
I would like to see the next hyper-sonic missile test directed at the bridge.
It occurred to me that there is another reason to use the old, slow Tomahawks. Assuming their effectiveness rate is high, there is propaganda value.

“We’re trouncing them with the obsolescent weapons we are replacing with better stuff.”

Possibly the guidance system can be cheaply tweaked to do the final leg over water at a meter or two altitude, in ground effect and surface clutter before the terminal pop-up.
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I remember reading (not sure though) that the quiltwork drone that did for that airfield evaded guided ground fire.

The much greater speed probably generates exponentially difficult guidance issues. We have had hypersonics for 60 years now, but they are wholly (or almost so) ballistic. The fact that the big three and the associated world-class engineers are publicly still chasing the tech suggests to me that there are problems, with terminal guidance probably high on the list, that are not apparent to this non-pro.

(edit) I input quiltwork correctly. I don’t know how to train my spell nanny to stop that bother.

I turned the spell nanny off because it was doing “do you are have stupid” to uncommon terms.
The problem there were that I quickly trained my device that “tge” was a definite article.
Yes, at supersonic speeds control surfaces rocket

See the MOAB's on the bottom.
Military expert revealed the secret protection of the Crimean bridge
The Crimean bridge is protected from the air, sea, land, and also through supports, on which special sensors for tracking and destroying the object are located. In case of penetration of someone into the area under the bridge, it will be destroyed. The military observer of Komsomolskaya Pravda, retired colonel Viktor Baranets told about this in an interview with URA.RU.

“The Crimean Bridge is a strategic facility that is protected in all possible environments. It is protected from the air, our duty planes, fighter jets, which are based in the Crimea, are constantly patrolling there. On land, we have coastal defense complexes, S-300 and S-400 anti-aircraft missiles. On the water, the bridge is guarded by our warships, as well as patrol boats of the Federal Security Service. Under water - combat parade grounds. The bridge itself is protected by a support, special sensors. If someone crawls under water, the system reacts - and that's it," Viktor Baranets explained.

The military expert added that Ukraine does not have the ability to blow up the Crimean bridge. “There is not a single strategic object in the world that is 100% protected. The Pentagon is not 100% secure, the White House is not 100% secure. The enemy is cunning and cunning, and all the time he thinks how to outplay the defenders of this or that object. We try to take this into account and protect the Crimean bridge as best we can. And there are constant reports of attacks on him. Everyone dreams of breaking the Crimean bridge. But I want to say: “Guys, try it!”. They rely on American HIMARS. But they still do not get there to the extent of efficiency, as they would like. Ukraine does not have such means to destroy the Crimean bridge,” Baranets stressed.

Earlier, Verkhovna Rada deputy Oleksiy Goncharenko said that in June at the NATO summit, the leadership of Ukraine discussed with British Defense Minister Ben Wallace a plan to destroy the Crimean bridge. A special operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine began on February 24 . According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, its goal is to protect the inhabitants of Donbass.
under water combat parade grounds?
Yes, at supersonic speeds control surfaces rocket

See the MOAB's on the bottom.
Thanks! Fun reads.

Why Russia doesn’t have enough equipment for a mobilisation, former army general explains
130,714 views Aug 15, 2022 "I'm not sure they actually have the equipment to give the people should they go for a general mobilisation." Could Putin call for a general mobilisation? A former senior British military advisor tells #TimesRadio Russia aren’t supplied enough for one.

Ukraine war: Russia blames 'sabotage' for new Crimea explosions - BBC News
109,691 views Aug 16, 2022 A week after an apparent Ukrainian attack on a Russian military base in occupied Crimea, an arms store on another depot has been hit by a series of explosions.

Russian officials said a fire triggered the blasts in the Dzhankoi area - before later blaming "sabotage".

A separate fire broke out at power substation and a railway was damaged.

A string of blasts last week destroyed Russian warplanes at a Black Sea base on the Crimean coast.
Russian RPG-Armed Robot Dog Revealed to Be Chinese Home Bot
A robotic dog equipped with an anti-tank rocket launcher mounted on its back quickly went viral after it was unveiled at Russia’s annual Army-2022 international arms expo Monday.

Just as quickly, investigative outlets found the futuristic device to bear a striking resemblance to a consumer-grade robotic dog available on Chinese online marketplaces.

Dubbed “M-81 complex,” the quadruped was shown walking, lying and spinning in a demonstration published by Russia’s state-run RIA Novosti news agency.

Its Russian developer, a little-known engineering company called Machine Intellect, touted the robotic dog’s ability to carry and fire weapons.

