
China cannot seize Tawain and if it tried, they would destroy the chip production facilities there, supporting infrastructure, as well as kill many of the highly skilled workers. Most of the equipment they use in those fabs comes from other places like Holland, Germany, America, Japan and South Korea. It's also one of the reasons America and Europe are looking to onshore advanced chip production as well as EV battery production. The lesson learned with Russian gas has not been lost, despots will use trade and the international economic system as weapons of war. The western policy was to give China liberal trade policies and looked the other way when they engage in mercantilist behavior, as we did with Japan and South Korea, to help them uplift themselves economically and technologically as part of the cold war. China went despotic and veered off the path to liberal democracy as did Russia, the cause is clinging to the notion of empire and specialness.

Communism fell in both places, but each had different results. China did well, until Xi fucked it up by going for despotic power like Putin, if you can't have a democracy, at least rule by a committee and trust none with absolute power. The CPP might do well in elections in China, they have a phenomenal track record of economic growth over the past 40 years to stand on, and uplifted China a lot with largely responsible government since Deng. However economic freedom was not followed by political freedom and the CPP is descending into corruption and despotism.

China has a paper army. They don't know how to fight and their weaponry is untested. The terrain in Taiwan is 2/3rds mountainous and would be nearly impossible for them to get a toehold anywhere. China is not going to invade Taiwan especially after seeing what just happened to Russia.
China has a paper army. They don't know how to fight and their weaponry is untested. The terrain in Taiwan is 2/3rds mountainous and would be nearly impossible for them to get a toehold anywhere. China is not going to invade Taiwan especially after seeing what just happened to Russia.
Yep, a lot of people learned a lot of things from the war in Ukraine, some learned painful lessons and some watching were so concerned, they kept their distance, since they do well over 10X their trade with the allies than with Russia. War with the allies, not just Uncle Sam would be the ruin of China's economy and prosperity. Xi is sitting on a powder keg now and a war like that would spark it off and they would be massacring each other in a civil war before long, like Russia might. Another lesson is Soviet style slave armies with no NCO's or individual initiative are no match for those who do it NATO style. The citizens need to be behind the army and government to win too, war like that would be a national effort and you need to fight for something worthwhile in today's world.
An induction heater, a big forging press and a machine shop, with some finishing and QC, then off to get filled. Fuse's these days are electronic, on circuit boards the size of a watch and have selectable modes. The Poles and Ukrainians could set one up to make Soviet ammo, with more people and fewer robots and I believe they have.

Washington UK, not USA!

How artillery shells for the Army and forces around the world are made

53,175 views Dec 3, 2022
For over a hundred years – the munitions for the British military has been manufactured in North East England. BAE Systems factory in Washington has been making shells for the forces over the last decade since the site at nearby Birtley closed. David Sivills-McCann has been to see how the site manufactures the tens of thousands of shells every year.
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People across Russia are freezing in their homes in temperatures as low as -38°C because essential utility workers have been mobilised – even after the supposed end of mobilisation – and sent to Ukraine, hindering repair and maintenance work at home.

a lot of IT professionals have left Russia.......;)
Never-before-seen malware is nuking data in Russia’s courts and mayors’ offices
CryWiper masquerades as ransomware, but its real purpose is to permanently destroy data.
People across Russia are freezing in their homes in temperatures as low as -38°C because essential utility workers have been mobilised – even after the supposed end of mobilisation – and sent to Ukraine, hindering repair and maintenance work at home.

booski fucking hooski, bitchskis...freeze
China has a paper army. They don't know how to fight and their weaponry is untested. The terrain in Taiwan is 2/3rds mountainous and would be nearly impossible for them to get a toehold anywhere. China is not going to invade Taiwan especially after seeing what just happened to Russia.
Rational analysis would conclude that China does have a paper military based upon a total lack of recent experience and yeah all that shiny new shit they parade looks good.Amphibious operations are highly complex and the US Marine Corps. have the most operational experience in that domain.Lack of experienced NCO's empowered to make decisions is also vital as we all see in Ukraine as we watch Russian military doctrine utterly fail. That said I believe that the Chinese are wise a and it would be incredibly stupid to underestimate them.War gaming the Taiwan situation if a shooting war takes place has led to many sobering outcomes based upon China's geographical advantages , their numerous airfields in theater,and their ever increasing missile forces which at this point require US carrier battle groups to stay approximately 1000 miles off of mainland China for safety. It's pretty much a shit sandwich that I hope we don't have to take a bite of.
Regarding Ukraine,after being caught off guard by Putin's 2014 Crimea seizure and fomenting a war in the Donbas region w/proxy Russian forces,NATO's training of Ukranian troops in aftermath was a brilliant decision that has literally saved that nation. The performance and tactics of the western trained and equipped Ukranian soldiers vis a vis Russian counterparts is night and day. As Tyson once said "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face" and the western doctrine empowering NCO's and lower level officers in the field to make on the spot adjustments to the plan is far superior to the buerocratic method of Soviet style military's which seem parlyized to adjust to everchanging conditions.
Russia can't afford its population to find out how well people in the rest of the world are living.
we're supposed to negotiate with a leader who lets his people live like this?...
while he and his cronies have multiple villas, multi million dollar yachts, private planes...
i'm not sure russians deserve to be rid of him...they let him do this...
we're supposed to negotiate with a leader who lets his people live like this?...
while he and his cronies have multiple villas, multi million dollar yachts, private planes...
i'm not sure russians deserve to be rid of him...they let him do this...
I get what you are saying about Russians deserving what they are getting from Putin.

