
Gee, that would make the north vulnerable to an attack by the south, if they are giving away their ammo to the Russians. Precision munitions would allow the south Koreans to take out all the North's artillery almost instantly and if the North's troops fight like the Russians they could be at the northern border in a day or two. They would target their nukes with conventional precision weapons and use Patriots on anything that they missed. The south has recently said they have this capability already and the lessons learned in Ukraine are giving them confidence about fighting a soviet style slave army.

Things are not going well for Russia. They are definitely not the force people thought they were. The war in Ukraine has exposed how weak they really are. Buying munitions from North Korea?

The US has been seizing Russian assets all across the world. The only sanctions Russia can impose on the US is adding washed up actors to it's "Stop List".

Banning Ben Stiller and Sean Penn from entering Russia is taking a tremendous toll on the United States.

The war in Ukraine is showing that Russia is no longer the superpower they once were nor will they ever be again.
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Things are not going well for Russia. They are definitely not the force people thought they were. The war in Ukraine has exposed how weak they really are. Buying munitions from North Korea?

The US has been seizing Russian assets all across the world. The only sanctions Russia can impose on the US is ading washed up actors to it's "Stop List".

Banning Ben Stiller and Sean Penn from entering Russia is taking a tremendous toll on the United States.

The war in Ukraine is showing that Russia is no longer the superpower they once were nor will they ever be again.
Reelect another Trump and invade another country and America could share Russia's fate, the world is changing and America now only controls 20% of the global economy. That is why it is near fatal for America to go fascist and stupid these days, America needs liberal democratic allies, we all hang together, or we hang separately. No way could America alone give Russia the economic screwing it is getting.

Sweden's idyllic holiday island of Gotland militarizes in face of Russian threats
88,960 views Sep 5, 2022 Sweden is on high alert for Russian meddling in their election which takes place next week. Russian President Putin has warned NATO against beefing up its presence in both Sweden and Finland, which are both joining the alliance. As special correspondent Malcolm Brabant reports, Putin’s threats against the Nordic nations have special significance for the Swedish island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea.
Seems quite knowledgeable.

They are setting up the conditions by cutting off a large force on the wrong side of the river, and perhaps capturing large numbers of Russians there, or at least their equipment. The river is easy to defend if they own the northeast side and the Ukrainian resources could move to the east then. Divide and conquer, perhaps a drive to Mariupol to divide the Russian forces and threaten the Kerch bridge. It would force them to defend there for sure, or perhaps a drive to a major logistics hub in the north east would be better. Once armies reach the point of collapse anything can happen and HIMARS are causing havoc among the logistic hubs for several BTGs far to their rear causing systemic issues that could lead to collapse of a front or a section of one.

I think the Ukrainians are replacing their combat loses with younger well trained troops and their wounded are more willing to go back into combat and get better treatment for faster recovery than the Russians do. PTSD will be an issue for both sides, though I feel it will be less for the Ukrainians with more social support, better treatment and gratitude than for the Russians will get. America lost a lot of combat vets to the torment of PTSD and the resulting horrific suicide and addiction rates, Russia will lose a lot too.
What If Russia Broke Up?


Those areas have finno-ugric languages speaking finnic peoples. We invite them to join greater finland. Our country will huge.
UN nuclear watchdog calls for security zone around Zaporizhzhia
The International Atomic Energy Agency on Tuesday called for the creation of a nuclear safety and security protection zone around Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, saying it is "still gravely concerned" about the situation at the facility.

A team of experts led by agency chief Rafael Mariano Grossi traveled to the plant last week, with the goal of assessing the situation on the ground and establishing a continued IAEA presence at the site.

Increased fighting near the nuclear power plant in the last month had sparked concerns about the risks of a nuclear accident, with Ukraine and Russia blaming one another for shelling around the facility.

In a report detailing its findings, released Tuesday, the IAEA called for "interim measures to prevent a nuclear accident arising from physical damage caused by military means," including a security zone around the plant.

The agency said it wants to start consultations with Ukraine — the operator of the plant — and Russia — its de facto occupier — about establishing such a security zone "immediately," as it will require agreement "by all relevant parties."

The report also recommended improving working conditions for some 9,000 Ukrainian staff currently operating the plant, noting that they are "under constant high stress and pressure, especially with the limited staff available."

"This is not sustainable and could lead to increased human error with implications for nuclear safety," the agency warned.
An indicator that their Special Military Operation is not going well. An “existential threat” is no longer a necessary condition.

they can rattle their sabers until the fucking sheaths wear out...we've all heard their shit, and we're not fucking impressed.
they launch one nuke, even a tactical battlefield unit, and all bets are off, if NATO doesn't intervene, then America should. the entire world is fucking sick of russia and their shit, but they don't have the fucking balls to do anything about it...do we?
they can rattle their sabers until the fucking sheaths wear out...we've all heard their shit, and we're not fucking impressed.
they launch one nuke, even a tactical battlefield unit, and all bets are off, if NATO doesn't intervene, then America should. the entire world is fucking sick of russia and their shit, but they don't have the fucking balls to do anything about it...do we?
It still does not alter the fact that a single US nuclear submarine can reduce Russia's population by 90% in an instant, America has several and so does the UK and France, plus other land and air based systems. Moscow would be glass and vapor and it would like fucking strobe lights as the hits kept coming from multiple systems and countries. Putin knows this and so do all their top dogs.
they can rattle their sabers until the fucking sheaths wear out...we've all heard their shit, and we're not fucking impressed.
they launch one nuke, even a tactical battlefield unit, and all bets are off, if NATO doesn't intervene, then America should. the entire world is fucking sick of russia and their shit, but they don't have the fucking balls to do anything about it...do we?
I do not share your black/white assessment. We are becoming progressively more involved. Our giving the Ukrainians “as much as needed” is working to grind down Russian capability.
As Russia grows weaker by their own mismanagement, a nuclear use becomes less “legitimate” in international regard.

Metaphorically, we’re playing a gamefish, not dropping a deer with a rifle. In the meantime, we watch in fascination as “the lesser power” keeps scoring hits on Goliath.

At this point, any nuclear use by Russia, including harming the Zaporizh’zhia nuke plant, would give us the opportunity for a quite direct NATO response. Something tells me that every single one of their missile boats currently has a silent NATO companion. We plausibly have a gun to their heads, and this is almost certainly the bluster of a cornered bully trying to bluff his way out of a bind.
this is almost certainly the bluster of a cornered bully trying to bluff his way out of a bind.
it is...that is when you step up, and knock the fucker down, three or four times, if that's what it takes to keep him on the floor, then you make it plain to him that this shit don't fly, do it again and you'll end up on the floor again...or in a box.
he's not a game fish, leaping in the spray, he's a big, nasty, bottom feeding shit fish, that you destroy as soon as you get it to the surface, so it can't reproduce.
it is...that is when you step up, and knock the fucker down, three or four times, if that's what it takes to keep him on the floor, then you make it plain to him that this shit don't fly, do it again and you'll end up on the floor again...or in a box.
he's not a game fish, leaping in the spray, he's a big, nasty, bottom feeding shit fish, that you destroy as soon as you get it to the surface, so it can't reproduce.
Dueling metaphors aside, our deliberate response there is reassuring to our NATO allies. While I am by no means an expert on military policy, we are showing the world that we are no longer a chaotic foreign-policy liability. Russia has that honor now, and I do not doubt that when the alliance decides jointly to get more real, I’m convinced we will do our bit. It’s a relief having grownups running the Department of State once again.

In the meantime, we try to nullify Russia’s gas-export pouting fit, and keep central Europe from freezing.