
LED lighting does save a lot of power it will cut power used for lighting significantly compared to incandescent of CFL lighting. I would have though most of the lighting in Ukraine was LED by now, but obviously they spotted something that will equal several power plants worth in Ukraine by saving electricity. Maybe LED adoption was slow there, they are a poor country.

I'll bet they sent James Bond too! Or several of the real ones from MI6, payback, time to sprinkle a little shit in Vlad's backyard. I'm almost certain Ukrainian Intelligence is acting as a dating service between Vlad's many different enemies fighting in Ukraine and western intelligence services. Anybody who wanted to penetrate Vlad's empire can, because the door has been kicked wide open in Ukraine with the angry on one side of the border and the disaffected on the other.

From Ukraine to Georgia to Kazakhstan, Russia has enemies who were former Soviet republics and don't want to be again! They are surrounded by their former subjects who are now their bitter enemies who seek its dissolution as an Asian empire. China is no friend of Russia and is already taking advantage in central and western Asia where there is oil. They will be looking to pick up the pieces of the shattered Russian empire using soft power with the emerging independent states. If they invest in these places they will use local labor which would be cheaper than Chinese labor, they will own the mines and factories though.

if that is true, that is direct involvement of a NATO member in boots on the ground missions...
what happened to "we don't dare disturb the sick bear with the nuclear weapons." ?
don't get me wrong, i'm all for just stomping the russian's guts out of their assholes, and then paving over their remains...but, how the fuck is this justified, when the official line is not to do this exact thing?
i fully expect this to be the provocation that putin feels he needs to justify the use of chemical or nuclear weapons.
it also kind of erodes that moral highground the Ukrainians have been standing on...
i'm conflicted, part of me says "fine, since it's out, lets just keep going." and another part that says nothing, but was looking forward to an honorably won war.
if that is true, that is direct involvement of a NATO member in boots on the ground missions...
what happened to "we don't dare disturb the sick bear with the nuclear weapons." ?
don't get me wrong, i'm all for just stomping the russian's guts out of their assholes, and then paving over their remains...but, how the fuck is this justified, when the official line is not to do this exact thing?
i fully expect this to be the provocation that putin feels he needs to justify the use of chemical or nuclear weapons.
it also kind of erodes that moral highground the Ukrainians have been standing on...
i'm conflicted, part of me says "fine, since it's out, lets just keep going." and another part that says nothing, but was looking forward to an honorably won war.
This is the UK, they like many have their own axe to grind with Vlad and have been way out front in poking the stick at the bear. They are talking about supplying cruse missiles that can hit deep inside Russia and basically told Vlad if he keeps it up they will give the Ukrainians the means to turn their lights out or destroy the rail bridges into Ukraine I figure. Though that missile factory near Moscow and some attacks on their solid rocket fuel supply chain would end the rocket attacks to. Hitting military targets inside Russia that produce missiles and other vital war goods like artillery rounds or small arms ammo would be legitimate targets that would have the most material effect on the war. The only drones and rockets they would be using would be Iranian and the ammo would be North Korean.
They must have been training Ukrainians in the EU, but electronic engineers, technicians and programmers can be trained faster than regular troops on these systems and instruct others, they have simulators or the system can be setup in sim mode for training.

The Russians are attacking dug in positions in the middle of mud season using mass infantry attacks. They are basically using up their army in useless attacks, the place is not of great importance, but it is a good place apparently to suck in the Russians and break them before beginning offensive operations when the ground freezes enough. Taking Russian troops from the Kherson region could mean a Ukrainian attack across the river, as well as one further east towards Metropol, Dividing the Russians in the south and and forcing them back into Crimea. It is not wise to attack during mud season, unless you have a better plan than the Russians do. When the Ukrainians strike them after they exhaust themselves and the Ukrainians are fully prepared, it will be like lighting.

Ukraine War: Russians target Kyiv with drone strikes

239,258 views Dec 14, 2022
Defence and Security Analyst Professor Michael Clarke analyses the drone strikes on the Ukrainian capital Kyiv.

Will Russia collapse in Ukraine’s winter war?