It's Sunday and I'm still trying to process a post Budman made on Thursday. This passage in particular:

"to have no Hague tribunals, openings of criminal proceedings, compensations, reparations. So that nothing of that sort happens. We need such an activization of combat. We have to pressure them so hard. So that they turn to us for a ceasefire or establishing peace."

She was also selling the idea that everybody, including the people who fled Russia to get away from Putin and his war, would be arrested and charged for crimes committed in Ukraine.

get the strange feeling the bullshit brigade is getting a little nervous.......

and u are all complicit in these war crimes, good luck at the Hague

That woman flat out said in that broadcast:

More of your sons will be sent to Ukraine to fight and perhaps die in horrible conditions so that you don't have to face the consequences of your dictator's crimes.

I am boggled at the idea that the general population of Russia would be willing to send their friends, sons, husbands and fathers to fight and die for such a crappy reason.

From the beginning of this thread almost a year ago all the way to today, I simply don't understand why this happened or continues to happen. I know that Russia is and always has been afflicted with a vicious police state. One that has incarcerated as many as 25% of their population in gulags with horrible conditions. I know that the Russian police state still has those camps available to hold anybody who protests. I know that their absolutist authoritarian leader is a sociopath of the worst kind who would not hesitate to marshal his forces against the people of Russia. But knowing that doesn't help me understand why the Russian people aren't rising up to stop it.
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I get what you are saying about Russians deserving what they are getting from Putin.

It's Sunday and I'm still trying to process a post Budman made on Thursday. This passage in particular:

"to have no Hague tribunals, openings of criminal proceedings, compensations, reparations. So that nothing of that sort happens. We need such an activization of combat. We have to pressure them so hard. So that they turn to us for a ceasefire or establishing peace."

She was also selling the idea that everybody, including the people who fled Russia to get away from Putin and his war, would be arrested and charged for crimes committed in Ukraine.

That woman flat out said in that broadcast:

More of your sons will be sent to Ukraine to fight and perhaps die in horrible conditions so that you don't have to face the consequences of your dictator's crimes.

I am boggled at the idea that the general population of Russia would be willing to send their friends, sons, husbands and fathers to fight and die for such a crappy reason.

From the beginning of this thread almost a year ago all the way to today, I simply don't understand why this happened or continues to happen. I know that Russia is and always has been afflicted with a vicious police state. One that has incarcerated as many as 25% of their population in gulags with horrible conditions and still has those camps available to hold anybody who protests. I understand that their absolutist authoritarian leader is a sociopath of the worst kind who would not hesitate to marshal his forces against the people of Russia. But knowing that doesn't help me understand why people aren't rising up to stop it..
me neither.
i can only guess that if you're brought up in such a state your entire life, you don't know any different.
the intrusion of western society, through the internet, through business travel, citizens witnessing how the rest of the world lives, must be causing some pretty major unrest.
they seem to be under a huge amount of tension at the moment. if they don't take any action now, they never will. if they have any spirit, any honor, any soul left at all, this is the time.
I get what you are saying about Russians deserving what they are getting from Putin.

It's Sunday and I'm still trying to process a post Budman made on Thursday. This passage in particular:

"to have no Hague tribunals, openings of criminal proceedings, compensations, reparations. So that nothing of that sort happens. We need such an activization of combat. We have to pressure them so hard. So that they turn to us for a ceasefire or establishing peace."

She was also selling the idea that everybody, including the people who fled Russia to get away from Putin and his war, would be arrested and charged for crimes committed in Ukraine.

That woman flat out said in that broadcast:

More of your sons will be sent to Ukraine to fight and perhaps die in horrible conditions so that you don't have to face the consequences of your dictator's crimes.

I am boggled at the idea that the general population of Russia would be willing to send their friends, sons, husbands and fathers to fight and die for such a crappy reason.

From the beginning of this thread almost a year ago all the way to today, I simply don't understand why this happened or continues to happen. I know that Russia is and always has been afflicted with a vicious police state. One that has incarcerated as many as 25% of their population in gulags with horrible conditions. I know that the Russian police state still has those camps available to hold anybody who protests. I know that their absolutist authoritarian leader is a sociopath of the worst kind who would not hesitate to marshal his forces against the people of Russia. But knowing that doesn't help me understand why the Russian people aren't rising up to stop it.
The Russian people have an understanding with their politicians. "We will take care of politics and leave you to live your life as long as you keep your head down." With the general population now being affected by their politics there are grumblings.
me neither.
i can only guess that if you're brought up in such a state your entire life, you don't know any different.
the intrusion of western society, through the internet, through business travel, citizens witnessing how the rest of the world lives, must be causing some pretty major unrest.
they seem to be under a huge amount of tension at the moment. if they don't take any action now, they never will. if they have any spirit, any honor, any soul left at all, this is the time.
Even in Soviet times people had access to Western popular music, whose lyrics gave a pretty good account of our attitudes toward and expectations of society.

Dovetailing with what Printer posted, knowledge isn’t enough.
Even in Soviet times people had access to Western popular music, whose lyrics gave a pretty good account of our attitudes toward and expectations of society.

Dovetailing with what Printer posted, knowledge isn’t enough.
Then what is? If we do anything to foment trouble, we could justifiably be accused of setting the russian government up for a fall.
I personally wouldn't have a problem with that, but when we've done such things in the past, it has not helped how the rest of the world perceives us...
Would upsetting the russian tea cart be worth the loss of trust, the lowering of opinions, the justification of earlier accusations?
I don't know. I'd kick that fucking cart over and mop up the mess later, but i don't get to make that call.