
More arms for Ukraine, perhaps in a very big way from the UK, Boris is probably calling Joe about sending some more MLRS, a lot more. POWs or they start getting a lot more MLRS, with a lot more range and a lot more M777s too. Start killing POWs and we will snuff your army in Ukraine real fast and baby that is just the beginning, cause not many will get out alive by sea or air from Crimea. Then there will be the revolution in Belarus with Ukrainian intervention...

BREAKING: British fighters sentenced to death by Russian proxy court
5,276 views Jun 9, 2022 Two British men captured by Russian forces while fighting in Ukraine have been sentenced to death. Aiden Aslin, 28, and Shaun Pinner, 48, were detained in April before appearing in court in the separatist Donetsk People's Republic. In footage shared by Russian state media, the pair were said to have admitted "training in order to carry out terrorist activities".
More arms for Ukraine, perhaps in a very big way from the UK, Boris is probably calling Joe about sending some more MLRS, a lot more. POWs or they start getting a lot more MLRS, with a lot more range and a lot more M777s too. Start killing POWs and we will snuff your army in Ukraine real fast and baby that is just the beginning, cause not many will get out alive by sea or air from Crimea. Then there will be the revolution in Belarus with Ukrainian intervention...

BREAKING: British fighters sentenced to death by Russian proxy court
5,276 views Jun 9, 2022 Two British men captured by Russian forces while fighting in Ukraine have been sentenced to death. Aiden Aslin, 28, and Shaun Pinner, 48, were detained in April before appearing in court in the separatist Donetsk People's Republic. In footage shared by Russian state media, the pair were said to have admitted "training in order to carry out terrorist activities".
Boris seems like a pussy to me. i would tell the russians straight up "return our citizens or we'll declare war on you immediately." and would do exactly that...this would be the perfect time for the UK to step in and wipe out the russian navy, blow the fucking russians clean out of crimea, destroy every fuel and ammo depot they have within 200 miles of the Ukrainian border, obliterate their army, and send them crawling home a bloody wreck that will never recover. if Boris has the balls, this could be over in a week...but he doesn't

Ukraine War: Russian forces making progress in the East
144,519 views Jun 9, 2022 Research Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute. Ed Arnold, says Russian forces are making progress in the east of Ukraine.
Boris seems like a pussy to me. i would tell the russians straight up "return our citizens or we'll declare war on you immediately." and would do exactly that...this would be the perfect time for the UK to step in and wipe out the russian navy, blow the fucking russians clean out of crimea, destroy every fuel and ammo depot they have within 200 miles of the Ukrainian border, obliterate their army, and send them crawling home a bloody wreck that will never recover. if Boris has the balls, this could be over in a week...but he doesn't
I figure the low number of artillery and MLRS we are supplying has less to do with fear and more to do with leverage. We can squeeze Vlad's balls a lot harder than we have been and can make the Ukrainian victory swift and much less costly. Arrange for the sinking of their Black sea fleet and open up Ukrainian grain ports, assist them in blowing the bridge at Kerch.

They should also be developing gas resources in the west of the country including under Kyiv. Time for those western oil companies to move back in and start drilling with Ukrainian crews to cut Russia out of their remaining European market share ASAP. The Russian supply of precision weapons is dwindling and if they started shooting at them, I'd make fake cheap decoy drilling rigs for them to waste munitions on. A pipeline line buried under 2 meters of earth is even more difficult for them to hit and damage than a railway line. Kyiv is sitting on top of it's own natural gas supply according to surveys and is in the middle of their richest gas field.
Russia "continues to press by sheer mass," says Ukrainian defense minister
From CNN's Victoria Butenko, Yulia Kesaieva, and Mick Krever

Acknowledging that Russia has the wherewithal to continue advancing on some parts of the frontline, Ukraine’s defense minister on Thursday said that he is dissatisfied with the “tempo and quantity” of weapons arriving to Ukraine.
“The situation at the front lines is difficult,” Oleksiy Reznikov said in a statement on Facebook.
“The Kremlin continues to press by sheer mass. It stumbles and faces strong rebuff. It suffers huge casualties," he said. "But yet still has forces to advance in some parts of the front.”
Echoing President Volodymyr Zelensky's previous comments, Reznikov said that up 100 Ukrainian soldiers were being killed every day, and up to 500 wounded.
Ukraine, he said, had “already received, bought on the market, manufactured and handed over to the Armed Forces of Ukraine a significant number of weapons.”
“These numbers would have been enough for a victorious defence operation against any army in Europe. But not against Russia. The Russian Moloch still has a lot of means for devouring human lives for to satisfy its imperial ego," said Reznikov.
“That is why we emphasize: Ukraine desperately needs heavy weapons, and very fast. We have proved that, unlike many others, we do not fear the Kremlin," he said. "But as a country we cannot afford to be losing our best sons and daughters.”

