
Rut Roh Raggy....

come on Chechens, your next....time to squeeze him......
It depends on what Uncle Sam and the allies think, they would need support. Better to wait until the Ukrainians destroy the Russian army, then it might be the time to confront Russia in Georgia. It might be better if there is trouble in Belarus first and that will suck in the last of Vlad's reserves and strip Georgia bare of Russian troops.
if putin drops a tactical nuke on a Ukrainian city, that is all fucking rules out the window, already. tactical nukes are made specifically to be used on a battlefield, to minimize fallout that could effect civilian populations. any use on a civilian population center would illicit an immediate response from NATO, probably a full out invasion, after a good carpet bombing of all known military installations, and the destruction of their entire fleet at sea.
at least that would be my response...so probably NATO will...make a resolution of some kind? get very cross and send russia to it's room without tea?
Using a tactical nuke outside cities on troops is kinda useless, there are no troop concentrations worth it and it would have little effect outside the immediate area. Troops are prepared or would be for such a thing and if you are in a trench, you can be pretty close to a tactical nuke and survive, same for a tank.
The head of PMC "Wagner" Yevgeny Prigozhin called on the prisoners of one of the colonies of Mordovia to join the ranks of the company
Information has been confirmed that prisoners serving time in Russian colonies can sign a contract with the Wagner PMC to participate in hostilities in Ukraine. Yevgeny Prigozhin arrived in one of the colonies in Mordovia and delivered a speech to the prisoners.

The head of the "musicians" appealed to the prisoners to join the ranks of the military company. Those who wish to conclude a contract, suitable for health, undergo a special interview, after which it is determined whether the person is suitable or not for the company. Those who signed the document are required to serve in the ranks of the military company for six months, after which they receive a pardon and can return home with clean documents or extend the contract.

The conditions are tough - a complete ban on alcohol and drugs. Desertion, looting, violence are immediately punished. All volunteers will be enrolled in attack aircraft; in case of death, burial is carried out at the expense of the company in the place specified in the contract. In the absence of such information, all the dead are buried in Goryachiy Klyuch, where the chapel of the Wagner PMC is located.

According to Prigozhin, the former prisoners as part of the "musicians" have been fighting since July 1, the first group of 40 people arrived from the colony of St. Petersburg, she participated in the assault on the Uglegorsk TPP.

Judging by the words of the head of the military company, everything was agreed with the Russian authorities, including a pardon after six months of participation in battles. It is clear that the measure is forced, but it can serve, to some extent, as a substitute for the same mobilization. In addition to hardened criminals, there are many prisoners in the colonies who want to change their lives. A contract with PMCs is a chance to start everything from scratch. Despite the involvement of prisoners in the ranks of the military company, the "musicians" in the NWO showed themselves only on the positive side.


It will be a hard winter in Europe, but they will break their dependency on Russian oil, it's like life, ya get out what ya put in, in terms of work and sacrifice, unless dumb luck gets ya.

From my reading of the tea leaves, it looks like Ukraine will clear most of the country of Russians by the end of the year, Crimea might take longer. However the situation in Crimea could change with the loss of Kherson and the destruction of the Kerch bridge. A drive to the sea of Azov in the east would be all that it takes to capture a lot of Russians and their equipment, most of Vlad's army in fact. Good generalship is a humane way to conduct war, cutting off forces in modern warfare leads to quick surrenders when morale is low. We could see the surrender of over 30,00 Russians in cut off Kherson and the capture of all their equipment in a few weeks. If they cut the bridge at Kerch and cut then in half in the south it would mean one Helluva lot of prisoners and a lot of Russian equipment. Good intelligence, leadership, morale and generalship make it possible.
I want you to be right. I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other.

Just putting this out there to show a different side to the story.

Ukraine proves it can beat Russia. But don’t expect a quick victory.
No one should think these recent successes mean Putin will be conceding any time soon.

