
US Aims to Arm Ukraine With Advanced Anti-Ship Missiles to Fight Russian Blockade
The White House is working to put advanced anti-ship missiles in the hands of Ukrainian fighters to help defeat Russia's naval blockade, officials said, amid concerns more powerful weapons that could sink Russian warships would intensify the conflict.

Ukraine has made no secret it wants more advanced U.S. capabilities beyond its current inventory of artillery, Javelin and Stinger missiles, and other arms. Kyiv's list, for example, includes missiles that could push the Russian navy away from its Black Sea ports, allowing the restart of shipments of grain and other agricultural products worldwide.

Putin 'has already lost war' and will be ‘ousted in 3 months' claims expert
133,913 views May 19, 2022 VLADIMIR Putin faces a coup to overthrow him in just a matter of months, as his security chiefs now believe the war in Ukraine is lost, an expert has claimed. If Putin were to order a nuclear strike on the West, there is a growing chance that Russia's generals would ignore him, according to insiders. Following the disastrous invasion of Ukraine, a coup is now a realistic possibility, says Russian analyst and investigative journalist Christo Grozev. And his generals are less likely to listen to him as he becomes more and more isolated within the Kremlin's walls, he said.

Yep, if you thought political division was an issue in America, just wait until ya see what happens in Russia. Ukraine was the spark that will burn the remains Russian empire down.

One Russian's anti-war protest on side of his shopping centre - BBC News

Can Ukraine ever definitively win this war? | Julia Loffe
1,182 views May 20, 2022 Julia Loffe is a Russian-born American journalist. Her articles have appeared in The Washington Post, The New York Times, The New Yorker, Foreign Policy, Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, The New Republic, Politico, and The Atlantic.
Are Ukraine's weapons good enough to defeat Putin?
3,874 views May 20, 2022 “What we want to do is deter him from encroaching further. And we have an opportunity to crush the Russian military inside Ukraine.” Is Ukraine’s military defence enough to stop the Russian army? Henry Bonsu asks retired Four Star US General Jack Keane on #TimesRadio


Could A Ukrainian Victory Be A Bad Thing? | The Mehdi Hasan Show
99,626 views May 19, 2022 There are growing signs that Ukraine isn’t just surviving the Russian onslaught, but it’s actually winning the war. Now, some are asking: How do you achieve a settlement that doesn’t erode Ukraine’s sovereignty that doesn’t also humiliate Putin?

Could A Ukrainian Victory Be A Bad Thing? | The Mehdi Hasan Show
99,626 views May 19, 2022 There are growing signs that Ukraine isn’t just surviving the Russian onslaught, but it’s actually winning the war. Now, some are asking: How do you achieve a settlement that doesn’t erode Ukraine’s sovereignty that doesn’t also humiliate Putin?
you don't try to achieve a settlement, you kick the ever living shit out of russia till they withdraw every troop they have in Ukraine, including in Donbas and Crimea, and then you go after them in russia, not giving them a chance to regroup and come back...kill so many of the motherfuckers they won't have the ability to even defend their own borders...FUCK RUSSIA, FUCK PUTIN, AND FUCK HIS OUTDATED OBSOLETE NUKES
See what a country like Sweden can bring to the table inside NATO? They've long since integrated their communications and weapons systems with NATO, who are their military customers.
Sirius Compact – a passive electronic warfare sensor
53,794 views May 10, 2022 Sirius Compact is a lightweight passive surveillance sensor to meet electronic warfare challenges across all levels of tactical operations by locating threats while remaining undetected. Sirius Compact brings new capabilities thanks to its low size, weight and power, particularly in comparison to equivalent larger static solutions. It can easily be integrated to drones, vehicles, vessels, masts or man-portable applications.

you don't try to achieve a settlement, you kick the ever living shit out of russia till they withdraw every troop they have in Ukraine, including in Donbas and Crimea, and then you go after them in russia, not giving them a chance to regroup and come back...kill so many of the motherfuckers they won't have the ability to even defend their own borders...FUCK RUSSIA, FUCK PUTIN, AND FUCK HIS OUTDATED OBSOLETE NUKES
I think despite what you hear in the media and experts Ukraine will win this war by fall and liberate almost their entire country. I believe the Russian army will collapse on one front and it will lead to a domino effect, taking out the bridge at Kerch will be a major turning point, if it happens, the Russians are cut off in the south and will lose Crimea too.

Vlad started out with about 190,000 troops about 65% of his total land combat power, but he's been adding to it and could have thrown in up to 80% of his ground combat forces. Since Russian manpower is the critical factor here, one the Russians have a limited supply of and who they are treating as disposable and are losing at a very high rate. Say he looses 25,000 dead (Ukraine says almost 30K) in 90 days plus 3 X wounded, captured etc. That's 100,000 men gone in the first three months and the new weapons from allies have just arrived and the Russians are still attacking and getting hammered doing it! So let's say the Russians loses per month double or more in June when the Ukrainians get into their stride with the new shit we give them. Their officers are hunted on the battle field like rabid dogs and communications and command and control are shattered, who will stop the panic if the whip holders are dead?

So let's be generous and say between adding new units, conscripts, idiot recruits and mercenaries, he's got 200,000 tired and demoralized whip driven savages left by now, after all the additions and scrapping the bottom of the barrel real hard. Another 3 months of war against an increasingly well armed, experienced and skilled Ukrainian army wouldn't leave too many of the fuckers left. By the end of July at the latest the Russians should be in serious trouble if the Ukrainians can keep inflicting enough losses on them using drones and artillery, not to mention summer guerilla operations focused on their logistics and fuel. There is a reason they abandoned fixed defenses in favor of mobile tactics, precision weapons and drones make them obsolete as the tank did over 100 years before. Tanks are still useful with infantry to overrun defenses and drones above dropping cheap bombs and spotting anti tank defenses are useful too.

