting the browser. There is right wing and then there is Russian propaganda. Seems she fits in the second category.wait? what? the ukrainians did what? omg....
talk bout right wing out of Germany
They want payment in Russian funny money and the operator said no, we are paying as per the contract.Gazprom halts gas deliveries to Poland via Yamal pipeline: Polish pipeline operator
Actually out of Russia, her father is in Crimea. The news site is Russian, I tried to get a translated link but they have something funny going on with the page detecting the browser. There is right wing and then there is Russian propaganda. Seems she fits in the second category.