

Well-Known Member
Polish TV, they ordered 500 HIMARS systems from Uncle Sam and are tight with the Ukrainians.

HIMARS wreaking havoc on Russian supplies | Eastern Express | TVP World
4,908 views Jul 12, 2022 This edition of Eastern Express featured a series of Ukrainian missile attacks using the newly received western equipment against the Russian army's fuel and ammunition depots.


Well-Known Member
Effectiveness of Ukraine's HIMARS Fuels Concern in Russia
Pro-Kremlin figures have expressed rare public concern after Western-supplied weapons allowed Ukraine to carry out a series of successful attacks on Russian targets far behind the frontlines.

The M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), which the United States started sending to Ukraine last month, appear to have been most effective at damaging Russian military positions.

Russia has suffered “large losses in both men and equipment” in less than a week, according to Igor Girkin, a former commander of separatist forces in eastern Ukraine.



Well-Known Member
Effectiveness of Ukraine's HIMARS Fuels Concern in Russia
Pro-Kremlin figures have expressed rare public concern after Western-supplied weapons allowed Ukraine to carry out a series of successful attacks on Russian targets far behind the frontlines.

The M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), which the United States started sending to Ukraine last month, appear to have been most effective at damaging Russian military positions.

Russia has suffered “large losses in both men and equipment” in less than a week, according to Igor Girkin, a former commander of separatist forces in eastern Ukraine.

“The Russian air defense systems… turned out to be ineffective against massive strikes by HIMARS missiles,” Girkin, who also goes by the alias Strelkov, wrote on messaging app Telegram on Sunday.

Alexander Sladkov, a prominent war correspondent for state-run broadcaster Rossia 1, said Monday that Ukraine had successfully attacked Russian command centers.

“Ukrainian missiles and artillery have struck decision-making centers several times. With results. The centers are small but important,” Sladkov said on Telegram.

HIMARS can hit targets up to 70 kilometers away, meaning Ukrainian troops can deploy the wheeled, high-tech lightweight rocket launcher outside the range of most Russian artillery.

Reports from authorities in separatist- and Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine also indicate that attacks are becoming both more frequent, and more deadly.

Officials in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic said Monday that at least three people were killed and dozens injured in the village of Stepano-Krinka following a Ukrainian HIMARS attack.

Ukrainian forces also used HIMARS to hit the city of Alchevsk and the village of Irmino over the weekend, according to the separatist authorities.

Both Stepano-Krinka and Alchevsk are dozens of kilometers behind the frontline.

In a Telegram post accompanied by videos of large fires, Russian state television journalist Andrei Rudenko said Sunday that the Ukrainian side “most likely” used HIMARS to hit ammunition stores in the towns of Shakhtarsk and Torez.

“Strong fires and explosions… The situation is horrible,” Rudenko wrote.

The Ukrainian military carried out 14 strikes on Russian ammunition stores and military bases on Russian-occupied territory in the past two weeks, the BBC's Ukrainian service reported Monday. While it is unclear whether HIMARS were used in all cases, BBC Ukrainian said the strikes’ accuracy indicated they were responsible.

“Over the last 5-6 days, more than 10 large dumps for artillery and other ammunition, several oil depots, about 10 command centers and about the same number of troop gathering points were hit,” ex-rebel commander Girkin said.

Russia's Defense Ministry claimed Monday that it had used Kalibr cruise missiles to destroy Ukrainian ammunition depots in the Dnipropetrovsk region that included rockets for HIMARS, although the claim could not be independently verified.

Russia said last week that it had destroyed two HIMARS rocket systems and ammunition depots in eastern Ukraine, but both Ukrainian and U.S. officials rejected these claims.

Washington last week announced a new weapons package for Ukraine worth up to $400 million that includes four additional HIMARS.

The new deliveries will bring the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ HIMARS arsenal to 12.

Ex-rebel leader Strelkov said the Russian Armed Forces should be trying to destroy Ukrainian infrastructure so HIMARS systems and ammunition cannot reach the battlefield.

