
Latest update I have:

They are melting down in Moscow, have been weighed in the balance and found wanting, it's just a matter of time and opportunity...
Vlad is doing a repeat of Hitler, only Hitler had strategic goals, Vlad has no real reason for this shit other than to hide his own failures and paranoia. Well, his failures are obvious, and he is not paranoid, people really are out to get him, more now than ever before.

Giving orders to retreat means a 15 year prison sentence and the commanders took a boat across the river leaving the suckers behind.

One drone, one bomb, one Russian squad taken out with leg wounds and ready for collection or another bomb or two and the bigger drones carry four bombs. The drone probably costs a bit more than a modern NATO rifle and is cheaper than an NLAW. Give it range and mod it to make it jam proof and it can workday and night in the area of contact with the enemy spotting enemy troops and destroying them or calling in mortar strikes.

How many Russians are draft dodging in Lisbon now? He was one of probably over a half million expatriate men who returned to fight, as many as left Russia to avoid it. It also illustrates the attitude of the Polish and eastern Europeans in general, it's much the same as the Ukrainian attitude, more so since Vlad is getting his ass whipped.

No matter how much he blusters and saber rattles, Russia won't live this down for a very long time. It's comparable to the catastrophic naval loss to the Japanese in 1905 that triggered a revolution and major political reform. More reform came later with the humiliating loses in WW1 that led to the rise of the communists and the end of the Czar.

Dangerous times with a desperate and vicious little cocksucker like Putin with his finger on the button. He has an off ramp and it's over the Kech bridge while it still stands and back to Russia, he can die sooner or later from his blunder, it's his choice, the die is cast, let's hope he doesn't take the rest of us with him when he goes.

Retired Lt. General grades Putin's results on the battlefield
354,063 views Oct 7, 2022 President Joe Biden has delivered a stark warning about the dangers behind Russian President Vladimir Putin's nuclear threats as Moscow continues to face military setbacks in Ukraine. CNN's Military Analyst Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling joins Don Lemon to discuss the state of Russia's war in Ukraine.

'Absolutely unheard of': CNN reporter reacts to outward Russian defense minister criticism
36,844 views Oct 7, 2022 CNN's Fred Pleitgen discusses the criticism of Russia's Defense Minister, Sergei Shoigu, after a Russian-installed official in occupied Kherson blamed Shoigu for recent Russian setbacks in Ukraine.
Apparently Zelinsky was responding to Biden, if you think Russia is gonna use WMDs, then hit them first, or give us defensive AA missiles. Why the EU and America hasn't sent more AA missiles to Ukraine is beyond me, they are purely defensive. Shooting down one of Vlad's nukes, or more properly, having the ability to do so, might dissuade him from using them. Using nukes would cause whatever international support Russia has to dry up and Christ knows what consequences.
i thought there was a battle system already doing that, or something like that? remember when everyone was trying to shoot satilites(sp) out of the sky?
i thought there was a battle system already doing that, or something like that? remember when everyone was trying to shoot satilites(sp) out of the sky?
Vlad would strap one on a short range or intermediate range ballistic missile that could be taken down by a variety of anti-missile defense systems. They should have more and better missile defenses and should have been training Ukrainian patriot crews. Nukes on the table might also mean iron dome from Israel.
Vlad would strap one on a short range or intermediate range ballistic missile that could be taken down by a variety of anti-missile defense systems. They should have more and better missile defenses and should have been training Ukrainian patriot crews. Nukes on the table might also mean iron dome from Israel.

