
not when you make a car do electrolysis it doesn't, that splits the water (h20) from hydrogen (h) and oxygen (o2)..then the hydrogen is used to propel the car...o2 is the waste......

The problem with hydrogen is how much energy is wasted. We need electricity to produce hydrogen with electrolysis. Electrolysis wastes half of the energy and then fuel cells waste about half again when converting hydrogen into electricity for the electric motor (combustion engine would be even more wasteful). So we waste about 75% of the original electricity when could have just used the electricity to power the car instead.
The problem with hydrogen is how much energy is wasted. We need electricity to produce hydrogen with electrolysis. Electrolysis wastes half of the energy and then fuel cells waste about half again when converting hydrogen into electricity for the electric motor (combustion engine would be even more wasteful). So we waste about 75% of the original electricity when could have just used the electricity to power the car instead.
That's the conundrum the wastage of energy to produce.
To make it viable we need green energy to make it and an abundance of green energy. Start ups are happening and Hydrogen does have a lot of advantages over battery.
it's certainly a future energy supplement. Perhaps more for commercial and industrial uses?? I may of saw something about Toyota mass producing a Hydrogen powered car? Don't quote me on that one.

Edit: https://www.toyota.com/mirai/ Free fuel for 6 years...

Any new building anywhere in the 1st world should be mandated to have double glazing , insolation, water tanks and solar panels. And it should of been done 10 years ago.
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Looks like Vlad is about finished, whatever he says, the opposite is true.

If they are doing so well, why are they taking munitions and equipment from Belarus, throwing in obsolete T62 tanks and having serious trouble with morale and finding enough manpower. Meanwhile the Ukrainians are transitioning to better NATO arms and they are arriving continuously, along with freshly trained and equipped troops. They are striking deep into Russian held territory now with long range artillery and HIMARS, destroying Russian forward ammo dumps, fuel, artillery and C&C. The Russians have few trucks and this will increase the strain on them considerably and reduce the flow of supplies to the Russian front. Because it is summer and the Russians have so few troops for such vast areas, Ukrainian special forces and partisans, using mines and IEDs are creating havoc with logistics in the Russian rear too.
Looks like Vlad is about finished, whatever he says, the opposite is true.

If they are doing so well, why are they taking munitions and equipment from Belarus, throwing in obsolete T62 tanks and having serious trouble with morale and finding enough manpower. Meanwhile the Ukrainians are transitioning to better NATO arms and they are arriving continuously, along with freshly trained and equipped troops. They are striking deep into Russian held territory now with long range artillery and HIMARS, destroying Russian forward ammo dumps, fuel, artillery and C&C. The Russians have few trucks and this will increase the strain on them considerably and reduce the flow of supplies to the Russian front. Because it is summer and the Russians have so few troops for such vast areas, Ukrainian special forces and partisans, using mines and IEDs are creating havoc with logistics in the Russian rear too.
It certainly seems to have bogged down. Seems wise to use up old tanks and munitions first. I wonder what winter will bring.

How long do you think this war will go on for?
It certainly seems to have bogged down. Seems wise to use up old tanks and munitions first. I wonder what winter will bring.

How long do you think this war will go on for?
It depends on how much support we give to the Ukrainians, there are certain advantages for them, America and the eastern Europeans, for a longer war. I keeps Russia under the sanctions shithouse longer and every day the war goes on the deeper the damage to the Russian economy. Also they want to destroy the Russian army and Russia's ability to project power onto it's neighbors, they are an imperial power that needs to be reigned in. The destruction of the Russian army and the depletion of it's irreplaceable munitions and equipment is the only long term security for Ukraine.

It could be over late this fall, if the Russian army collapses, you will know the tide has turned when the bridge at Kerch linking Russia to Crimea is destroyed. Right now the Russians are attacking and when they are attacking they are getting chewed up, especially lately, now that the Ukrainians can outrange them, have counter battery radars and many times more drones to find targets and direct fire. Also, the Ukrainians have night vision equipment and can operate at night, the Russians can't, owning the night is important in war.
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putin is so full of horseshit that he must drink it by the bucket...
they're calling fat fucking retired generals up because they've lost everyone else, they're calling up kids, they're pulling out antiquated soviet era weapons because they just want to clean up those old warehouses... :roll:
putin has many things in common with trump, an inability to shut his mouth, an inability to tell the truth, the callous disregard of human worth that allows him to use his own countries young men to advance his brutal political ambitions...separated at birth? did they both have the same sow pig for a mother?
putin is so full of horseshit that he must drink it by the bucket...
they're calling fat fucking retired generals up because they've lost everyone else, they're calling up kids, they're pulling out antiquated soviet era weapons because they just want to clean up those old warehouses... :roll:
putin has many things in common with trump, an inability to shut his mouth, an inability to tell the truth, the callous disregard of human worth that allows him to use his own countries young men to advance his brutal political ambitions...separated at birth? did they both have the same sow pig for a mother?