“When will Russia’s Armed Forces start fighting to their full capacity?” he wrote.
Ammo, fuel and C&C attacks on their logistics will take the steam out of the Russians and drive their logistical support bases much further back from the front. Wasting HIMARS on worn out 152mm Russian artillery might not be profitable as hitting their ammo dumps. When the begin offensive operations they should be able to exploit the temporary weakness of the Russians. Though it is a bit more than temporary, they are short on trucks and this decreases daily trips, reduces supplies to the front and the increased distance makes them vulnerable to special forces and partisan IED and land mine attacks. If their guns have no shells and their troops are low on everything including fuel, it makes offensive moves so much easier and less costly. They will need a lot more HIMARS and M777s to make a real difference though, but until the Russians adapt on the ground to the new reality, they will be hammered by HIMARS.
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Well-Known Member
NM LPR: the Nazis dealt a massive blow to the military unit of the air defense
Ukrainian nationalists dealt a massive blow to the military unit of the air defense (air defense) of Luhansk. This was stated by an officer of the People's Militia of the Luhansk People's Republic (NM LPR) Andrei Marochko.

“VFU (military formations of Ukraine - approx. URA.RU) delivered a massive blow to the military air defense unit, which ensures the security of the city of Luhansk,” Andriy Marochko wrote in his telegram channel. He specified that all possible measures were taken for the safety of civilians.

The officer of the NM of the LPR noted that Ukraine has once again shown its terrorist nature. “Despite the fact that several Ukrainian missiles have reached the target, the sky over Lugansk is controlled by reserve forces,” Marochko concluded.

Earlier it was reported that a series of powerful explosions thundered near Lugansk , which led to a large-scale fire. The Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked Novaya Kakhovka with American HIMARS missile systems. Six people were killed as a result of the shelling . The GTMK plant , important for the whole world, was destroyed in the city. Also, the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired at Belaya Berezka in the Bryansk region .

PERSONS: a series of powerful explosions thundered near Lugansk
The outskirts of Lugansk were shelled, which caused a massive fire. This is reported by the "Lugansk Information Center" (LIC).

“At about 11:50 p.m. on July 13, eyewitnesses reported a series of powerful explosions near the village of Aleksandrovka and the village of Metalist,” LuganskInformCentre reports. The shelling led to the start of a large-scale fire, eyewitnesses say. It is noted that shortly before the first explosions in the city, the air defense system worked.

Earlier it was reported that the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked Nova Kakhovka with American HIMARS missile systems. Six people were killed as a result of the shelling . The GTMK plant , important for the whole world, was destroyed in the city. Also, the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired at Belaya Berezka in the Bryansk region .

The head of the Crimea Aksyonov gave an explanation for the beating of the military in Sudak
The conflict, which led to a fight involving the military in Sudak, began not for a political reason, but for a domestic one. This was stated by the head of the Crimea Sergey Aksyonov.

“The conflict occurred at the moment when the servicemen were climbing over the fence of a departmental institution, returning to its territory. One of them, hanging on the fence, received a remark from a passing man. After that, the situation turned into a domestic conflict, ”Sergey Aksenov explained in his telegram channel.

Continuing, he added that the servicemen did not have any uniforms, no insignia, no emblems with symbols of a special military operation, nothing that could hint at their belonging to the Russian army. “This is official data. Whether someone likes it or not, the truth is more precious,” the head of Crimea summed up.

Earlier it was reported that in Sudak, unknown citizens beat a Russian military man allegedly because of clothes with the letter Z. Then law enforcement officers detained the “attackers” .

Ukrainian Nazis shelled a village in the Bryansk region
The urban-type settlement of Belaya Berezka, Trubchevsky district, Bryansk region, was fired by artillery shells from Ukraine. This was stated by the governor of the region Alexander Bogomaz.

“Tonight, Ukraine fired artillery at Belaya Berezka, Trubchevsky District. About 18 mortar shells were fired at the territory of the village. There are no victims or injured among the civilian population, ”Alexander Bogomaz said in his telegram channel.

Earlier, Ukrainian militants tried to blow up the railway in the Bryansk region. They also attacked the Kursk region using drones . In June, nationalists tried to blow up the world's largest oil pipeline "Druzhba" .

MO: APU struck mines on buildings near the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant
Ukrainian neo-Nazis, using unmanned aerial vehicles, struck two mines at buildings located in close proximity to the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. This was stated by the head of the National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev during a briefing.

“Ukrainian neo-Nazis, using unmanned aerial vehicles, struck two 120-mm mines at buildings located in close proximity to the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. This is not the first cynical provocation of the Kyiv regime at radiation hazardous facilities, organized by Western curators who, realizing their criminal goals, endanger millions of Ukrainian citizens with the hands of Kyiv,” Mizintsev said.

