
I think that is why printer posted it. Know what the enemy is saying.
Actually I don't know. But I am one to take in information and try to decide what is real and not. I will have to see him a few more times to decide but some of what he says does seem credible. Checked out a previous vid, seems he is pro-Ukraine.

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Actually I don't know. But I am one to take in information and try to decide what is real and not. I will have to see him a few more times to decide but some of what he says does seem credible.
I am working on looking at information (and sometimes the residue of info inside any successful disinfo) from sources outside of my complacency zone.

It is surprisingly chewy work.

It softens my disdain for the cognitively misled.
Actually I don't know. But I am one to take in information and try to decide what is real and not. I will have to see him a few more times to decide but some of what he says does seem credible. Checked out a previous vid, seems he is pro-Ukraine.

he could just be someone like me, who sees the absolute worst in every situation...lets hope.

Design Flaw In Russian Tanks Impacts War In Ukraine
39,824 views Aug 18, 2022 Reporter Matt Bradley discusses how a design flaw in Russian tanks is impacting the war in Ukraine.
An opinion piece. Not sure what I think.

"Russian ambitions have also expanded. Contrary to the conventional wisdom in the West, Moscow did not invade Ukraine to conquer it and make it part of a Greater Russia. It was principally concerned with preventing Ukraine from becoming a Western bulwark on the Russian border."

Which ignores the fact that Russia invaded other countries 'as peacekeepers' in the recent history as well as Crimea. Also I posted a couple of articles of Putin concerned of declining Russian population. The thought is that the occupied people can be turned into Russians in a generation. The Nazis thing is more a cry of 'Nationalists' instead of seeing themselves as fellow Slavic's. So it is not a mistake to support Ukraine, Russia will not be stopped by anything less than force and if they take Ukraine the same fight will go on in the other countries that were in the USSR umbrella. But unless they are in Nato they would have little chance as compared to Ukraine which has more people and resources to fight back.

As for the US getting directly in the war or Russia bombing nuclear sites or other possibilities of escalation, as long as the fighting stays out of Russian territory They would probably take the possibility of losing the territories they hold. They can blame the loss on that they were fighting Nato and would have won if it were just against Ukraine.
But you need to be able to see the way things may go wrong to mitigate against them.
that doesn't seem like his purpose to me...but again, i could be wrong. his purpose seems to be to dispirit the Ukrainian people, and their supporters...but you've watched more of his videos than i have, and say he's usually pro Ukrainian, so i'll wait and see i guess
Hey @Lucky Luke ! Prepare to repel boarders if there is a nuclear war as a result out of this eastern European mess.

"But if this scenario should actually take place, Australia and New Zealand would probably see an influx of refugees from Asia and other countries experiencing food insecurity,"

View attachment 5182360

I hope for . . .

Australia and New Zealand don't like refugees. Not easy places to get to and very hard for a ship to slip in as people smugglers have found.
It's nice to live in an area of the globe that would be somewhat uneffected.
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Australia and New Zealand don't like refugees. Not easy places to get to and very hard for a ship to slip in as people smugglers have found.
It's nice to live in an area of the globe that would be somewhat uneffected.

That's one of the few perks of living way up in northern Alberta here. Not likely a nuke target withing 1000km of us if not further. Maybe if they hit Prince Rupert on the north coast of British Columbia as it's a fair sized seaport and it's 851km as the magpie flies. almost 1400 by road.

I think our worst threat other than fallout would be roving bands of starving town/city dwellers raiding for food and I'm low on ammo. My permit expired and I can't even buy .22 shells without it. Got 30 rounds or so of old .303 brit and maybe 300 of .22 but just a few rounds of 16 gauge slugs for the old single shot. There will be blood. ;)

We got a big chest freezer full of food but might lose power and won't be able to get gas for the genset so that might not help much. Eat like a king for a week then join the roving bands I guess. :D

Oh yeah. We got about 35 chickens so there is that.

I doubt/hope/pray that it won't come to that.

What will happen to the world once the Russians blow the Ukranian power plant with weaponized vehicles inside the turbines?

"CIA if you're listening..?"

I'm serious..you know what to do.
Australia and New Zealand don't like refugees. Not easy places to get to and very hard for a ship to slip in as people smugglers have found.
It's nice to live in an area of the globe that would be somewhat uneffected.

No offense but how racist and shitty are you people? Maybe our MAGA would be happy + they're drinkers; hell you haven't lived until you've tried real moonshine.
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