You missed the best part- someone posted yesterday..prisoners:lol:
Humanity at risk if the West seeks to punish Russia over Ukraine, official warns
Deputy Chairman of Russia's Security Council Dmitry Medvedev attends a military parade on Victory Day, which marks the 77th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany in World War Two, in Red Square in central Moscow, Russia May 9, 2022. Sputnik/Ekaterina Shtukina/Pool via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY.'s Security Council Dmitry Medvedev attends a military parade on Victory Day, which marks the 77th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany in World War Two, in Red Square in central Moscow, Russia May 9, 2022. Sputnik/Ekaterina Shtukina/Pool via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY.

Former President Dmitry Medvedev said on Telegram on Wednesday that he thought it was a “crazy” idea “to create tribunals or courts for the so-called investigation of Russia’s actions” in Ukraine.

Ekaterina Shtukina | Sputnik | Reuters

A top Russian official has warned that humanity could be at risk if the West tried to punish Russia for its actions in Ukraine, in response to U.S. calls for an international tribunal to prosecute potential war crimes in the country.
Former President Dmitry Medvedev, once known for his more liberal stance but now a decided hawk as the deputy secretary of Russia’s Security Council, said Wednesday on Telegram that he thought it was a “crazy” idea “to create tribunals or courts for the so-called investigation of Russia’s actions” in Ukraine.
“These proposals are not only legally void. The idea of punishing a country that has one of the largest nuclear potentials is absurd in itself. And potentially poses a threat to the existence of humanity.”
He said the U.S. had itself sown “chaos and devastation around the world under the guise of ‘true democracy’,” criticizing the U.S. for killing Native Americans, nuclear attacks on Japan and for taking part in wars in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan.
At the end of his Telegram message, Medvedev referenced the Bible, saying that if the U.S. judges Russia it could face the wrath of God.
“The US and its useless stooges should remember the words of the Bible: ‘Judge not, lest you be judged; so that one day the great day of His wrath will not come to their house, and who can stand?,’” Medvedev said.
— Holly Ellyatt

these foul fuckers have the unmitigated gall to call on god?....to act like they have morals, let alone moral superiority?
fuck their nuclear weapons, they need to be ruined, brought down to where they will NEVER be able to attack another neighbor, brought down to where they will be a collection of states with no affiliation to each other, to where russia will be a chapter in future history books, "how one nation tried to hold the world ransom, and how that nation disappeared from the earth forever"

we need to start expanding SANCTIONS on ANYONE doing business with russia...do business with russia, then you do no business with the U.S., Canada, the E.U., or any NATO member...without exception.
and that includes any E.U. member still buying russian gas or oil...stop it, fucking now

"Official Warns!"..I really wish Media would be less soothsaying on 'Humanity' as a whole. They know nothing of the future.

Lushenko, being played again.....those will become legit targets

He recently gave the Russians all of Belarus's reserve equipment and munitions for the war in Ukraine, they are practically defenseless. Looks like Vlad's bottomless pit of munitions and equipment might be running dry, they've been using stuff that was stored for 50 years. At the rate they've been firing shit and basically tilling the ground in front of their troops, they must have gone through millions of artillery rounds and used up much of their reserves of rockets. Much of this shit was from the cold war and dates from the 70's and 80's are common on artillery round boxes.
He recently gave the Russians all of Belarus's reserve equipment and munitions for the war in Ukraine, they are practically defenseless. Looks like Vlad's bottomless pit of munitions and equipment might be running dry, they've been using stuff that was stored for 50 years. At the rate they've been firing shit and basically tilling the ground in front of their troops, they must have gone through millions of artillery rounds and used up much of their reserves of rockets. Much of this shit was from the cold war and dates from the 70's and 80's are common on artillery round boxes.

yeah it seems he's really reaching from what i've been reading. Concripts out of the prisons, and running out of munitions....and he's say "he just getting started" i call BS........
yeah it seems he's really reaching from what i've been reading. Concripts out of the prisons, and running out of munitions....and he's say "he just getting started" i call BS........
Yeah I saw the convict thing, won't be much different than the pack of criminals they have there already, they will be just cannon fodder anyway. It looks like they are getting worn down enough and blead white enough for the Ukrainians to make some moves. I was hoping for a sudden attack with overwhelming force along the front somewhere and they are saving up for it and moving units around. However they seem to be using it primarily on Russian logistics to drive their main bases farther back from the front. This will put a strain on their already overstretched trucks making fewer trips to the front a day and by traveling longer distances over poorly guarded roads, they are vulnerable to partisan attacks with mines and IED's. Fewer trips, fewer supplies to the front, increased risk and fuel consumption, equals a weaker fighting front.

I imagine the Ukrainians are now destroying or moving any trucks or tractors that could be used by the Russians as they advance. They will need to use confiscated Russian civilian trucks and are now, I think Russian trucks are a hot item for partisans and special forces and an IED is a pretty low risk way of destroying them from miles away. So the Ukrainians appear to be spreading out the HIMARS on to different fronts, picking off their ammo dumps which drones and on the ground intelligence can spot. The further back the ammo dump the bigger the bang and getting the ones at rail yards and sidings are the biggest bangs of all. Once they are weakened enough and the Ukrainians get enough shit and their shit together they will attack, punch trough their defenses and roll along their rear to their main supply hubs.