
All hope is lost, Vlad's ace in the hole was a joker, time for peace negotiations!
The republican ass whipping probably did more for peace than anything else, it was Russia's last hope, they lost in American and Ukraine.

i like Julia Davis.....she does find some stuff, and imagine she's sanctioned by Russia, wonder why....lol

and why are they turning there heads to Desantanist???
All hope is lost, Vlad's ace in the hole was a joker, time for peace negotiations!
The republican ass whipping probably did more for peace than anything else, it was Russia's last hope, they lost in America and Ukraine.

it's an attempt to escape prosecution...and i'm not even sure he needs to bother. it doesn't seem like anyone is in a hurry to charge the fat orange pile of shit.
Even if we knew 100% that the strike in Poland was from Russia, we would say it wasn't.

Remember the poker game where everyone is cheating? It is best for us if it was an accident, so it's going to be an accident. (I'm not mad. That is the way the world works)
More atrocities, more weapons, the fuckers are like Nazis and need to be defeated and destroyed, fight to the bitter end by all means, we will destroy you by the fucking millions if we have to. It makes more enemies, strengths the Ukrainians resolve and motivates their troops, humiliates allies and this shit will lead to their own destruction and eventual dissolution.

This isn't yer granddaddy's or daddy's world it's become a global community with lots of different players outside Europe and North America who are having a bigger say in Global affairs. If Vlad loses this war and his military and economy are destroyed, Xi will have a free hand in central Asia, his own backyard and hinterland. Perhaps even the resources of former Russian federation republics who will be independent countries that China will control trough economic soft power. It is in his interests now that Russia be defeated and economically destroyed, as long as he has an accommodation with the west about how it is done. Tawain is a nonstarter; global technology is utterly dependent on Tawain until we can onshore chip manufacture and that takes several years, it would mean instant war with a lot more countries than America.

Xi warns Putin not to go nuclear
144,031 views Nov 18, 2022
“Russia hasn’t yet understood that it’s most likely going to lose the war.” William Courtney is the former special assistant to the US President for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia, and is also the former US ambassador to Kazakhstan and Georgia. He tells Henry Bonsu on #TimesRadio that it was “humiliating” for President Putin when President Xi of China gave him a “clear warning” that he would not support the use of nuclear weapons of Ukraine.

‘He is really close to his defeat’: Russian journalist on Putin

75,715 views Nov 18, 2022
Russian journalist Mikhail Zygar talks to Christiane Amanpour about going public with his same-sex marriage as Moscow looks set to pass an extremely harsh anti-LGBTQ law and Vladimir Putin’s standing in Russia after his military’s retreat from Kherson.
One of many reasons the Russians are being slaughtered in large numbers these days. This thing and counter battery fire could be on the way inside a minute, Russian mortar crews wouldn't last long with this getting the drop on them. Warfare in the early 21st century, Russia is not ready for it and won't be for a long time, even if they reform the government and then the army. If they reform into a liberal democracy, they will be no threat and the focus will be on economic recovery and improving international and internal relations, not the military.
