I'll bet they sent James Bond too! Or several of the real ones from MI6, payback, time to sprinkle a little shit in Vlad's backyard. I'm almost certain Ukrainian Intelligence is acting as a dating service between Vlad's many different enemies fighting in Ukraine and western intelligence services. Anybody who wanted to penetrate Vlad's empire can, because the door has been kicked wide open in Ukraine with the angry on one side of the border and the disaffected on the other.
From Ukraine to Georgia to Kazakhstan, Russia has enemies who were former Soviet republics and don't want to be again! They are surrounded by their former subjects who are now their bitter enemies who seek its dissolution as an Asian empire. China is no friend of Russia and is already taking advantage in central and western Asia where there is oil. They will be looking to pick up the pieces of the shattered Russian empire using soft power with the emerging independent states. If they invest in these places they will use local labor which would be cheaper than Chinese labor, they will own the mines and factories though.