Russia claims first grain exports: The first rail cars carrying Ukrainian grain from the Russian-occupied city of Melitopol have departed for Crimea, according to Eugeny Balitsky, a leader in the Russian-backed military administration of the occupied portion of Zaporizhzhia region. Balitsky said he hoped the grain would find its way to Turkey and the Middle East.
The war will last as long as we want it to, as long as we hold back the weapons the Ukrainians need. It could be over fairly quickly, if we have the courage of our convictions.

Is Putin threatening Russia’s future? | Dr Mike Green
8,425 views Jun 9, 2022 “Strategically and geopolitically, he’s isolating Russia and threatening Russia’s future in ways that could be almost existential for him.” Is Putin damaging Russia’s future? Former Special Assistant to President George W Bush, Dr. Mike Green, discusses with Carole Walker on #TimesRadio

Scenarios for the end of war: Ukraine is defending, Russia is close to exhausting the resources
13,424 views Jun 9, 2022 The Russian invaders failed to break the Ukrainian leadership, army, and people in a blitzkrieg. One of the probable scenarios experts describe as a prolonged war until one of the sides is exhausted. Ukrainian military experts are sure, Russia is already close to exhausting the resources it has accumulated precisely to achieve victory in this war. Another option under discussion is whether Putin could declare a ceasefire. What another scenarios for the end of the war in Ukraine are discussed – our correspondents found out.
It's not how much the Russians spend that counts, it's how much of the stockpiled cold war weapons and munitions they have left. How many they can produce or start producing again, it's also how many warm bodies they can throw in the cauldron. Ukrainian losses have been heavy lately, but they have trained many more times the troops, than they have lost, they have been creating, training and equipping new regiments since the war began. 7 years of continuous low level war has given the Ukrainians 400K trained men, many combat experienced. 400K Ukrainian expat men working abroad returned home to sign up and there is no shortage of volunteers for the army or territorials.

How long can Russia afford the war? | DW News
187,989 views Jun 9, 2022 The war in Ukraine is well into its fourth month - with no sign of ending. Can Russia keep up its offensive? War is expensive, beyond the death and destruction - the costs of mounting a military campaign are massive. Tanks, missiles, fuel - not to mention feeding an army - it's believed Russia's spending 900 million euros a day in Ukraine.
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More arms for Ukraine, perhaps in a very big way from the UK, Boris is probably calling Joe about sending some more MLRS, a lot more. POWs or they start getting a lot more MLRS, with a lot more range and a lot more M777s too. Start killing POWs and we will snuff your army in Ukraine real fast and baby that is just the beginning, cause not many will get out alive by sea or air from Crimea. Then there will be the revolution in Belarus with Ukrainian intervention...
ng to say that be

BREAKING: British fighters sentenced to death by Russian proxy court
5,276 views Jun 9, 2022 Two British men captured by Russian forces while fighting in Ukraine have been sentenced to death. Aiden Aslin, 28, and Shaun Pinner, 48, were detained in April before appearing in court in the separatist Donetsk People's Republic. In footage shared by Russian state media, the pair were said to have admitted "training in order to carry out terrorist activities".

i'm going to say that it better not happen but alas, it is to make 'a happening'..happen..he's getting bored and tired and just can't wait to involve us..this of course will ratchet it up.
It's not how much the Russians spend that counts, it's how much of the stockpiled cold war weapons and munitions they have left. How many they can produce or start producing again, it's also how many warm bodies they can throw in the cauldron. Ukrainian losses have been heavy lately, but they have trained many more times the troops, than they have lost, they have been creating, training and equipping new regiments since the war began. 7 years of continuous low level war has given the Ukrainians 400K trained men, many combat experienced. 400K Ukrainian expat men working abroad returned home to sign up and their is no shortage of volunteers for the army or territorials.