He noted that this is not the first provocation organized by Kyiv during the special operation of the Russian Federation. According to him, the West is behind this, with the hands of Kyiv endangering the lives of millions of citizens of Ukraine.

arlier it became known that the nationalists are planning to blow up a kindergarten in Slovyansk along with the staff in order to accuse the Russian Armed Forces of indiscriminate shelling. It was also reported about the intentions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to wipe Avdiivka off the face of the earth and blame the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for this.

It was also reported that the Ukrainian Nazis were planning terrorist attacks in Nikolaevka. They mined bridges across the Seversky Donets River in Nikolaevka of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: Ukrainian Nazis are planning terrorist attacks in Nikolaevka
Ukrainian nationalists mined bridges across the Seversky Donets River in Nikolaevka of the Donetsk People's Republic. This is reported by the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

“In Mykolaivka of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Ukrainian neo-Nazis mined bridges across the Seversky Donets River,” the defense ministry said in a statement. It is noted that in the future, the Nazis plan to undermine the bridges and accuse them of allegedly indiscriminate artillery strikes on civilian infrastructure.

Earlier it was reported that the Nazis mined bridges in the Sumy region . Also, in an attempt to blame the Russian Federation for the deaths of civilians, Ukrainian nationalists fired at Slovyansk in the DPR . Kiev was preparing a terrorist attack in Odessa . Russia launched a special operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine on February 24. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that this was a forced decision necessary to protect the inhabitants of Donbass from genocide. The head of state noted that the Armed Forces of Ukraine regularly carried out punitive operations in Donbass.

Seems they are reporting Ukrainian wins now.


Well-Known Member
A sophisticated IED can be made from pipe and a copper cone with a commercial infrared sensor that can do the same job from the bushes closer to the road, so can a half dozen artillery shells wired up to a cellphone. Those long drives alone for those Russian truck drivers, must be long in deed, with this shit lurking up to 900 feet off one side of the road, not to mention the dug up anti tank mines and other shit that can be improvised. Now that the distance to their rear supply dumps has tripled, so has the risk with every trip, because summer is guerilla war season and I figure with night vision equipment and drones that can see at night, they should be able cause a lot of shit behind enemy lines and sleep hidden during the day. The long lines are not that tight and it would be easy for special forces to infiltrate and operate in largely friendly territory with plentiful contacts and local support.

The unusual anti-tank mine Ukraine is using to target Russian armour
81,121 views Jul 12, 2022 The 'PARM 2' is an 'off route' directional mine that can hit enemy vehicles up to 100 metres away.


Well-Known Member
NM LPR: the Nazis dealt a massive blow to the military unit of the air defense

Seems they are reporting Ukrainian wins now.
Goebbels said, all effective propaganda is based on the truth, they just spin it and embellish it with made up bullshit. They can deal with the truth in two ways, censor it and drown it out with bullshit to create as much confusion as possible while distracting anyway they can.

Another way is to fuck with the language and change the meaning of words by endless repetition, like turning liberal into a curse word and libertard, from it's original meaning of freedom within the constraints of law and the constitution. If it ain't illegal it's legal is the ethos of liberalism, as much fun as the law will allow and then some, if it doesn't harm anybody else.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
NM LPR: the Nazis dealt a massive blow to the military unit of the air defense
Ukrainian nationalists dealt a massive blow to the military unit of the air defense (air defense) of Luhansk. This was stated by an officer of the People's Militia of the Luhansk People's Republic (NM LPR) Andrei Marochko.

“VFU (military formations of Ukraine - approx. URA.RU) delivered a massive blow to the military air defense unit, which ensures the security of the city of Luhansk,” Andriy Marochko wrote in his telegram channel. He specified that all possible measures were taken for the safety of civilians.

The officer of the NM of the LPR noted that Ukraine has once again shown its terrorist nature. “Despite the fact that several Ukrainian missiles have reached the target, the sky over Lugansk is controlled by reserve forces,” Marochko concluded.

Earlier it was reported that a series of powerful explosions thundered near Lugansk , which led to a large-scale fire. The Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked Novaya Kakhovka with American HIMARS missile systems. Six people were killed as a result of the shelling . The GTMK plant , important for the whole world, was destroyed in the city. Also, the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired at Belaya Berezka in the Bryansk region .

