
'Significant Russian rearguard' expected in Kherson retreat • FRANCE 24 English

25,879 views Nov 10, 2022
"There is no doubt that the Russians really are going to withdraw their troops across the River Dnipro to the eastern bank," said FRANCE 24 Chief Foreign Editor Robert Parsons. "But this is something that's not going to happen overnight. The Russians have presumably been preparing this manoeuvre for some time, and it's not going to be easy for them because they will be under fire from Ukrainian artillery. So it's something they will have put a lot of thought into, I imagine. They don't want to be panicking, because if the situation becomes panic-striken then they'll lose even more men."From the Ukrainian side, I think they're understandably cautious, because there's been a lot of smoke and mirrors from the Russians over the last few weeks, and they don't want to be sucked into a trap. President [Volodymyr] Zelensky noted that there was a lot of excitement around the country about the news from Kherson and understandably so. But, again, he was saying that Ukraine and Ukrainian armed forces shouldn't get ahead of themselves. There's a lot of fighting to be done and people would get killed in that. And he's absolutely right of course, because there will be a significant Russian rearguard, whatever they choose to do."
the iraq war.....what a fucked up sitrep that was...the prelude for it was just dumb and yes we shouldn't have never been in. But the outcome and what it is now, is a lot better than what it was......especially with the Ba'aths out, the Ba'aths party was ruthless, they were basically Mild Eastern Nazism at it finest.....Assad is apart of it too js.....and for Saddam giving the green light to gas thousands of Kurds, and to finally see him get justice like he deserved was well worth it......
Putting Bush in jail for the whole WMD con would have bought the USA a lot of credit.
Putting Bush in jail for the whole WMD con would have bought the USA a lot of credit.

true...and Reagan should have come clean bout downing that Iranian Jet Liner.....we could have had better relations with Iran....but nooo........old man bush said no.....

"The U.S. government issued notes of regret for the loss of human lives, but never formally apologized or acknowledged wrongdoing.[16] On 5 July 1988 President Ronald Reagan expressed regret; when directly asked if he considered the statement an apology, Reagan replied, "Yes."[74] George H. W. Bush, the vice president of the United States at the time commented on a separate occasion, speaking to a group of Republican ethnic leaders[clarification needed] (7 August 1988): "I will never apologize for the United States—I don't care what the facts are ... I'm not an apologize-for-America kind of guy." The quote, although unrelated to the downing of the Iranian air liner and not in any official capacity, has been mistakenly attributed as such.[75][76][77] Bush used the phrase frequently[78] during the 1988 campaign and promised to "never apologize for the United States" months prior to the July 1988 shoot-down[79] and as early as January"

Reagan wanted to, but old man Bush didn't want to
get the strange feeling Russia is cleaning house....hmmm

Another Ukrainian traitor turned Russian collaborator who advocated to expand the war, Aleskey Remenyuk, mysteriously died in a car crash in Crimea, just days after the similar death of Kherson administrator Kirill Stremousov.

nother suspect car crash.....

might have to use your translator for this js

Maybe a need to recall the SUV's?

Tactical bags torn with bare hands and expired food packages: Russian mobilised complain about gear

9,768 views Nov 10, 2022
According to the Russian media, the amount of money spent on the mobilisation is not enough to fully equip all those allegedly called up. So, it's either the number of drafted men is much smaller than claimed, or they simply don't have the proper equipment, experts note. The latter is confirmed by the constant discontent in the Russian occupation army that they have to buy equipment on their own and the quality of gear provided by the aggressor state is beyond unusable. Learn more – in the report.
America is not in this fight alone, or with reluctant allies, in fact some are pretty enthusiastic and have significant portions of their expanded military budgets on the line. Everybody with a brain realizes it's the military bargain of the century and a chance to get rid of the Russian menace for a long time and it stands a good chance of getting rid of Vlad too. The Russians have more than enough frozen assets held abroad to cover the damage to Ukraine and the entire cost of the war, including aid given already. In the end they will foot the entire bill and, in a way, already have been since their grandaddies and daddies made and paid for most of the Soviet era weapons used by both sides so far.

What of years to come?

Russian oil finally found a sanctions-free route

What of years to come?

Russian oil finally found a sanctions-free route

so russia and china can trade decades old technology with each other, and fuel each others industries...meanwhile, the rest of the world will be moving forward, leaving oil behind, and developing even more advanced technology...maybe in a few decades, we really will be able to terraform mars, and we can leave the russians and the chinese the earth they continue to pollute and covet
Things are happening in Kherson at a rapid pace and the Ukrainians are on the move, locals are no doubt assisting with information on Russian traps etc. Looks like Kherson might be liberated by the end of the month at the latest. I expect another surprise offensive and a drive to the south further east to draw the Russians away from the east bank of the Dnipro.

It appears to be turning into a rout for the Russians and if they are blowing up bridges, they are trapping their men on the wrong side of the river. Artillery and drones will slaughter the Russians waiting to cross and crossing as drones circle overhead.

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