
every word sounds reasonable to me...if i was Zelensky, i wouldn't budge one MM on any of it. the russians can kiss ass, or get handed their asses, no other alternatives are acceptable.
Trudeau works the same way, publicly, it's the only way with a weasel, if you deal with them at all. If Putin had come to Bali Joe would have snubbed him and refused to meet with a war criminal, as would others, except to publicly give him shit to his face.
This isn't yer granddaddy's or daddy's world it's become a global community with lots of different players outside Europe and North America who are having a bigger say in Global affairs. If Vlad loses this war and his military and economy are destroyed, Xi will have a free hand in central Asia, his own backyard and hinterland. Perhaps even the resources of former Russian federation republics who will be independent countries that China will control trough economic soft power. It is in his interests now that Russia be defeated and economically destroyed, as long as he has an accommodation with the west about how it is done. Tawain is a nonstarter; global technology is utterly dependent on Tawain until we can onshore chip manufacture and that takes several years, it would mean instant war with a lot more countries than America.

Xi warns Putin not to go nuclear
144,031 views Nov 18, 2022
“Russia hasn’t yet understood that it’s most likely going to lose the war.” William Courtney is the former special assistant to the US President for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia, and is also the former US ambassador to Kazakhstan and Georgia. He tells Henry Bonsu on #TimesRadio that it was “humiliating” for President Putin when President Xi of China gave him a “clear warning” that he would not support the use of nuclear weapons of Ukraine.
he wants to do what???? omg

talk bout scraping the bottom....sheesh

all i can say is

View attachment 5227828
just the mentality that can come up with that thought...the russian government considers itself to be a separate, superior species to the russian people. they're good enough to fight and die for the motherland, but we're going to isolate and humiliate them while they're doing it, after we take them from prisons and mental institutions...
sounds like republicans to me.

just the mentality that can come up with that thought...the russian government considers itself to be a separate, superior species to the russian people. they're good enough to fight and die for the motherland, but we're going to isolate and humiliate them while they're doing it, after we take them from prisons and mental institutions...
sounds like republicans to me.

remind of you of anything????
no.....now sit in the back of the bus and stfu

the republican party of miserable cunts...the next two years is going to be a solid block of obstructionist idiocy.
the democrats need to keep hammering that home to the American people...everything the republicans try to fuck up needs to get brought up in the news every day, until the next fucking thing they try to sabotage. it needs to get scrubbed into the faces of the American people that republicans are the ones pissing in their cheerios, and it needs to get brought up every time they do anything shitty, which is every fucking thing they do.
the republican party of miserable cunts...the next two years is going to be a solid block of obstructionist idiocy.
the democrats need to keep hammering that home to the American people...everything the republicans try to fuck up needs to get brought up in the news every day, until the next fucking thing they try to sabotage. it needs to get scrubbed into the faces of the American people that republicans are the ones pissing in their cheerios, and it needs to get brought up every time they do anything shitty, which is every fucking thing they do.

my think is and i could be wrong, are a good portion of Repugs are taking in Russian money, basically the Russians bought the Republicans
the republican party of miserable cunts...the next two years is going to be a solid block of obstructionist idiocy.
the democrats need to keep hammering that home to the American people...everything the republicans try to fuck up needs to get brought up in the news every day, until the next fucking thing they try to sabotage. it needs to get scrubbed into the faces of the American people that republicans are the ones pissing in their cheerios, and it needs to get brought up every time they do anything shitty, which is every fucking thing they do.
I dunno, wait and see, what the final majority is, a couple of moderates might change things a lot, they have as much power as the lunatics. Mitch clearly wants to move to the center and put lipstick on the pig, but MTG keeps squealing and squirming around! When Trump is gone or busy, he won't be able to back stop the magats and they will be whining and lying for him in congress, or he will attack them. Mitch is probably calculating that Donald will be indicted and mostly muzzled by a judge by the new year. This also puts McCarthy in a pickle and is another wedge issue, like abortion, pot legalization and Ukraine.


thanks xtsho

the EU got them by the nutz now....

next kick them out of the UN....