PERSONS: a series of powerful explosions thundered near Lugansk
The outskirts of Lugansk were shelled, which caused a massive fire. This is reported by the "Lugansk Information Center" (LIC).

“At about 11:50 p.m. on July 13, eyewitnesses reported a series of powerful explosions near the village of Aleksandrovka and the village of Metalist,” LuganskInformCentre reports. The shelling led to the start of a large-scale fire, eyewitnesses say. It is noted that shortly before the first explosions in the city, the air defense system worked.

Earlier it was reported that the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked Nova Kakhovka with American HIMARS missile systems. Six people were killed as a result of the shelling . The GTMK plant , important for the whole world, was destroyed in the city. Also, the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired at Belaya Berezka in the Bryansk region .

The head of the Crimea Aksyonov gave an explanation for the beating of the military in Sudak
The conflict, which led to a fight involving the military in Sudak, began not for a political reason, but for a domestic one. This was stated by the head of the Crimea Sergey Aksyonov.

“The conflict occurred at the moment when the servicemen were climbing over the fence of a departmental institution, returning to its territory. One of them, hanging on the fence, received a remark from a passing man. After that, the situation turned into a domestic conflict, ”Sergey Aksenov explained in his telegram channel.

Continuing, he added that the servicemen did not have any uniforms, no insignia, no emblems with symbols of a special military operation, nothing that could hint at their belonging to the Russian army. “This is official data. Whether someone likes it or not, the truth is more precious,” the head of Crimea summed up.

Earlier it was reported that in Sudak, unknown citizens beat a Russian military man allegedly because of clothes with the letter Z. Then law enforcement officers detained the “attackers” .

Ukrainian Nazis shelled a village in the Bryansk region
The urban-type settlement of Belaya Berezka, Trubchevsky district, Bryansk region, was fired by artillery shells from Ukraine. This was stated by the governor of the region Alexander Bogomaz.

“Tonight, Ukraine fired artillery at Belaya Berezka, Trubchevsky District. About 18 mortar shells were fired at the territory of the village. There are no victims or injured among the civilian population, ”Alexander Bogomaz said in his telegram channel.

Earlier, Ukrainian militants tried to blow up the railway in the Bryansk region. They also attacked the Kursk region using drones . In June, nationalists tried to blow up the world's largest oil pipeline "Druzhba" .

MO: APU struck mines on buildings near the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant
Ukrainian neo-Nazis, using unmanned aerial vehicles, struck two mines at buildings located in close proximity to the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. This was stated by the head of the National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev during a briefing.

“Ukrainian neo-Nazis, using unmanned aerial vehicles, struck two 120-mm mines at buildings located in close proximity to the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. This is not the first cynical provocation of the Kyiv regime at radiation hazardous facilities, organized by Western curators who, realizing their criminal goals, endanger millions of Ukrainian citizens with the hands of Kyiv,” Mizintsev said.

He noted that this is not the first provocation organized by Kyiv during the special operation of the Russian Federation. According to him, the West is behind this, with the hands of Kyiv endangering the lives of millions of citizens of Ukraine.

arlier it became known that the nationalists are planning to blow up a kindergarten in Slovyansk along with the staff in order to accuse the Russian Armed Forces of indiscriminate shelling. It was also reported about the intentions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to wipe Avdiivka off the face of the earth and blame the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for this.

It was also reported that the Ukrainian Nazis were planning terrorist attacks in Nikolaevka. They mined bridges across the Seversky Donets River in Nikolaevka of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: Ukrainian Nazis are planning terrorist attacks in Nikolaevka
Ukrainian nationalists mined bridges across the Seversky Donets River in Nikolaevka of the Donetsk People's Republic. This is reported by the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

“In Mykolaivka of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Ukrainian neo-Nazis mined bridges across the Seversky Donets River,” the defense ministry said in a statement. It is noted that in the future, the Nazis plan to undermine the bridges and accuse them of allegedly indiscriminate artillery strikes on civilian infrastructure.

Earlier it was reported that the Nazis mined bridges in the Sumy region . Also, in an attempt to blame the Russian Federation for the deaths of civilians, Ukrainian nationalists fired at Slovyansk in the DPR . Kiev was preparing a terrorist attack in Odessa . Russia launched a special operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine on February 24. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that this was a forced decision necessary to protect the inhabitants of Donbass from genocide. The head of state noted that the Armed Forces of Ukraine regularly carried out punitive operations in Donbass.