M-81’s military applications also entail target designation, patrolling and security, the company’s spokesperson told RIA Novosti. The robotic dog’s civilian roles include delivering medication, surveying its surroundings and navigating rubble in emergency zones.

The M-81 showed off its moves on the exhibition floor armed with an RPG-26 anti-tank rocket launcher which weighs up to 3 kilograms when loaded and comes with an optical aiming device.

The robotic dog was also disguised in a black cloth coverall, with only the top of its optical sensors peeking through.

The shape and location of those optical sensors, as well as the robot’s overall frame, visually matches that of Go1, a companion bot created by the Chinese startup Unitree Robotics.

The Go1 sells for $2,700 on Unitree Robotics' website and $420 on AliExpress, China’s top online marketplace.

M-81’s developers have not commented on the similarity, which was reported by Russian investigative outlet The Insider as well as the U.S. national security magazine The War Zone.

Instead, Machine Intellect’s spokesperson told RIA Novosti that M-81 resembles a dog because of “bionics — the principles, structures and mechanics characteristic of the animal world.”


i say take the fastest, highest flying bomber we have, load the largest non nuclear bomb we posses on it, paint the whole thing in Ukrainian blue and gold, and fly it to them, dropping the bomb on the bridge on the way in...a Ukrainian plane blew up the kerch bridge with a Ukrainian bomb...and we know not a damn thing about it...
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Standard size.


Hey @Lucky Luke ! Prepare to repel boarders if there is a nuclear war as a result out of this eastern European mess.

"But if this scenario should actually take place, Australia and New Zealand would probably see an influx of refugees from Asia and other countries experiencing food insecurity,"


I hope for . . .

i want to see stories like this daily...
it's getting to be time to wrap this shit up.
It could be, I've noticed the Ukrainians have done better the closer to the US election we get, Joe knows he's got a winner there. The war will go on for awhile, but Vlad could get a bloody nose soon that might send him and his army reeling back. Like I said, a long war will destroy the Russian army and economy and it is better for several good reasons why the Ukrainians should do it themselves with our arms. A slow strangulation makes using nukes harder for them and keeps the Europeans away from Russian energy long enough to end their dependency.

What are the American objectives in this war?
Avoid it going nuclear!
Destroy the Russian army and their irreplaceable equipment.
Destroy the Russian economy
Have Ukraine defend itself from Russia, that is how nations are built and to avoid the use of nukes.
Regime change in Russia caused by losing the war to a country with 1/3 their population.
It could be, I've noticed the Ukrainians have done better the closer to the US election we get, Joe knows he's got a winner there. The war will go on for awhile, but Vlad could get a bloody nose soon that might send him and his army reeling back. Like I said, a long war will destroy the Russian army and economy and it is better for several good reasons why the Ukrainians should do it themselves with our arms. A slow strangulation makes using nukes harder for them and keeps the Europeans away from Russian energy long enough to end their dependency.

What are the American objectives in this war?
Avoid it going nuclear!
Destroy the Russian army and their irreplaceable equipment.
Destroy the Russian economy
Have Ukraine defend itself from Russia, that is how nations are built and to avoid the use of nukes.
Regime change in Russia caused by losing the war to a country with 1/3 their population.
yeah...i hope we actually have a coherent plan, which survives the midterm elections.
all of those are good goals, which is why i'm trying to not be vitriolic about them having to fight the war with no physical help from all the people they are helping by being their, OUR, proxy...
the least we could do is exchange them a few dozen missiles with the range to strike the kerch bridge, for a promise not to aim them into russia...
It could be, I've noticed the Ukrainians have done better the closer to the US election we get, Joe knows he's got a winner there. The war will go on for awhile, but Vlad could get a bloody nose soon that might send him and his army reeling back. Like I said, a long war will destroy the Russian army and economy and it is better for several good reasons why the Ukrainians should do it themselves with our arms. A slow strangulation makes using nukes harder for them and keeps the Europeans away from Russian energy long enough to end their dependency.

What are the American objectives in this war?
Avoid it going nuclear!
Destroy the Russian army and their irreplaceable equipment.
Destroy the Russian economy
Have Ukraine defend itself from Russia, that is how nations are built and to avoid the use of nukes.
Regime change in Russia caused by losing the war to a country with 1/3 their population.

aka pay back for interfering in the 2016 election, and the 2020 election......
Putin pointed out how to reduce the population decline in Russia
Vladimir Putin showed the authorities of the regions of Russia how to stop the population decline. At a meeting with Acting Governor of the Vladimir Region Alexander Avdeev on August 17, the president instructed him to fight drunkenness in the region. Putin gave Avdeev such a task, since alcoholism is one of the main causes of Russia's demographic problems and the reduction of the country's labor force, experts told URA.RU.

