Well-Known Member
A dictator can use all the resources a nation has to offer in a war and there is no one who can stop him. So, yeah, I guess you are right, he can call up troops and re-fit out of date equipment to make it use-able. He can drag this out by expending yet more blood and treasure.If everyone is paying for the party and Putin doesn't call up a Draft.
We all need to realize that if Putin drops this Special Police Action BS and declares war on Ukraine that it's over for Ukraine.
On the other hand, as far as I can tell the economic sanctions are starting to have an effect.
That effect is possibly limiting Putin's choices.
True True that it will take a few years to get LNG terminals installed in Europe but it is happening so if Putin wants to do his worst short of nuclear the future is less profitable for a lot of Russians with sanctions enforced. That is in my opinion.
But I don't think he can win. Not when he's using 60 YO tech against the weapons the West is giving Ukraine. It doesn't matter to Putin, perhaps, if each and every family sacrifices a son to his ambitions. But Ukraine isn't giving an inch to Russia. Eventually, Russians are going to rebel. The end will be messy and I believe will end in a break up of Russia as we know it.