Seems they are reporting Ukrainian wins now.
do these writers work for the russian film industry's sci-fi and fantasy department when they aren't writing propaganda? or perhaps write childrens stories? horrible children's stories? or maybe they just write dirty limericks on bathroom walls?


Well-Known Member
Did Don Jr get the memo? Still carrying Vlad's water, is he looking for political asylum in Russia? Maybe he will arrange for another hunt close by, so he can slip across to border. He's going down with his old man, he committed lot's of crimes and they will get around to him eventually. I suppose now that they are tied up with trials and grand jury subpoenas, leaving the country could be problematic. Trump used to make all kinds of foreign trips, but he hasn't left the states or fixed up his jet since leaving office, is he afraid someone will stop him from leaving? Perhaps he has nowhere to go, since I can see a lot of countries barring him from entry and that would be humiliating, so would getting his passport pulled.

As I said, this war and Trump makes it easy to see who the assholes are, this one would vote for Trump again in a heartbeat and would have no problem with Trump wasting trillions. It's not like other countries aren't matching or exceeding US contributions, per capita, there are 50 allies and most are contributing or will be. Biden is not alone in making an investment in the destruction of the Russian army and economy. Besides, just helping to inflict Trump on America would be enough reason to destroy them and dance on their corpse.


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Did Don Jr get the memo? Still carrying Vlad's water, is he looking for political asylum in Russia? Maybe he will arrange for another hunt close by, so he can slip across to border. He's going down with his old man, he committed lot's of crimes and they will get around to him eventually. I suppose now that they are tied up with trials and grand jury subpoenas, leaving the country could be problematic. Trump used to make all kinds of foreign trips, but he hasn't left the states or fixed up his jet since leaving office, is he afraid someone will stop him from leaving? Perhaps he has nowhere to go, since I can see a lot of countries barring him from entry and that would be humiliating, so would getting his passport pulled.

As I said, this war and Trump makes it easy to see who the assholes are, this one would vote for Trump again in a heartbeat and would have no problem with Trump wasting trillions. It's not like other countries aren't matching or exceeding US contributions, per capita, there are 50 allies and most are contributing or will be. Biden is not alone in making an investment in the destruction of the Russian army and economy. Besides, just helping to inflict Trump on America would be enough reason to destroy them and dance on their corpse.

View attachment 5162438
the only way trump's wall could have solved any of those problems was if he and his whole brood were on the other side of it...


Well-Known Member
the only way trump's wall could have solved any of those problems was if he and his whole brood were on the other side of it...
You would think Don Jr might STFU and be a bit worried about his future, the old man can only do a few years before he dies, but Jr can do a long time in prison before being taken out in a bag. Personally I think he's jealous of Hunter's name, Don jr. is a hunter after all and it would fit his self image much better than junior moron. The apple don't fall far from the tree and Don jr proves it with his tweets and general stupidity. Here we all thought Eric was the stupid one, but Don Jr is giving him real competition for heir to dad's title of dumbest Trump.


Well-Known Member
The Trumpers are still active on the Ukraine issue, still carrying Putin's water too and all repeating the same narrative. Considering the legal heat they are under, you would think they would have greater concerns than the war lately? Trump and the war make it easy to see who the assholes are, he is still bound to Putin and Russia, so are his fans. Here is a sampling of their tweets on Ukraine:






Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
The Trumpers are still active on the Ukraine issue, still carrying Putin's water too and all repeating the same narrative. Considering the legal heat they are under, you would think they would have greater concerns than the war lately? Trump and the war make it easy to see who the assholes are, he is still bound to Putin and Russia, so are his fans. Here is a sampling of their tweets on Ukraine:

View attachment 5162640

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View attachment 5162644
you know, if someone was to kill every person in that post^...the world would be a better place (except the girl narrating the how to survive the bomb video)


