
I don't agree at all with the first line but had to like your post cause I love Australia and agree with most points. Other countries too have those things in your third item but without compulsory voting though. You guys do have excellent and ridiculously affordable pub food that looks and tastes like 5-star restaurant food in Europe but in large portions. Also agree with the infrastructure being great (in NSW anyway), still shocked at the low rates for modern train rides.

Abundance of water though? Yeah and the floods are getting more frequent and worse. Australia has very poor fresh water management, decades behind some other countries. Mind-boggling at times. One moment you got floods, the next drought causes dead kangaroos, cattle and wipes out forests in the same spots. Need more canals, much bigger dams, and do a much better job at managing rivers, lakes, and the Great Artesian Basin.

Germany is under scrutiny cause they say one thing and then do another while they have the power to make a huge difference. Your bombing comment is just emotion-fueled anti-americanism / trolling. "as the saying goes the first to insult loses"...
Laws mean that a person is not free to do as they wish. Anarchy is a free society. Not one id like to live in.
I'm not sure another country does have all those. None i can think of off the top of my head. Anyone?
Aussies do love a good pub meal, good coffee and food in general. We are lucky with the amount of good food we produce and good chefs are treated nearly like rock stars.
Floods provide water to the interior and the many inland lakes that birds flock to that only see water every few years. They also clean out rivers and creeks and gully's along with estuaries. Often managing huge natural events is not good for the many living things, both animal and flora and fauna that has survived for tens if not thousands or hundreds of thousands of years. People have been living in OZ for 60,000 plus years and we know the flood areas but people still choose to live there. The Murray Darling is badly managed and perhaps the worst managed river in Australia. Three states who just do nothing but argue about the water.

When i lived in the Kimberly the wet season floods would travel hundreds of kilometers over the plains and when they meet the 10 meter ocean tides (2nd largest tides in the world) the spread was crazy. Was amazing watching what was dessert and just dry red dirt becoming a wet lake and/or ocean for as far as the eye can see.

Not sure how my last comment was anti American. Its something we get taught in English when we do debating back in school. Im sure everyone would of learnt something similar.

I'll leave you with a Poem. If your not into poems then the last two paragraphs is worth reading.

My Country – I love a sunburnt country
The love of field and coppice,
Of green and shaded lanes.
Of ordered woods and gardens
Is running in your veins,
Strong love of grey-blue distance
Brown streams and soft, dim skies
I know but cannot share it,
My love is otherwise.

I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of drought and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons,
I love her jewel-sea,
Her beauty and her terror –
The wide brown land for me!

A stark white ring-barked forest
All tragic to the moon,
The sapphire-misted mountains,
The hot gold hush of noon.
Green tangle of the brushes,
Where lithe lianas coil,
And orchids deck the tree-tops
And ferns the warm dark soil.

Core of my heart, my country!
Her pitiless blue sky,
When sick at heart, around us
We see the cattle die –
But then the grey clouds gather,
And we can bless again
The drumming of an army,
The steady, soaking rain.

Core of my heart, my country!
Land of the Rainbow Gold,
For flood and fire and famine,
She pays us back threefold –
Over the thirsty paddocks,
Watch, after many days,
The filmy veil of greenness
That thickens as we gaze.

Dorothea Mackellar
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I read it and since it was CNN posted an image of the headline.

Sanctions take awhile to bite, but bite they will, first it will kill the airline industry, then the automotive, then the Rail industry and Russia will be fucked. Spare parts are required for everything and the modern Russia we see in videos was mostly bought from the west with oil money and everything from traffic lights to elevators and industrial equipment will need parts and consumables. They don't use steam locomotives and can't make them or diesel ones without a lot of foreign components. There are no more plain bearings for rail equipment, the rollers and components of the wheel bearings for the trains are made abroad, the welders in the shops are full of electronic components and need maintenance and components and welding wire imported from abroad.

Sanctions take time, but in the meantime Russia will fall apart from lack of spares, since they don't make much and their oil is far from China and they can't sell enough that way. If Ukraine steals their European gas and oil markets they are really fucked. China could help them keep their railroads alive with Chinese locomotives and perhaps bearing components, but I'm not sure they use the same railway gauge, Russia's is wider than the west's.
I'll leave you with a Poem. If your not into poems then the last two paragraphs is worth reading.
:shock: A little over two years ago a receptionist in Mudgee wanted to convince me it was the same (floods, bushfires) as 100 years ago and nothing to do with climate change. He brought up an old poem as if it was evidence. I thought it had a bridge in it though. Two days later hundreds of miles south I saw it being parroted with the same look republicans get when they think they get to “own the libs”? True story. What are the odds… well, I’m thinking pretty big. I’m thinking climate change disaster deniers don’t have any good arguments and that poem hasn’t had as many readers in the past 2 years as it has in it’s entire existence before that. That or Australians are really into poems.

