
They should have captured lots of ammo, they overran two major supply hubs and captured them intact. Railheads with thousands of tons of shells stacked up waiting for mostly nonexistent road transport to take them to the front and many of the troops moved south, with their ammo left behind.

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Turkey's Erdogan targets joining Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
President Tayyip Erdogan said he was targeting membership of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) for NATO-member Turkey, broadcaster NTV and other media said on Saturday.

He was speaking to reporters after attending the SCO summit in Uzbekistan before heading to the United States.

“Our relations with these countries will be moved to a much different position with this step,” Erdogan said.

“When asked if he meant membership of the SCO, he said, “Of course, that’s the target”.

Turkey is currently a dialogue partner of the SCO, whose members are China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Amid bilateral discussions at the summit, Erdogan had talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Erdogan said Turkey and Russia had reached a deal resolving a dispute over a nuclear power plant being built at Akkuyu in southern Turkey.

NTV reported Erdogan as saying that the Turkish contractor IC Ictas had been reinstated in the project, confirming comments by two sources to Reuters on Friday.

Last month, the Russian state nuclear energy company Rosatom, which is running the project, terminated its contract with IC Ictas over what it called “numerous violations”.

“God willing we will be able to finish and inaugurate the first (Akkuyu) unit in 2023,” Erdogan added.
Turkey's Erdogan targets joining Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
President Tayyip Erdogan said he was targeting membership of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) for NATO-member Turkey, broadcaster NTV and other media said on Saturday.

He was speaking to reporters after attending the SCO summit in Uzbekistan before heading to the United States.

“Our relations with these countries will be moved to a much different position with this step,” Erdogan said.

“When asked if he meant membership of the SCO, he said, “Of course, that’s the target”.

Turkey is currently a dialogue partner of the SCO, whose members are China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Amid bilateral discussions at the summit, Erdogan had talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Erdogan said Turkey and Russia had reached a deal resolving a dispute over a nuclear power plant being built at Akkuyu in southern Turkey.

NTV reported Erdogan as saying that the Turkish contractor IC Ictas had been reinstated in the project, confirming comments by two sources to Reuters on Friday.

Last month, the Russian state nuclear energy company Rosatom, which is running the project, terminated its contract with IC Ictas over what it called “numerous violations”.

“God willing we will be able to finish and inaugurate the first (Akkuyu) unit in 2023,” Erdogan added.
wonder how that's going to work out? Erodogan is just such a stereotypical corrupt toad, selling out cheaply but repeatedly.
wonder how that's going to work out? Erodogan is just such a stereotypical corrupt toad, selling out cheaply but repeatedly.
Turkey is an economic basket case; 70% inflation, Erdogan is facing an election next year and is thrashing about. They get most of their oil from Russa and 90% of their grain from Ukraine and if Ukraine wins, so does Turkey, but the effects will take a while, too long for him. Finance his canal for a few billion and they will own him.
Turkey is in a rough neighborhood. The security agreements does make sense to keep a lid on things there. So there is some reasoning for them to be a part of the group. I really doubt he will abandon Nato and jump into bed with Putin. Mind you, I can see him playing both sides of the street, whatever keeps him in power. It is just good to know where he stands.
With election season ongoing Putin would be a fool to fuck with Joe, considering the election stakes and the existential threat to America it poses. I dunno what Joe would do to Vlad, I guess it depends on what Vlad does, but whatever it is it will be immediate, painful and ugly. Does designating someone a state sponsor of terrorism open them up to drone strikes on their leadership? Uncle Sam has been holding back support for just such a reason, if they can beat him to death with one arm tied behind their backs, what would they be like two fisted and with a navy and air force too?

They cut off a lot off supplies on the eastern front from the north to the Russian south and it will make it harder for them to defend Lyman and Donetsk. Meanwhile in the south near Kherson the large Russian forces remain cut off from resupply on the wrong side of the river and the Ukrainians are just pressing them enough to make them use up their ammo and fuel. They might drive to the dam on the Dnieper though and if the Russians blow it up first, they will trap their own forces for sure, so they will try to gain control of that first if they can.

Update from Ukraine | We started the New Counterattack Again! In Donetsk region. Ruzzia will run!
80,469 views Sep 17, 2022

Satellite Photos of Another Ferry Over the Dnipro River Near Kherson
46,070 views Sep 17, 2022 New satellite photo of the Dnipro River shows an active ferry. 46°41'34.3"N 32°51'11.3"E
The Russians will probably make it to 100K war crimes by the time the dust settles, and everyone will make getting out from under sanctions that much harder. It also makes China and India keep their distance, so does losing spectacularly on the battlefield, as Vlad was having critical meetings with his tail tucked between his legs, everybody kept Vlad waiting.

The thing is Ukraine can also produce killer drones like this, which are really just cruise missiles and these days they can be stealthy. Copying designs saves R&D and Ukraine is not really under sanctions for technology and parts from international sources. So, they could turn out simple GPS guided suicide drones like a WW2 American aircraft factory and make life Hell for hundreds of kilometers inside Russia. If Iran can build them, so can Ukraine, even without Polish or other eastern European help, covert or otherwise.
