
Why would they announce this so publicly? Just withdrawing quietly would serve their propose more. I smell a trap. I would proceed very very cautiously if i were the Ukrainians....This don't smell right
They could blow the dam, but that would mean drowning thousands of their own troops and cutting off Crimea's water supply. It would also dramatically lower the Dnipro, perhaps affect cooling for the nuclear power station and might make crossing the river easier for the Ukrainians after it finishes draining out.
Then getting busted under the espionage act and doing life is appropriate, Amen. We won't have to wait too long, maybe they will let him fuck over Herschel's runoff election before taking him down. When is pleas in DC the judge will muzzle him, and he will be lucky not to be remanded into custody until trial. He will need bail because nobody will release him on his word, what word!
Then getting busted under the espionage act and doing life is appropriate, Amen. We won't have to wait too long, maybe they will let him fuck over Herschel's runoff election before taking him down. When is pleas in DC the judge will muzzle him, and he will be lucky not to be remanded into custody until trial. He will need bail because nobody will release him on his word, what word!

can we attach him to a russian tank somehow then take him to the front?

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I think "our" relationship with Russia is on the rocks and so are they, nobody is afraid of the big bad bear anymore.
This about sums up the situation. I think they should make a real one and put it in Kyiv for people to pose with to drive home the point. Europe is looking at this situation and saying we can take this fucker no problem, so are others, when Ukraine is done with them. Donald will be in Prison and Vlad will be fucked; I think, so will Russia for a generation.

Russia on the ropes inside 10 months and reduced to kidnapping drunks off the street and conscripting them while most of the educated young men ran from the country. If Europe was smart, they would have opened their borders and offered free plane tickets to them, they would have cleaned out Russia and the economy would have collapsed while they were sitting in internment camps.