How long can Russia afford the war? | DW News
187,989 views Jun 9, 2022 The war in Ukraine is well into its fourth month - with no sign of ending. Can Russia keep up its offensive? War is expensive, beyond the death and destruction - the costs of mounting a military campaign are massive. Tanks, missiles, fuel - not to mention feeding an army - it's believed Russia's spending 900 million euros a day in Ukraine.

not long which is why they sentenced a Brit to death.
I see reports there are still trainloads of T80 tanks and MLRSs coming out of Russia as Vlad strips the cupboard bare. Tanks are one thing, but crews are another and most of the tanks that were destroyed had their crews destroyed with them, St. Javelin leaves few prisoners. So they are still pouring more shit in and it's gotta come from somewhere and once it is gone, it can't be replaced. A tank army with no tanks or APCs, obsolete equipment, no modern arms, a corrupt and idiotic military culture, obsolete tactics, poor organization, rife with corruption and incompetence. It's good it will be destroyed, they will need to start from scratch anyway. By the time they can build an army again it will be too late, the cultural, economic and political situation will be changed in Russia by the mere existence of a liberal democratic Ukraine, much more so if Belarus is liberated too.

how many times did i say he was trying to re-establish the fucking empire? and how many times was i told "no, he's doing this because...x, y, or z"?
he wants to be emperor putin, and x, y, and z are only being attempted because it is required for him to become emperor putin....
they were making good money selling gas and oil, potash, ore...they didn't need anything from Ukraine, not one fucking thing, and putin knows full well that there is no fucking threat from nazis in Ukraine...he wanted it to be the first member of the new empire, but it's going to turn into the first nail in russia's coffin...it's cheap, shitty, splintery pine coffin that will be buried in a pauper's field and forgotten.

this....THIS is what could lead to WW3...it's time to do something about this, right fucking now, before we have to invade fucking nicaragua and physically kick the motherfucking russians back across the fucking ocean...make it clear to fucking dumbass pissant dictator ortega and his dumbass fucking wife/co president that this isn't going to fucking stand, for one second, and that if they don't disinvite the russians, we'll do it for them, with artillery
and yes, i see the "hypocrisy" of NATO having bases that can reach russia while russia doesn't get to have bases that could reach America...and i could give a flying fuck less...we haven't abused the position those bases put us in, and won't...russia abuses every situation they're in, if they can see any kind of profit in it at all. if nicaragua allows them to build a base in its country, in a few years, nicaragua will be a russian vassal state, and ortega and his crazy ass fucking wife will be puppets, brouht out with sticks shoed up their asses on state occasions, otherwise hung up in a closet, powerless to take the advantage they thought allying themselves with the biggest murdering liars on the planet would give them.
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how many times did i say he was trying to re-establish the fucking empire? and how many times was i told "no, he's doing this because...x, y, or z"?
he wants to be emperor putin, and x, y, and z are only being attempted because it is required for him to become emperor putin....
they were making good money selling gas and oil, potash, ore...they didn't need anything from Ukraine, not one fucking thing, and putin knows full well that there is no fucking threat from nazis in Ukraine...he wanted it to be the first member of the new empire, but it's going to turn into the first nail in russia's coffin...it's cheap, shitty, splintery pine coffin that will be buried in a pauper's field and forgotten.
They would cut him out of the energy market as he tried to resurrect the soviet empire and they were his first major target anyway. Old imperial Russia will die on the fields of Ukraine along with the Russian army. There is a reason Ukraine never developed it's gas resources they were attacked politically and economically, then finally militarily in the east and Crimea, another huge gas field. Ukraine was the poorest country in Europe and Russia actively kept it that way, but they still did better than the average Russian.

Vlad had many reasons for invading Ukraine, empire, economic and with the spread of liberal democratic ideas an existential threat to Russia as it is currently constituted. Russia was an empire accumulated by conquest mostly in the 19th century, the last time they got close to democracy in the early 90s and they started coming apart. Once Ukraine goes western, Belarus won't be long following, especially if the Russian army is destroyed in Ukraine. If that happens, there can be no iron curtain or buffer between the west and the Russian cultural world. An Iron curtain would be impossible to implement, with most of the young brains in Russia eventually migrating to Ukraine or Belarus.