57,607 views Dec 14, 2022
There could be total collapse of the Russian Army and Vladimir Putin's plans as its forces risk being bogged down around Bakhmut, while Ukraine looks to a possible ground offensive and a breakthrough in the war.

Experts say that the icy conditions could present Ukraine with an opportunity to attack, but as frozen soldiers in trenches battle over inches of territory, Vladimir Putin still thinks he can win the war and hopes a winter slowdown will give his forces a chance to regroup while bombarding Ukrainian positions with artillery.

Putin is also targeting Ukraine’s energy infrastructure with waves of cruise missiles and drones to freeze the population into submission and put pressure on Ukraine’s western backers.

So, will the winter swing the war in Russia’s favour or can Ukraine use the coming freeze to launch another counter offensive and push Russian forces back again?
I'll bet they sent James Bond too! Or several of the real ones from MI6, payback, time to sprinkle a little shit in Vlad's backyard. I'm almost certain Ukrainian Intelligence is acting as a dating service between Vlad's many different enemies fighting in Ukraine and western intelligence services. Anybody who wanted to penetrate Vlad's empire can, because the door has been kicked wide open in Ukraine with the angry on one side of the border and the disaffected on the other.

From Ukraine to Georgia to Kazakhstan, Russia has enemies who were former Soviet republics and don't want to be again! They are surrounded by their former subjects who are now their bitter enemies who seek its dissolution as an Asian empire. China is no friend of Russia and is already taking advantage in central and western Asia where there is oil. They will be looking to pick up the pieces of the shattered Russian empire using soft power with the emerging independent states. If they invest in these places they will use local labor which would be cheaper than Chinese labor, they will own the mines and factories though.

My propaganda thingy in that twitter post went off....

Heck who knows at this point
LED lighting does save a lot of power it will cut power used for lighting significantly compared to incandescent of CFL lighting. I would have though most of the lighting in Ukraine was LED by now, but obviously they spotted something that will equal several power plants worth in Ukraine by saving electricity. Maybe LED adoption was slow there, they are a poor country.

That will help....
Russia's New Secret Weapon Against Ukraine? 75 Year Old Biplanes!

View attachment 5237445
They need some WW2 prop style fighters and machine guns, these things can be brought down for cheap with guns, but they probably carry a ton or two of HE, so pick off the engine or just take off a wing! They travel slow and don't maneuver, so it should not be an issue for even a Cessna with a few machine guns under the wings. Verify them with planes and attack as appropriate after detecting them on long range radar, they move slow so there will be time to vector on them and they don't fly high, so no need to gain a lot of altitude fast either. Missiles take out anything that gets through the fighter layer.
They need some WW2 prop style fighters and machine guns, these things can be brought down for cheap with guns, but they probably carry a ton or two of HE, so pick off the engine or just take off a wing! They travel slow and don't maneuver, so it should not be an issue for even a Cessna with a few machine guns under the wings. Verify them with planes and attack as appropriate after detecting them on long range radar, they move slow so there will be time to vector on them and they don't fly high, so no need to gain a lot of altitude fast either. Missiles take out anything that gets through the fighter layer.
Bosh and pshaw. They maneuver like houseflies. They’ll turn inside of any jet.
I hope they have the ammo supply figured out for it! A year away, but by then Ukraine should be armed to the teeth with the best air defense systems in the world and the Russians will be gone, even from Crimea. They will only have the eastern and north eastern border to defend against missiles coming from Russia.

I dunno what will happen in Belarus over the next year, but continuing to launch drones and missiles from there with Russia defeated in Ukraine would be a good way to get invaded by Ukraine because of acts of war. Shooting missiles from Belarus into Ukraine is casus belli under international law and Ukraine has a right to self defense. It would also involve regime change and driving the Russians out of there too and there are Belarussians ready to lead the fight and take over the government.

Ukraine will get Skynex: Most advanced Short Range Air Defense

7,900 views Dec 10, 2022
Ukraine will reveive the most modern SHORAD system in the world. The Skynex air defense system. With a 35mm cannon, it shoot pre-programmed tungesten fragments rounds. Destroying everything that comes within range!
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