Well-Known Member
do these writers work for the russian film industry's sci-fi and fantasy department when they aren't writing propaganda? or perhaps write childrens stories? horrible children's stories? or maybe they just write dirty limericks on bathroom walls?
Not sure if you are reading them right. The y are all about the Nationals (Nazi's) striking at the Russian liberated areas. Previously the Russians never admitted that the Ukrainians managed any successes. Take for instance the Moskiva, that was sunk by an onboard fire. No mention of the missiles that hit it.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Not sure if you are reading them right. The y are all about the Nationals (Nazi's) striking at the Russian liberated areas. Previously the Russians never admitted that the Ukrainians managed any successes. Take for instance the Moskiva, that was sunk by an onboard fire. No mention of the missiles that hit it.
"He noted that this is not the first provocation organized by Kyiv during the special operation of the Russian Federation. According to him, the West is behind this, with the hands of Kyiv endangering the lives of millions of citizens of Ukraine.
earlier it became known that the nationalists are planning to blow up a kindergarten in Slovyansk along with the staff in order to accuse the Russian Armed Forces of indiscriminate shelling. It was also reported about the intentions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to wipe Avdiivka off the face of the earth and blame the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for this.
It was also reported that the Ukrainian Nazis were planning terrorist attacks in Nikolaevka. They mined bridges across the Seversky Donets River in Nikolaevka of the Donetsk People's Republic."

this whole passage seems like a pretty fantastical pack of lies to me...am i misreading that?
accusing Ukraine of planning to destroy a kindergarten with all the staff, and presumably at least some of the students so they can call it a false flag operation to discredit an already discredited russia? calling counter attacks to regain the territory russia has brazenly stolen is terrorism? that seems like a big fat fucking fib to me...
yeah, they're admitting Ukraine made some strikes, gained a little ground, but for everything even resembling the truth, there is a whole onion worth of layers of lies to peel through...


Well-Known Member
"He noted that this is not the first provocation organized by Kyiv during the special operation of the Russian Federation. According to him, the West is behind this, with the hands of Kyiv endangering the lives of millions of citizens of Ukraine.
earlier it became known that the nationalists are planning to blow up a kindergarten in Slovyansk along with the staff in order to accuse the Russian Armed Forces of indiscriminate shelling. It was also reported about the intentions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to wipe Avdiivka off the face of the earth and blame the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for this.
It was also reported that the Ukrainian Nazis were planning terrorist attacks in Nikolaevka. They mined bridges across the Seversky Donets River in Nikolaevka of the Donetsk People's Republic."

this whole passage seems like a pretty fantastical pack of lies to me...am i misreading that?
accusing Ukraine of planning to destroy a kindergarten with all the staff, and presumably at least some of the students so they can call it a false flag operation to discredit an already discredited russia? calling counter attacks to regain the territory russia has brazenly stolen is terrorism? that seems like a big fat fucking fib to me...
yeah, they're admitting Ukraine made some strikes, gained a little ground, but for everything even resembling the truth, there is a whole onion worth of layers of lies to peel through...
Yes they lie. But at least they are saying that Ukrainians are capable of hitting Russian held territory and a person thinking of signing up may give it second thoughts. It may be a coincidence having multiple articles at one time where the Ukrainians were not defeated by the Russians. It just feels different after reading a lot of their news over the last few months.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Yes they lie. But at least they are saying that Ukrainians are capable of hitting Russian held territory and a person thinking of signing up may give it second thoughts. It may be a coincidence having multiple articles at one time where the Ukrainians were not defeated by the Russians. It just feels different after reading a lot of their news over the last few months.
I will certainly grant you that. I was imagining that the russian people are starting to mumble to each other, and look accusingly at government officials...Things like that would be noticed in russia. It must be getting harder and harder to play off the recruitment drives, to ignore the families of all the dead russian soldiers, to explain how they're losing so many high ranking officers in less than 5 months, to explain the convoys of antique tanks being sent into battle, even how to explain all the sabotage, that the people can't help but be aware of. I was wondering how long they could keep that facade up. looks like about four and a half months till it starts to crumble...


Well-Known Member
I will certainly grant you that. I was imagining that the russian people are starting to mumble to each other, and look accusingly at government officials...Things like that would be noticed in russia. It must be getting harder and harder to play off the recruitment drives, to ignore the families of all the dead russian soldiers, to explain how they're losing so many high ranking officers in less than 5 months, to explain the convoys of antique tanks being sent into battle, even how to explain all the sabotage, that the people can't help but be aware of. I was wondering how long they could keep that facade up. looks like about four and a half months till it starts to crumble...
It is not Russia's fault it is fighting Nato rather than a weak Ukraine which they could have taken if it were not for the US. See, everyone is against us (except out friends like Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, ...