
Not a happy update…

More motivation, longer sanctions, distancing Russian allies and more arms to Ukraine are the results. The impact next door in the EU is way bigger than here, eastern Europe feels the threat viscerally and it puts more heat on Germany to come through with the heavy iron. It is toughly counterproductive, aside from being atrocious and a crime against humanity. It also makes all of Russia's neighbors to the south and east nervous and motivated to be more independent from Moscow. With a depleted army and Ukrainian courage being very contagious, the Russians will suffer for this for a long time to come, oh yeah, it makes taking their money and property abroad easier too.
The Russians will probably make it to 100K war crimes by the time the dust settles, and everyone will make getting out from under sanctions that much harder. It also makes China and India keep their distance, so does losing spectacularly on the battlefield, as Vlad was having critical meetings with his tail tucked between his legs, everybody kept Vlad waiting.

I have no idea if they're exaggerating or not, but even if they doubled it, 17,000 in 7 months would be a hell of a score to settle...
I wonder what they're expecting to get back if and when sanctions are lifted? I'm thinking ALL seized assets should be liquidated, and used to rebuild Ukraine, and repay some of the debts they're incurring because of russia's criminal war. russia owes reparations to the families of every Ukrainian they've killed since 2014...It's doubtful everything that has been seized or will be, will cover that bill, but it's a start.

GOP senator is 'convinced' Putin won't do these two things

CNN's Pamela Brown asks Senator James Risch (R-ID), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, how he thinks Russia's invasion of Ukraine will end.
More motivation, longer sanctions, distancing Russian allies and more arms to Ukraine are the results. The impact next door in the EU is way bigger than here, eastern Europe feels the threat viscerally and it puts more heat on Germany to come through with the heavy iron. It is toughly counterproductive, aside from being atrocious and a crime against humanity. It also makes all of Russia's neighbors to the south and east nervous and motivated to be more independent from Moscow. With a depleted army and Ukrainian courage being very contagious, the Russians will suffer for this for a long time to come, oh yeah, it makes taking their money and property abroad easier too.
Armenia vs Azerbaijan immediately renewed hostilities towards each other as soon as Russia moved much of its army from this region to the Ukraine front. Their conflict dates back to pre USSR era... Putin has issues on several fronts
Armenia vs Azerbaijan immediately renewed hostilities towards each other as soon as Russia moved much of its army from this region to the Ukraine front. Their conflict dates back to pre USSR era... Putin has issues on several fronts
He will have more, as his military and economy weaken, a longer war means deeper damage and an end to European markets for oil and gas. I figure the war will move from Ukraine to Belarus one day, with a coup/rebellion there supported and recognized by Ukraine and Poland. However, that might happen after Putin is dead, which might be soon, he seems the type that needs to be carried out feet first or in pieces. In another month his loses in Ukraine could escalate dramatically, if they lose in the south and that will profoundly shift the balance of military power in Ukraine.
Armenia vs Azerbaijan immediately renewed hostilities towards each other as soon as Russia moved much of its army from this region to the Ukraine front. Their conflict dates back to pre USSR era... Putin has issues on several fronts
russia has a long border, 14 countries
there's trouble in Azerbaijan / Armenia, and more in Syria. they may or may not have trouble in Belarus...
that's a lot of area to police while prosecuting a war with very little support, while under the heaviest sanctions in history.
He will have more, as his military and economy weaken, a longer war means deeper damage and an end to European markets for oil and gas. I figure the war will move from Ukraine to Belarus one day, with a coup/rebellion there supported and recognized by Ukraine and Poland. However, that might happen after Putin is dead, which might be soon, he seems the type that needs to be carried out feet first or in pieces. In another month his loses in Ukraine could escalate dramatically, if they lose in the south and that will profoundly shift the balance of military power in Ukraine.
Ukraine needs time now to re-adjust their supply lines as to not get over extended and venerable to counter attack. The UKr's need time to move all of those munitions and equipment they have received from the Russian lend lease program(ie never fired only dropped once). You cannot leave them where you found them because the Russians know right where they left them and could target them for destruction as not to have them used against them.
Ukraine needs time now to re-adjust their supply lines as to not get over extended and venerable to counter attack. The UKr's need time to move all of those munitions and equipment they have received from the Russian lend lease program(ie never fired only dropped once). You cannot leave them where you found them because the Russians know right where they left them and could target them for destruction as not to have them used against them.
They have been targeting them with drones and SA300 missiles. The operations in the south are separate and could lead to the biggest disaster for the Russians yet, not much ammo, but lots of equipment and prisoners.
Ukraine needs time now to re-adjust their supply lines as to not get over extended and venerable to counter attack. The UKr's need time to move all of those munitions and equipment they have received from the Russian lend lease program(ie never fired only dropped once). You cannot leave them where you found them because the Russians know right where they left them and could target them for destruction as not to have them used against them.
I think their large reservist and territorial forces have moved in behind them to secure gains and hold defensive positions, taking the load off the regular army of younger guys who do the advancing and can stay up for days on end! The scale of their success was unexpected, so there might be some scrambling, these reservists aren't needed back in the rear anymore and they have plenty of old farts with guns!
Vlad doesn't want to get into a pissing contest with Joe about missiles for Ukraine in the middle of an election campaign. Fortunately, he's already got Vlad by the balls and has some breathing room to keep strangling the fucker to death by the normal means. A major victory over the next month around Kherson will really fuck Vlad badly and upset the balance of military power in Ukraine dramatically, in Ukraine's favor. Using the Dnieper River as a southern defensive line, they could concentrate forces further east and go all the way to the sea of Azov, the ATACMS could be used to take out the Kech Bridge. Then Vlad would be truly screwed with the southern front and Crimea cut off from support, he would soon have a target on his back. It also might be worth a point or two to Joe and the democrats at the polls, everybody likes a winner, except the MAGATS.

