
yeah it seems he's really reaching from what i've been reading. Concripts out of the prisons, and running out of munitions....and he's say "he just getting started" i call BS........
Not well, the rail workers are hostile and the Russians have large internal security forces there to keep a lid on things after a couple of stolen elections and mass protests. The army won't go to Ukraine, that would trigger a mutiny or coup, they already refused to go. They get a lot more western Russian language broadcast TV and radio coming from 3 different directions, than the Russians do and know much more of the truth. The Poles would love an excuse for regime change there and I suspect they are funding the very well equipped Belarussians fighting for Ukraine, a future revolutionary force. Belarus is the next domino to fall IMHO and when Ukraine gets Russia off their back, they and Poland might see about regime change in Belarus. If the Ukrainians destroy his army in Ukraine, there won't be much of it left, since he has 85% of his ground combat power there now and it is getting chewed to pieces.
Lushenko, being played again.....those will become legit targets

they have weapons now that will reach that base easily...let the russians kit it up nice, get all their planes in place, get a big ammo dump built up, a fuel depot for the planes, then blow the motherfucking place off the face of the earth...
they have weapons now that will reach that base easily...let the russians kit it up nice, get all their planes in place, get a big ammo dump built up, a fuel depot for the planes, then blow the motherfucking place off the face of the earth...
Oh I'm sure there are plans for regime change in some people's minds, once they have a coup or revolution, they would be immediately recognized and supported by both countries, rail bridges to Russia would be blown and they would secure the place pretty quickly with the population with them.

I keep coming back to oil and gas, well there is gas in Belarus too and pipelines from Russia pass right over their gas fields too. Belarus could be rich, but Russia keeps it poor, would be a major selling point, nothing motivates ya like someone fucking you for decades. Both Belarus and Ukraine could be wealthy countries fairly quickly, if they got Russia off their backs. Selling that idea to the people of Belarus might create some political movement, even among the movers and shakers there who would hope to cash in. It would mean both energy and military security for the Poles with Ukraine and Belarus both wealthy and in a defensive military alliance allied with NATO and as EU members.
so u tried to get into the Belarus Legion huh....haha you faled......thanks anonymous for hacking that data base

Vlad opened up a real can of worms with this war, there are a ton of western intelligence agencies working the region now and Ukraine has a lot of Vlad's many enemies from inside and outside his empire fighting there now. Ukrainian intelligence knows them all and must be like a traffic director or a dating service for allied intelligence agencies. Those who want to stir up shit inside Russian and Belarus or establish networks deep inside Russia. Many Ukrainians can operate freely inside Russia and speak perfect Russian, with supplied cash and paying bribes for anything they need they could do a lot of damage and perhaps are. A million ruble bribe would be hard for some sentry to pass up for turning a blind eye as a truck load of explosives' is driven out of an army base late at night. Warehouses are easy to rent and diesel fuel and fertilizer easy to acquire with cold hard cash. They could even put a tanker car of ANFO on a train to Crimea from deep in Russia, set off by GPS as it crosses the Kerch bridge, 50 tons of ANFO would take out both the rail and road bridges.
Vlad opened up a real can of worms with this war, there are a ton of western intelligence agencies working the region now and Ukraine has a lot of Vlad's many enemies from inside and outside his empire fighting there now. Ukrainian intelligence knows them all and must be like a traffic director or a dating service for allied intelligence agencies. Those who want to stir up shit inside Russian and Belarus or establish networks deep inside Russia. Many Ukrainians can operate freely inside Russia and speak perfect Russian, with supplied cash and paying bribes for anything they need they could do a lot of damage and perhaps are. A million ruble bribe would be hard for some sentry to pass up for turning a blind eye as a truck load of explosives' is driven out of an army base late at night. Warehouses are easy to rent and diesel fuel and fertilizer easy to acquire with cold hard cash. They could even put a tanker car of ANFO on a train to Crimea from deep in Russia, set off by GPS as it crosses the Kerch bridge, 50 tons of ANFO would take out both the rail and road bridges.

vlad did open a can of worms, that i will agree with........now everyone is gunning for them and him
i have to wonder what is stopping Ukraine from capping off those pipelines that run out of russia into Ukraine?
or diverting them to new pipelines that go where the Ukrainians want them to go?
suppose the Germans are making the Ukrainians leave them alone, or else they lose support from Germany?
because i would have shut those fuckers down on day two of the war...