
yeah with reg ammo 21km and with excal munitions 40k......hmmmm...why be in range at all....especially with those striking abilities....hell russian artillary is only 18km (i think, someone may correct me on that)
Regular munition can go almost 30km with accuracy too vs the Russian 18km. They have two main kinds of extended range ammo, rocket assisted and Excalibur which deploys wings and fins for gliding and and guiding and it can go around 40 km, if I remember correctly. The whole idea is to stay out of range and pound the fuckers to death before moving forward!
fucking with the grain shipments, they stole them literally and selling it on the black market now
I saw that, but stealing it is different than destroying it by sinking it, people will still eat it, even if it is stolen. Probably going to his buddy in Syria, if he can get it there, payment for mercenaries. Which reminds me, it might be time for Sammy to pay him a little visit again, now that the Russians are gone and won't be giving him much aid. Time for the Russians to lose that naval base on the Mediterranean that Vlad worked so hard for and poisoned so many kids with poison gas for. Maybe regime change in Syria wouldn't be a bad idea...
Vladivostok is as deep into the sticks as one can get.
A far east coast boy and it is a very long way from Moscow. He shouldn't have a problem getting into the states, the CIA and state department are probably milking him for any useful info about local politics etc.

If the region separated from Russia, say a few republics form a new country, they would quickly cash in on the economic opportunities the region has to offer. Might even be worth blowing up a bridge or two, thousands of miles away in Remote Siberia to cut Russia off from the Pacific coast...
really? got any links, cause we are hearing nothing, and i'm 2 hr from a border crossing....
Everything I hear is on PBS or NPR, but I don't recall exact show. This was a month or so ago. It may have been GOP disinformation about the Covid rule being relaxed at the border. Lots of GOP are showing up on the Newshour to do their song and dance these days.
Everything I hear is on PBS or NPR, but I don't recall exact show. This was a month or so ago. It may have been GOP disinformation about the Covid rule being relaxed at the border. Lots of GOP are showing up on the Newshour to do their song and dance these days.

yeah Abbott down this direction is doing the same....the POS.....blah blah blah is all i hear
A far east coast boy and it is a very long way from Moscow. He shouldn't have a problem getting into the states, the CIA and state department are probably milking him for any useful info about local politics etc.

If the region separated from Russia, say a few republics form a new country, they would quickly cash in on the economic opportunities the region has to offer. Might even be worth blowing up a bridge or two, thousands of miles away in Remote Siberia to cut Russia off from the Pacific coast...
If that region separated, I’d expect China to make a serious bid for it.
There is a republic in the area that was Chinese until around 1912, referendums open up possibilities and were Vlad's favorite tool of dismemberment. They can also be conducted by the UN and the right of self determination is a basic one in the UN charter.
I was thinking something more direct.
I was thinking something more direct.
They can be more subtle, Russia has nukes, the UN can be on their side and an independent state can be as good as another province to them. Blow the bridges in Siberia and a revolutionary government calls in the UN for a referendum with a few options, stay with Russia (in the shit house), join China (massive aid and development) or go it alone, freedom and western aid. The people living in these places should have the freedom to call their own shots, that is the path to peace in the end and the UN rule.
They can be more subtle, Russia has nukes, the UN can be on their side and an independent state can be as good as another province to them. Blow the bridges in Siberia and a revolutionary government calls in the UN for a referendum with a few options, stay with Russia (in the shit house), join China (massive aid and development) or go it alone, freedom and western aid. The people living in these places should have the freedom to call their own shots, that is the path to peace in the end and the UN rule.
That sounds like a fifty-point shot.
