
Yep, Tuck should be on the scene embedded with those Russian troops! :lol: Give America the "alternative view" with "alternative facts". Tuck knows how to pick a winner, but he makes money anyway and probably doesn't really give a fuck, treason for ratings works too. With Vlad threatening to nuke America, Tuck has some explaining to do, or maybe he should just STFU.

Yep, Tuck should be on the scene embedded with those Russian troops! :lol: Give America the "alternative view" with "alternative facts". Tuck knows how to pick a winner, but he makes money anyway and probably doesn't really give a fuck, treason for ratings works too. With Vlad threatening to nuke America, Tuck has some explaining to do, or maybe he should just STFU.

wish pucker farlson would STFU.........
They have to have trained pilots and working planes to put in that base, probably started before Vlad invaded and he figured he'd own Ukraine too.

yeah i know, from the looks of it, they are send drones (they got from iran, "cough") and they're sending them out from there......and in some reports, Pooty has pretty much taken over Belarus, Lushy is just a puppet now
They lost contact because their military and political leaders bugged out, are on the road and not taking calls from Moscow while they run. Besides, explanations of retreat would be "difficult", better to just shut off the cellphone and press the peddle to the metal while hunched over the steering wheel. It's HIMARS O'clock for their leadership too, so having your cellphone on could be fatal. :lol: The soldiers/suckers left behind can go fuck themselves, no wonder they surrender and run too, giving them the order to fall back means prison. It's how stupid fucks fight war and why we need to beat the fucking snot out of them.
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