Avdeev reported to the president on the economic development of the Vladimir region, on the measures taken to support the social sphere and industrial enterprises, as well as on joint work with federal departments. “In general, the situation in the region is stable, satisfactory, the main indicators are in good condition. Industrial production, agriculture, construction are growing. Emergency housing is lower than the national average, unemployment is lower than the national average,” Putin stated.

The President drew attention to the problem of alcoholism among the population. “What I noticed: the incidence rate with a diagnosis of “alcoholism” and “alcoholic psychosis” in 2021 amounted to 122.6 cases per 100,000 citizens, which is 2.6 times higher than in Russia. It's a lot. It is impossible to prohibit anything here, it is impossible to engage in an excessive rise in prices , excise taxes, and so on. It is necessary to deal with this, not to farm it out, not to think that this is some kind of secondary thing: the peasants drink and will continue to drink. No, everything is not so primitive and simple,” Putin warned.

The first measure that the president proposed to the head of the Vladimir region to combat alcoholism and its consequences is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. “Among all measures, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle is of great importance. The practice of recent years shows that these are simple things, but very effective,” he stressed.

However, promotion of a healthy lifestyle alone is not enough to solve the problem of alcoholism, Putin added. “We need to develop infrastructure for sports, physical education and culture in the true and broad sense of the word. It is necessary to pay attention to cultural objects, to create conditions for people to visit these objects, to cultivate interest in culture. There is something to do here, especially since the region itself in this sense is one of the strongholds of Russian culture in the truest sense of the word. Then health issues. We need to do this in a targeted way,” the head of state instructed.

According to the president, Avdeev has the resources and competencies to improve the situation. “The issues that you have identified are really very important,” the acting governor agreed with Putin.

In addition to the incidence of alcoholism, the Vladimir region also stands out for the worse in terms of demographic indicators. According to Rosstat data for 2021, the region ranks fourth in terms of the ratio of the number of deaths to births among all regions of the Russian Federation. Putin also mentioned the high level of alcoholism among the population as an important problem at a meeting with Acting Head of the Kirov Region Alexander Sokolov on August 9.

Putin raised the issue of combating alcoholism, since there is a direct connection between the alcoholization of the population and demographic problems in the Russian Federation, said Alexei Raksha, a former employee of Rosstat, an independent demographer, in an interview with URA.RU. “The more people use alcohol or other drugs, the higher the death rate and the lower the birth rate. In the first full year after the start of Gorbachev's anti-alcohol campaign , 200,000 fewer people died in the USSR, mostly men of working age. And after nine months, the birth rate jumped by 8%. Now, according to Rosstat, about 50,000 die every year from alcohol-related causes.

At the same time, the situation with alcoholism and demography in the Vladimir region is no worse than in many regions of Central Russia, Raksha believes. “Historically, young people from the Vladimir region leave for work in Moscow, the old people remain, and there is no one to give birth. Proximity to a metropolis affects mortality and birth rates, the same situation in neighboring regions. As for alcoholism, it is possible that in Vladimir they simply think more honestly and the relevant services work better, ”he explained.

Putin recommended measures to combat alcoholism to Avdeev and other governors, since this problem also has a socio-economic aspect, Alexander Shpunt, professor at the Higher School of Economics and director general of the Institute for Political Analysis Instruments, told URA.RU. “The theme of demography is in the focus of attention of the head of state all the time.

Putin warned the heads of regions against trying to fight the alcoholization of the population by raising prices, since the approach to solving this problem should be comprehensive, Shpunt noted. “High prices do not work without strict control measures, this follows both from Russian practice and from international practice. If the police and district police officers do not strictly control the situation with counterfeit products, then by raising prices, you simply provoke people to buy counterfeit alcoholic beverages, which is fraught with mass poisoning . This can be observed in Turkey as well as in other countries. In Norway or Finland, which are often cited by supporters of price increases, both police and trade control are well established, with such an approach as a deterrent, high prices work,” the professor concluded.
All is not well in the land of Oz?
aka pay back for interfering in the 2016 election, and the 2020 election......
Considering what America did to Iran for kidnapping diplomats, I would expect a bleak future for Russia until they get rid of Vlad and turn over a new leaf. Vlad stuck his neck out and instead of chopping off his head, ole Joe is gonna strangle the fucker and bleed him white real slow...