Destroy the bridge at Kerch and take Crimea and the Ukrainians own the sea of Azov and the black sea. The Russians would have one or two ports on part of the eastern coast. They can't send any surface ships within 300km of Ukraine for fear of missile attack. Submarines have no surface fighting capability these days, small fast craft like PT boats can act as an effective antisubmarine force, could be transported by rail from Europe and could even use DIY depth charges or hedgehogs! Commercial sonar will do just fine there too. However I expect Uncle Sam and the UK to provide the boats and weapons. If it can fire a harpoon, it can run with the big boys.I’m waiting to hear about the Makarov catching fire somehow.
You really think the Russians do not have men stationed all around the bridge?true, or a night incursion with a couple of blow skiffs little motor with packs of fert and some plastic explosive wrapped around the pillions, as soon as a ship comes through blow it with a cell phone
How close could the boats get to the bridge? If I were the Russians I would sit a tanker on either side of the bridge and move them out of the way when legitimate traffic needs to go under it.Control the north shore of the sea of Azov and it could be taken out by several means. A swam of speed boats controlled by GPS waypoints could carry a 1000 pound bombs. It would detonate a charge under the bomb like a fireworks mortar, when it passed under the bridges, destroying the boat and launching the bomb upwards into the bridge where it would detonate. Or they could order up some missiles from Uncle Sam on lend lease, made to do the job, perhaps the order is already in, awaiting a rubber stamp.
You really think the Russians do not have men stationed all around the bridge?
How close could the boats get to the bridge? .
Well precision missile attacks could take out many defenders and other boats carrying things like javelins could come along while drones swarmed over the place dropping bombs. Meanwhile a bunch of drone decoys would precede a junked airliner full of ANFO that would attack remote controlled from the other side.You really think the Russians do not have men stationed all around the bridge?
How close could the boats get to the bridge? If I were the Russians I would sit a tanker on either side of the bridge and move them out of the way when legitimate traffic needs to go under it.
The Kilo class of Diesel-electrics, which is what I’d expect in the Black Sea, has (beside torpedoes and mines) antiship, antiair and land-attack missiles. I read once that this class of boats is feared by the western powers; it is very quiet in electric mode and could conceivably slam-dunk a Western nuclear boat.Destroy the bridge at Kerch and take Crimea and the Ukrainians own the sea of Azov and the black sea. The Russians would have one or two ports on part of the eastern coast. They can't send any surface ships within 300km of Ukraine for fear of missile attack. Submarines have no surface fighting capability these days, small fast craft like PT boats can act as an effective antisubmarine force, could be transported by rail from Europe and could even use DIY depth charges or hedgehogs! Commercial sonar will do just fine there too. However I expect Uncle Sam and the UK to provide the boats and weapons. If it can fire a harpoon, it can run with the big boys.
Once they take Crimea, the Ukrainians can lay a sensor system on the ocean floor to detect subs in the western black sea. NATO did it in the early 60's for the Atlantic and the rest of the oceans have the same thing, cables with microphones every few miles ascending up to the right depth from the cable on the sea bed. It's pretty old technology and should be in their reach on a limited scale. A surfaced sub is also dead meat for a patrolling drone and I heard Uncle Sam was even supplying drone boats and ships and these are most often used for anti submarine work.The Kilo class of Diesel-electrics, which is what I’d expect in the Black Sea, has (beside torpedoes and mines) antiship, antiair and land-attack missiles. I read once that this class of boats is feated by the western powers; it is very quiet in electric mode and could conceivably slam-dunk a Western nuclear boat.
Kilo-class submarine - Wikipedia
not one word of this acknowledges that you posted a false assessment of the surface capabilities of Russian subs.Once they take Crimea, the Ukrainians can lay a sensor system on the ocean floor to detect subs in the western black sea. NATO did it in the early 60's for the Atlantic and the rest of the oceans have the same thing, cables with microphones every few miles ascending up to the right depth from the cable on the sea bed. It's pretty old technology and should be in their reach on a limited scale. A surfaced sub is also dead meat for a patrolling drone and I heard Uncle Sam was even supplying drone boats and ships and these are most often used for anti submarine work.
not one word of this acknowledges that you posted a false assessment of the surface capabilities of Russian subs.