I'll bet the fitness level of a lot of Ukrainian 30- to 60-year-olds has increased dramatically over the past 7 months. Just the increased activity will do wonders for a fellow, much less whipping their own asses into shape for the coming ordeal. I've noted in the videos a lot of pounds have been shed and they are getting lean and mean. The regular army fellows appear to be in peak condition now, being in the field and especially in combat always leads to weight loss, the stress helps too.
Vlad doesn't want to get into a pissing contest with Joe about missiles for Ukraine in the middle of an election campaign. Fortunately, he's already got Vlad by the balls and has some breathing room to keep strangling the fucker to death by the normal means. A major victory over the next month around Kherson will really fuck Vlad badly and upset the balance of military power in Ukraine dramatically, in Ukraine's favor. Using the Dnieper River as a southern defensive line, they could concentrate forces further east and go all the way to the sea of Azov, the ATACMS could be used to take out the Kech Bridge. Then Vlad would be truly screwed with the southern front and Crimea cut off from support, he would soon have a target on his back. It also might be worth a point or two to Joe and the democrats at the polls, everybody likes a winner, except the MAGATS.

ooh, a "party to conflict"...sounds like vlad wants to try punching way the fuck above his weight, when he can barely punch down at an opponent a quarter the size of russia...wonder if the Canadians will get suspicious of all the russian tanks and apcs building up at the border? oh, that's right, they don't have any tanks or apcs to build up at a border... :roll:
ooh, a "party to conflict"...sounds like vlad wants to try punching way the fuck above his weight, when he can barely punch down at an opponent a quarter the size of russia...wonder if the Canadians will get suspicious of all the russian tanks and apcs building up at the border? oh, that's right, they don't have any tanks or apcs to build up at a border... :roll:
He's stripping other places bare, hence all those NATO exercises in the Baltic, to keep him pinned there. He's taking the air defense away from Russia's second largest city, to use on land targets in Ukraine, since he's out of precision missiles and buying suicide drones from Iran.

Germany seems to be coming around, now that the gas has been cut off and the Ukrainians are kicking ass, if they add their promised stuff to the fight, leopard tanks and other armor including these bridging tanks, it will make a difference. I think they can see the situation in the east and especially in the south of Ukraine that could change the balance of military power to Ukraine in a big way.

Those forces moved from the Baltic to Ukraine would have been used in Belarus, in the event of trouble there. I think Vlad might have very little option than to withdraw from southern Ukraine, but he has 25,000 troops and their equipment trapped on the wrong side of the Dnieper River. If a Russian BTG has between 800 and 1000 troops, then there are about 25 BTGs and supporting units at least, trapped in Kherson Oblast. The Russians already lost a few BTGs in the east recently and if they are successful in the south, that would mean the Russians will lose well over 30 BTGs in about a month. He clearly has bitten off more than he can chew and it's choking him to death. Lend lease hasn't even kicked in yet, there are no weapons from it on the battlefield yet.

It might be soon time to start drilling and capping gas wells in Ukraine, Russia has few precision missiles left and as long as they are out of tube artillery range, they should be ok. I doubt Russia will use whatever missiles it has left on a drilling rig or capped gas well buried in the ground. Other gas infrastructure and dummy infrastructure could be built too, if nothing else, it would use up Russian missiles and make it a choice, the cities or the developing gas industry, including dummy facilities, for his dwindling supply of missiles.

There are hundreds of billions, perhaps trillions of dollars in annual gas sales to Europe to be had here and greed is a powerful motivator to take risks. Europe is desperate for gas and prices are sky high with governments subsidizing much of it, a few billion invested in this venture (in say insurance for developers to remove the military risk) would be a wise move. It might not help this winter, but by next winter it could have a steadily increasing impact. There are plenty of Ukrainians who know how to work drilling rigs and volunteer employees available. Why wait for the Russians to be completely cleared from the country when their remaining offensive power will be destroyed soon? There are plenty of safe places to start punching holes in Ukraine and enough gas for Europe's needs.
Doing 600mph in a 60mph zone.

Ukrainian jets fly low to roads as they soar through the sky defending Ukraine
779,861 views Sep 15, 2022 This footage show Ukrainian Airforce Pilots racing through the sky low to the ground. The images were obtained from the Armed Forces of Ukraine and from the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine along with statements from the organisations. The Armed Forces of Ukraine said: ‘Good morning Ukraine! The guardians of the sky care about your peace. Glory to Ukraine and its soldier. Death to the enemies.' And the Ground Forces of Ukraine said the images show ‘the flight of the Su-25s from the Donetsk region'. The Sukhoi Su-25 is a subsonic, twin-engine fighter jet that was first developed in the Soviet Union in the mid-1970s.