oh look,Typical reaction from a brainlet. Fuck Putin. The murderous midget has seen to the slaughter of thousands of my brethren and coreligionists. Still, I have no problem acknowledging that he's running rings around American and NATO globalists. When the dust settles, I will be laughing; you will be left looking like a nitwit.
Meanwhile Russia's economy is imploding. Sooner or later, Putin's corpse will be set out as meat to feed the dogs in the street and the dogs will refuse because they aren't cannibals. Rats aren't as picky. Win or lose in Ukraine, the economic sanctions are going to end Putin's regime.A twat who happily falls for propaganda is my definition of a brainlet. Lots of brainlets have exposed themselves with this Ukraine nonsense, including otherwise sound people who have long resisted propaganda of any kind.
The mad midget misses riding his shetland pony shirtless, oh those were the days.
Congrats on the new job. We all know shoveling shit is no fun, but someone has to do it. Just remember to wash before you eat your potato for lunch.Russia is winning the war, and it's not even close. The Russians will impose their will on the Ukraine, just as they did in the North Caucasus, the South Caucasus, and in the Crimea. It will be hilarious watching the salt flow from all the brainlets who fell for both the anti-Russian propaganda and the "Ukraine will defeat Russia" nonsense.
So far we have not spent real money on this war.Putin’s war sparked an urgent need to expand the US military-industrial base
Senior Pentagon officials recently invited leaders of the U.S. defense industry to discuss the need for replenishing the stockpiles of weapons that have been sent to Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression. This and the pacing threat of China are necessary for planning the production of weapons and services by our military industry. But they are not nearly enough for the new era ushered in by Vladimir Putin’s war.
True, the supplying of two particular weapon systems so far has put a significant dent in our stockpiles. We have sent Ukraine 33 percent of our Javelins — a portable anti-tank missile — and around 25 percent of our Stinger anti-aircraft missiles. The Pentagon has quite rightly said these must be replenished — or better still, replaced by more capable newer models. And as there is no indication that the war will end any time soon, we must assume the requirement for resupply will continue and even increase.
The mix of weapons will likely also change over time. Already, the Ukrainian president is asking for HIMRAS (rocket launchers), helicopters and drones. For effective use of these weapons, the Ukrainians will need training and sustainment assistance. The United States and/or NATO will need to organize quickly for this mission, perhaps by establishing a Military Assistance Command to train and sustain the Ukrainian forces. Such a step will also assist with the coordination of resupply operations among allies....
Putin’s war sparked an urgent need to expand the US military-industrial base
The Russian invasion of Ukraine requires a significant change in the tone, tenor and tempo of our foreign military sales.thehill.com
And it goes on. Sad that money that could be put to better use will be used up to shoot one another. But a little man wants to make Russia great again.
The article’s title: “Putin’s Infowarrior”![]()
Немецкая журналистка рассказала о зверствах ВСУ в больнице Мариуполя
Украинские силовики убили большое количество человек в больнице Мариуполя, предварительно связав им руки. Об этом рассказала журналистка из Германии Алина Липп телеканалу «Известия». «Здесь ужас, реально очень много трупов, тем более со связанными руками. Есть подозрение, что это мирные...iz.ru
And when I tried to find out something about the German journalist. I won't bother filling up the page, here is the link. Seems she is a propagandist for the Russians. I guess she takes after her Russian father rather than her German mother. But you will not read about that in Russia.
Alina Lipp auf Telegramm: Einst bei den Grünen, jetzt Putins Infokriegerin
Jenseits der Frontlinie gibt es wenige Journalisten, die über den Ukraine-Kri...www-t--online-de.translate.goog
Congrats on the new job. We all know shoveling shit is no fun, but someone has to do it. Just remember to wash before you eat your potato for lunch.
So far we have not spent real money on this war.