The good news:

Over the past week, a surprise offensive by Ukraine in northeastern Kharkiv province liberated more territory in six days than Russia captured in months of slow-paced warfare this summer. The advance, spearheaded by tanks and motorized infantry, was the sort of fast-paced mobile warfare that Russia tried and mostly failed to pull off in the first month of its invasion of Ukraine.
It was also an effective deception operation. Kyiv had loudly touted plans to counterattack in southern Ukraine’s Kherson province, and it did actually initiate that campaign on Aug. 29. But all the while, Ukraine’s military quietly mustered a second force of elite brigades in Kharkiv province in the east, even as Russia was pulling its best troops out of the region to prepare for the Kherson attack.

That meant once Russian defenses in Kharkiv were overrun, the Kremlin had no substantial local reserves to break the counteroffensive’s momentum. Now pro-Russian military bloggers even fear that Ukraine has quietly husbanded a third counteroffensive force aimed at cutting President Vladimir Putin’s coastal land corridor to Crimea and Kherson in the south.

The counter argument for a rapid victory:

Some of Ukraine’s strategy, as well, could extend the timeline to allow the country to capitalize on certain opportunities. While Ukraine’s counteroffensive in Kherson has made some progress, it has gone more slowly than the rapid gains in the east because of the heavier concentration of Russian forces. An optimal strategy would give time for Russian defenses to corrode from within and collapse, as Ukraine has repeatedly knocked out the bridges these forces depend upon for resupply and reinforcement. An overly rushed assault risks heavy casualties and more destruction of Kherson itself.

The risk that the coalition could soon change shape:

The winter could also provide Moscow with opportunities to cut down Western military support. In retaliation for sanctions the European Union has imposed on Russia’s energy sector, Moscow has accelerated restrictions on fuel going to Europe and no doubt hopes that the coming cold weather will cause shortages and skyrocketing bills while people need to heat their homes. Russian gas has already declined from 40% to roughly 15% of the E.U.’s total consumption, and the Kremlin hopes further reductions could compel European states to come begging for reduced prices in return for lifting economic sanctions and decreasing military aid to Ukraine.

It’s also possible the Republican Party could recapture the U.S. House and even the Senate in the midterm elections in early November. While some in the GOP have supported military aid to Ukraine, a significant contingent on the Trumpian right is inclined to follow the former president in objecting to such support and could more effectively obstruct U.S. aid packages if it gains power. Moreover, a worsening economy could make sustained military largesse for Ukraine harder for Democrats to back, as well.
The head of PMC "Wagner" Yevgeny Prigozhin called on the prisoners of one of the colonies of Mordovia to join the ranks of the company
Information has been confirmed that prisoners serving time in Russian colonies can sign a contract with the Wagner PMC to participate in hostilities in Ukraine. Yevgeny Prigozhin arrived in one of the colonies in Mordovia and delivered a speech to the prisoners.

The head of the "musicians" appealed to the prisoners to join the ranks of the military company. Those who wish to conclude a contract, suitable for health, undergo a special interview, after which it is determined whether the person is suitable or not for the company. Those who signed the document are required to serve in the ranks of the military company for six months, after which they receive a pardon and can return home with clean documents or extend the contract.

The conditions are tough - a complete ban on alcohol and drugs. Desertion, looting, violence are immediately punished. All volunteers will be enrolled in attack aircraft; in case of death, burial is carried out at the expense of the company in the place specified in the contract. In the absence of such information, all the dead are buried in Goryachiy Klyuch, where the chapel of the Wagner PMC is located.

According to Prigozhin, the former prisoners as part of the "musicians" have been fighting since July 1, the first group of 40 people arrived from the colony of St. Petersburg, she participated in the assault on the Uglegorsk TPP.

Judging by the words of the head of the military company, everything was agreed with the Russian authorities, including a pardon after six months of participation in battles. It is clear that the measure is forced, but it can serve, to some extent, as a substitute for the same mobilization. In addition to hardened criminals, there are many prisoners in the colonies who want to change their lives. A contract with PMCs is a chance to start everything from scratch. Despite the involvement of prisoners in the ranks of the military company, the "musicians" in the NWO showed themselves only on the positive side.


more cannon fodder to be annihilated...
russia is going to have a serious problem keeping their population up, they're killing so many men, of all ages.