I just wanted to bust your balls a little over the “abundance of water” comment… People in Africa have been miserable at many times for thousands of years too, surely they wrote songs and poems about famine and drought too, maybe some paintings in caves. Doesn’t make a it a good excuse to not deal with it today, especially when it’s getting worse and more frequent.

Not sure how my last comment was anti American. Its something we get taught in English when we do debating back in school. Im sure everyone would of learnt something similar.
I saw you posted something about anti-intellectualism earlier, an article that mentioned Richard Hofstadter, a topic and name I brought ‘a couple of times’ here on RIU over the past decade. The root of all evil, especially in the US. Trump and Putin supporters, most republicans in general, climate change deniers, QAnon, are extreme examples. So it would be great if you know I know you know what I mean without me having to quote things you posted.

Laws mean that a person is not free to do as they wish. Anarchy is a free society. Not one id like to live in.
Lawlessness doesn’t mean every person is free to do as they wish either. Pretty sure anarchy effectively means everyone becomes someone’s bitch in a non-democratic non-regulated way.

Fmr. Amb. To Ukraine Bill Taylor: War In Ukraine ‘Probably Goes Into Next Year’
6,254 views Jun 17, 2022 Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor joins Meet the Press NOW to discuss the latest on the war in Ukraine, and the impact of sanctions on the Putin regime.
:shock: A little over two years ago a receptionist in Mudgee wanted to convince me it was the same (floods, bushfires) as 100 years ago and nothing to do with climate change. He brought up an old poem as if it was evidence. I thought it had a bridge in it though. Two days later hundreds of miles south I saw it being parroted with the same look republicans get when they think they get to “own the libs”? True story. What are the odds… well, I’m thinking pretty big. I’m thinking climate change disaster deniers don’t have any good arguments and that poem hasn’t had as many readers in the past 2 years as it has in it’s entire existence before that. That or Australians are really into poems.

I just wanted to bust your balls a little over the “abundance of water” comment… People in Africa have been miserable at many times for thousands of years too, surely they wrote songs and poems about famine and drought too, maybe some paintings in caves. Doesn’t make a it a good excuse to not deal with it today, especially when it’s getting worse and more frequent.

I saw you posted something about anti-intellectualism earlier, an article that mentioned Richard Hofstadter, a topic and name I brought ‘a couple of times’ here on RIU over the past decade. The root of all evil, especially in the US. Trump and Putin supporters, most republicans in general, climate change deniers, QAnon, are extreme examples. So it would be great if you know I know you know what I mean without me having to quote things you posted.

Lawlessness doesn’t mean every person is free to do as they wish either. Pretty sure anarchy effectively means everyone becomes someone’s bitch in a non-democratic non-regulated way.
I like the Mudgee area.
No idea why you wanted to bust my balls about an abundance of water, i think in my original post i covered it OK in a couple sentences.
I don't seem to meet any climate change deniers. I'm in a rural state though so daily weather record keeping is a fairly common practice and records go back a few generations.
My state is now carbon negative. One of only a three places in the world- which is pretty exciting.

Heres a pic of Ularu (Ayres rock) that most wouldn't see. 1655542041271.png

I like poems but if you dont heres a couple songs.

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You have a skewed understanding of anarchy.
Not just me.
What is the simple meaning of anarchy?

absence of government

Definition of anarchy

1a : absence of government. b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority the city's descent into anarchy. c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government.
Not just me.
What is the simple meaning of anarchy?

absence of government

Definition of anarchy

1a : absence of government. b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority the city's descent into anarchy. c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government.