think if i was UA, i would have asked for the patriot system to be deployed just for this kind of scenerio...
think if i was UA, i would have asked for the patriot system to be deployed just for this kind of scenerio...
They could deploy one with US troops to protect the US embassy and by extension other allied embassies. Ukrainian crews would be better, and it would have been stupid and short sighted not to train some as a contingency, they've had the time. The people the Ukrainians send to be trained would be electronic engineers or computer programmers and the like, they don't take as long to train as regular troops, you can skip the theory and basics and get to the simulator pretty quick.
Good, a couple of HIMARS with the new anti-personnel munitions will make quick work of them and they will be tracked on their train trip to the front and singled out for special treatment. If he kills off all his loyalists, he will be vulnerable to his many enemies and a guy who boils people alive in oil in a public square has many enemies. Now here is a fucker worth Ukraine assassinating and he is an extremist influence on Putin whose voice should be silenced. He will fly around, and it would be a shame if he got shot down somewhere over the black sea.

I don't think he has 70K troops to send, more like 7K.

If Elon is behind it over hurt feelings, he's as bad as Trump and would be an unreliable national security partner who might have to give up control of a vital national security asset, he might own his stock, but not be able to vote it. If he's like this when he gets control of Twitter, he will censor critics of himself like Xi or Putin.

People are expressing concerns and he would be stepping on the CIA and military's toes on a matter of vital national security with nukes on the table. What if CIA operatives in eastern Ukraine are cut off and killed because Elon has a stray hair up his ass about something said on social media. He would be considered emotionally and mentally unstable by many in the government, certainly unreliable. Was the service Uncle Sam paid for interrupted and why, perhaps the FBI will want to know.

Look at the shit they are abandoning, start it up, drive it to a firing position and start killing Russians in your AO, probably lots of reloads laying around too. Vlad must go wild when he sees this shit, he speaks German and English pretty well so knowing what's going on is a simple as going to YouTube. Watching the German DW news, the BBC or others and many offer Russian language services too. It will tell him what is happening and the western reaction, as well as his intelligence reports, better in fact. Perhaps he thinks it's fake news!

If Elon is behind it over hurt feelings, he's as bad as Trump and would be an unreliable national security partner who might have to give up control of a vital national security asset, he might own his stock, but not be able to vote it. If he's like this when he gets control of Twitter, he will censor critics of himself like Xi or Putin.

People are expressing concerns and he would be stepping on the CIA and military's toes on a matter of vital national security with nukes on the table. What if CIA operatives in eastern Ukraine are cut off and killed because Elon has a stray hair up his ass about something said on social media. He would be considered emotionally and mentally unstable by many in the government, certainly unreliable. Was the service Uncle Sam paid for interrupted and why, perhaps the FBI will want to know.

Supposedly the network was shut down in Russian held territories and the Ukrainians advanced into the Russian areas without giving their positions so that it could be turned on. Whether true or not...
Four-cylinder 2 stroke engines running flat out and then some, make a lot of noise. At $10K a pop they are cheaper than some artillery rounds and unless GPS jammed, are as accurate as a precision weapon just by using commercial GPS service.

'They Sound Like Motorbikes': Ukrainians Say They Can Hear Iranian Suicide Drones Coming
362,864 views Oct 7, 2022 Russia has resorted to using Shahed-136 drones from Iran in its war on Ukraine. Ukraine says it's already downed many of the drones, which work by slamming into their intended target, laden with explosives. Ordinary Ukrainians say they can already recognize the sound of the drones.
Four-cylinder 2 stroke engines running flat out and then some, make a lot of noise. At $10K a pop they are cheaper than some artillery rounds and unless GPS jammed, are as accurate as a precision weapon just by using commercial GPS service.

'They Sound Like Motorbikes': Ukrainians Say They Can Hear Iranian Suicide Drones Coming
362,864 views Oct 7, 2022 Russia has resorted to using Shahed-136 drones from Iran in its war on Ukraine. Ukraine says it's already downed many of the drones, which work by slamming into their intended target, laden with explosives. Ordinary Ukrainians say they can already recognize the sound of the drones.
sounds like ukraine needs to make a bunch of fake targets to spread around the real equipment. Let them find a needle in a haystack. russia will use up a lot of these on plywood mockups...