Kick Vlad out of Ukraine, there are very good reasons to do it ASAP, while destroying as much expensive and irreplaceable equipment as possible. One reason is famine and if Ukraine has control of Crimea it can own the Black sea with some outside help and ship out it's grain. The prospect of millions of people dying from famine and resulting political instability will be a big motivating factor for Uncle Sam to move shit along, as America's interest shifts to China.

Ya never know, Vlad could end up killing more people with starvation than Stalin or Hitler...
Ukraine does not have a navy as its ships were taken in 2014, hard to control the Black Sea. Russia already said Crimea is Russian territory, their rules of using nukes allows them to use them if there was a threat to the integrity of Russia. Without Nato putting ships in the area Russia still can rule the seas as long as they are at war. More so by the planting of mines that actual warfare.
Ukraine does not have a navy as its ships were taken in 2014, hard to control the Black Sea. Russia already said Crimea is Russian territory, their rules of using nukes allows them to use them if there was a threat to the integrity of Russia. Without Nato putting ships in the area Russia still can rule the seas as long as they are at war. More so by the planting of mines that actual warfare.
The issue will be Ukrainian grain and famine, if Ukraine controls Crimea they can control the sea with anti ship missiles. If submarines become an issue they will be hunted to extinction with NATO's help. I don't think turkey's cooperation would be too difficult to obtain on this particular issue. I believe a global food crises and millions at risk could be a powerful incentive for action, both in Crimea and in the Black sea.

However a far bigger stick would be the Baltic, which with Sweden and Finland in NATO becomes a NATO lake and they can deny passage to Russian ships. So there is also room for negotiation.

How Finland & Sweden Joining NATO Will Create Trouble For Putin’s Russia In The Baltic Sea
14,785 views May 20, 2022 Amid the war in Ukraine, historically neutral countries Finland and Sweden are preparing to join NATO. The world is focusing on the land border between Finland and Russia which makes Russia’s northern region vulnerable to attacks. Meanwhile, in this episode of DeCode Zakka Jacob focuses on the Russian Baltic Sea and how the world's largest submarine fleet will get stuck in NATO’s lake.
Struggling in Ukraine, Russia paves way to sign up over-40s for army
In a sign of Russia's urgent need to bolster its war effort in Ukraine, parliament said on Friday it would consider a bill to allow Russians over 40 and foreigners over 30 to sign up for the military.

The website of the State Duma, parliament's lower house, said the move would enable the military to utilise the skills of older professionals.

"For the use of high-precision weapons, the operation of weapons and military equipment, highly professional specialists are needed. Experience shows that they become such by the age of 40–45," it said.

Putin did not allow Alikhanov to justify the failures with a special operation. Video
Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed out to the governor of the Kaliningrad region Anton Alikhanov the inappropriateness of attempts to link the decline in construction in the region with a special operation in Ukraine. The working meeting was broadcast on the Russia 24 TV channel.

“There is no need to refer to our special military operation. You did it, but you don’t need to do it, because you had a recession back in 2020-21, and there was a noticeable decline in construction. A special military operation in the Donbass has absolutely nothing to do with it. This link was, frankly, not very appropriate,” the Russian president said.

Putin gave a reason for IT-specialists not to leave Russia
For them, the president instructed to create special forces
Russian President Vladimir Putin demonstrated to IT specialists the opportunity to realize themselves in Russia. They will be able to apply their knowledge and talents in special forces that are being created in law enforcement agencies and government bodies, at infrastructure facilities in cities, experts explain Putin's decision, which he announced at a meeting of the Security Council on May 20. These people will have to ensure the information and technological security of Russia in the context of a cyber war with the West, political analysts say.

President Putin devoted a meeting of the Russian Security Council (the so-called “big Security Council”) to discussing the topic of cybersecurity of information systems. The number of attacks on the websites of government bodies, the media, and law enforcement agencies has increased with the start of a military special operation in the Donbass , Putin noted. “The challenges in this area have become even more acute and serious, more ambitious. A real aggression has been unleashed against Russia, a war in the information space ,” the President said.

According to Putin, it is no longer “lone hackers” who are trying to hit Russian information systems. These are complex attacks that come "from different states, and which are clearly coordinated." “These are the actions of state structures, and we know that cyber troops are already quite officially part of the armies of some countries. Access to Russian Internet resources is blocked, information becomes inaccessible or is replaced with fakes, fakes. Increasingly sophisticated software is being used that can infect devices using various operating systems,” the president said.

All not so rosy in Russia?
The US Secretary of State said that Russia itself refused NATO membership
To respond to threats near the Russian western borders, 12 new military units and subunits will be created in the Western Military District by the end of 2022, Defense Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu said on Friday at a meeting of the Russian Defense Ministry.

As Shoigu noted, the situation in the western strategic direction is characterized by an increase in military threats near the Russian borders. In particular, the intensity of US strategic aviation flights in Europe has increased 15 times, and American ships have entered the Baltic Sea on a systematic basis.

Earlier, the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the allegations that Russia was once invited to the alliance, said that the United States had repeatedly spoken about the impossibility of Russia's entry into NATO. So he commented on the column of former US President Bill Clinton in the Atlantic magazine that after the collapse of the USSR, the door for Russia's possible NATO membership in the future allegedly remained open. As Russian President Vladimir Putin said earlier , in 2000 he talked with Bill Clinton about the US attitude towards Russia's entry into NATO. According to him, the reaction of the American leader was restrained.
