
Russia on the ropes inside 10 months and reduced to kidnapping drunks off the street and conscripting them while most of the educated young men ran from the country. If Europe was smart, they would have opened their borders and offered free plane tickets to them, they would have cleaned out Russia and the economy would have collapsed while they were sitting in internment camps.

Europe is smart to close their borders to these fleeing ORC's. Most of the russian draft dodgers support Putler but don't want to die in a war. If they let enough of them gather in one place Putler will declare that it was always part of russia and try to annex it. They should be sent back to russia to either fix things or deal with the consequences....
Seems I recall they have made several donations of a half dozen Caesars at a time, they should have a couple of dozens of these alone by now along with a bunch of archers and PZ2000. They have many more HIMARS and other similar missile systems from other allies now too. The Russians are losing hundreds of men a day and the ratio of Ukrainians to Russians causalities is extremely high. The Russian army is cracking and now mostly filled with freshly mobilized untrained conscripts.

Europe is smart to close their borders to these fleeing ORC's. Most of the russian draft dodgers support Putler but don't want to die in a war. If they let enough of them gather in one place Putler will declare that it was always part of russia and try to annex it. They should be sent back to russia to either fix things or deal with the consequences....
I said to intern them until the Russian economy collapsed which wouldn't be long with most of the male population MIA and getting propagandized in internment camps with big screen TVs, they could see the fun they are missing. I figure it's best to blow the Rail bridges and trap the poor devils in Russia while cutting off Ukraine from Russia. Uncle Sam seems to have other ideas and wants the destruction of the Russian military to be as complete as possible. Which is why the peace is gonna be a bitter pill for Vlad to swallow and will stick in his throat and choke the fucker. Leave or die asshole, is the deal he will get.
The logical next step is issuing trebuchets to the artillery.

As long as there are castle walls in range they'll have work. They can toss conscripts over to lower the drawbridge. :)

On an episode of Northern Exposure the hippyish dude on there built a big trebuchet and tossed a grand piano across this big frozen lake or field. That thing blew up real good.

As long as there are castle walls in range they'll have work. They can toss conscripts over to lower the drawbridge. :)

On an episode of Northern Exposure the hippyish dude on there built a big trebuchet and tossed a grand piano across this big frozen lake or field. That thing blew up real good.

My mind jumps in a figurative bounce house imagining …
balloon-tired all-terrain GPS trebuchets made of modern or even futuristic materials, flinging nonballistic cluster munitions with cat-quick AI, sensors and steering surfaces …
man, those T-34s looked to have the original 76mm guns.
My mind jumps in a figurative bounce house imagining …
balloon-tired all-terrain GPS trebuchets made of modern or even futuristic materials, flinging nonballistic cluster munitions with cat-quick AI, sensors and steering surfaces …
man, those T-34s looked to have the original 76mm guns.
i wonder how much 76mm ammo they have stockpiled...and how rotten it all is?
i also wonder what it's going to take to get putin to just fucking give up? killing or driving out of the country every male between the ages of 7 and 70?
i wonder how much 76mm ammo they have stockpiled...and how rotten it all is?
i also wonder what it's going to take to get putin to just fucking give up? killing or driving out of the country every male between the ages of 7 and 70?
I have no idea. They mothballed an awful lot of stuff. Those shells must be 50 or more years old, and I don’t know if they get a remanufacture with fresh powder.
But old-school 76 doesn’t have the range or accuracy of what a T-90 or even a T-72 fielded.
It does suggest that Putin is grabbing the equivalent of great-granddad’s muzzle-loader and powderhorn.

The one thing the Russians have been using effectively are R-37 antiair missiles launched from MiG-31s. These are big, fast weapons launched from over 100 miles away, and they’re eating at Ukraine’s few jets. So it’s still a rodeo.