Maybe go a bit beyond the most simplistic dictionary explanation.
Not just me.
What is the simple meaning of anarchy?

absence of government

Definition of anarchy

1a : absence of government. b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority the city's descent into anarchy. c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government.
first definition, spot on, a descent into hell where the strongest rule and the weak do what they're told or pay the consequences.
second definition, in your fucking fantasies...there is no utopian society to be had on this planet till we all evolve a lot more than we have so far, especially with no supervision.
Not just me.
What is the simple meaning of anarchy?

absence of government

Definition of anarchy

1a : absence of government. b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority the city's descent into anarchy. c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government.
In Greek, Utopia means nowhere, but it's actually Latin and coined by Thomas Moore.
In a nutshell, here's how ya solve yer problem, get off yer asses and start shoveling weapons and ammo into Ukraine, so that they can quickly defeat, destroy and drive the Russians from Ukraine, then start on Belarus to finish off whatever is left of Vlad's conventional forces. Use propaganda and the Belarus forces fighting for Ukraine to cause political change there and Ukraine supports the new regime. All the while, as quietly as you can develop Ukrainian NG and oil where you can until the Russian threat is gone. Make Ukraine and Belarus your energy suppliers while you go green new grid over the next couple of decades. In a decade there won't be nearly as much demand for gasoline as today, cars are going EV.

So it takes some spine and some sacrifice to attain a larger goal, same as the rest of life, nothing new. Figure out a way to get through the winter while solving your long term problems with energy, petrochemical feed stock and with the Russian conventional military threat. Ukraine winning this war and developing their oil and NG resources would turbocharge the EU economies too, with massive business and employment opportunities.
In a nutshell, here's how ya solve yer problem, get off yer asses and start shoveling weapons and ammo into Ukraine, so that they can quickly defeat, destroy and drive the Russians from Ukraine, then start on Belarus to finish off whatever is left of Vlad's conventional forces. Use propaganda and the Belarus forces fighting for Ukraine to cause political change there and Ukraine supports the new regime. All the while, as quietly as you can develop Ukrainian NG and oil where you can until the Russian threat is gone. Make Ukraine and Belarus your energy suppliers while you go green new grid over the next couple of decades. In a decade there won't be nearly as much demand for gasoline as today, cars are going EV.

So it takes some spine and some sacrifice to attain a larger goal, same as the rest of life, nothing new. Figure out a way to get through the winter while solving your long term problems with energy, petrochemical feed stock and with the Russian conventional military threat. Ukraine winning this war and developing their oil and NG resources would turbocharge the EU economies too, with massive business and employment opportunities.
Not sure if Ukraine has the manpower to ever go on the offensive in Donbass,that requires at least a 3-1 ratio of attacker vs. defender,all Russian gains have been dug in and fortified,Western systems are taking to long when considering the transport and training required,Putin smartened up and went retro to old school Russian overwhelming artillery tactics over a smaller less ambitious front once it was realized Russia lacks the skill for integrated modern warfare that the West so expertly conducts,It's a shit sandwich dilemna as any Russian territorial gains are unacceptable and only reward a brutal war criminal autocrat if Ukraine ends up signing an agreement that cedes more territory to the FKhead,however I don't know how Ukraine can ever muster the manpower and resources to EVER evict Russian forces from the pre 2014 borders, unfortunately that's beginning to look like a pipe dream IMO.
Not sure if Ukraine has the manpower to ever go on the offensive in Donbass,that requires at least a 3-1 ratio of attacker vs. defender,all Russian gains have been dug in and fortified,Western systems are taking to long when considering the transport and training required,Putin smartened up and went retro to old school Russian overwhelming artillery tactics over a smaller less ambitious front once it was realized Russia lacks the skill for integrated modern warfare that the West so expertly conducts,It's a shit sandwich dilemna as any Russian territorial gains are unacceptable and only reward a brutal war criminal autocrat if Ukraine ends up signing an agreement that cedes more territory to the FKhead,however I don't know how Ukraine can ever muster the manpower and resources to EVER evict Russian forces from the pre 2014 borders, unfortunately that's beginning to look like a pipe dream IMO.
i'm not sure...when you frighten a toad, they swell up two or three times their normal size, but it's all toad flavored hot air...
they're throwing up to 50,000 artillery rounds a day at Ukraine...just how many do they have, and how quickly can they make replacements? how many can they transport to the front every day? how many replacement barrels do they have for their artillery pieces?
for modern artillery pieces they have to be replaced ever 2000-2500 rounds, older unit's barrels maybe last 1500-2000...how long does it take to wear a barrel slap the fuck out firing at the rate they're firing? disregarding the loss of power and accuracy, at what point do they become unsafe and burst? i'm thinking there are some russians who are already finding out.