
He is fucking with a vital national security interest and ally, the CIA and national security community are taking notice and will know why and how it it happened. Elon is being viewed more and more as a national security risk in many quarters and his company does top secret government work with SpaceX.

With control of a twitter turned into magavision, he could replace Trump as a power broker between the GOP and its base. Basically own and control them like Trump using fear and intimidation and far right allies on Twitter. If they should gain power again Elon would own America, if his plan worked out, perhaps that was the "vision" that drove it all, the primary motivation that got him in over his head.

Roger that Roger,when you think of how he has blown his carefully cultured image of a shrewd,cunning,cool as a cucumber adversary with this poorly planned,folly he has dragged his country into basically as a cock measuring adventure IMO. He was once grudgingly respected and is now a villainous clown. I wonder how many people in the military industrial complex involved in the procurement of his "modernized,revitalized military" are facing execution by the FSB as he must worm his way out of the blame game. He can NEVER regain his former status and would probably "give head" for a mulligan in spite of his anti-gay position.
He is fucking with a vital national security interest and ally, the CIA and national security community are taking notice and will know why and how it it happened. Elon is being viewed more and more as a national security risk in many quarters and his company does top secret government work with SpaceX.

With control of a twitter turned into magavision, he could replace Trump as a power broker between the GOP and its base. Basically own and control them like Trump using fear and intimidation and far right allies on Twitter. If they should gain power again Elon would own America, if his plan worked out, perhaps that was the "vision" that drove it all, the primary motivation that got him in over his head.
I find the fact that the NASA and by extension the US gov. is partnering w/Musk and Bezos in space and military matters highly disturbing.
He is fucking with a vital national security interest and ally, the CIA and national security community are taking notice and will know why and how it it happened. Elon is being viewed more and more as a national security risk in many quarters and his company does top secret government work with SpaceX.

With control of a twitter turned into magavision, he could replace Trump as a power broker between the GOP and its base. Basically own and control them like Trump using fear and intimidation and far right allies on Twitter. If they should gain power again Elon would own America, if his plan worked out, perhaps that was the "vision" that drove it all, the primary motivation that got him in over his head.
I find the fact that the NASA and by extension the US gov. is partnering w/Musk and Bezos in space and military matters highly disturbing.
He launches for the military and NRO too. More importantly starlink internet service has become militarily important for several reasons. One is military communications and the other is the ability to control cheap or expensive drones remotely using it. It has a 24ms latency time and that means you can FPV it all the way to the target to crash or bomb at treetop or below level. Unlike US military drones, it doesn't need to track a few satellites with a dish on a gimbal, it uses a phased array antenna that sees several starlink satellites passing overhead and locks onto one and automatically switches to another like a cellphone network. They could still put the starlink antenna on a gimbal to increase performance during maneuvering.

That would mean being able to virtually fly down the road in Moscow just over the cars with 4K vision and other cameras and sensor data for other crew members to use too and bomb the Kremlin then getting away and so what if you don't, it's just a drone, yer sitting at a desk in an airconditioned office a half a world away! Starlink terminals are are cheap in military terms and can turn any cheap drone that's big enough into one with the same power Uncle Sam's military drones have, but even better and more reliable.

Needless to say the US government wants some control over this and a contract with SpaceX for exclusive global use and top secrecy, one can only imagine how useful this would be to the CIA and military. If you gave them to an ally, they can still be controlled or over ridden by America using starlink. This is why Uncle Sam is keen about the doings of Elon, especially when he talks to Putin and backs traitors at home.

Medvedev really needs to quit drinking and being on the telegram as the same time......wonder who else does that?
what....?....what the fuck are they going to attack NATO with? ANYTHING they do to a NATO nation unprovoked will be the END of them. they will be bombed flat in a day. they made a huge show of moving ONE icbm into a silo...one...they better be coming harder and heavier than that, if they even want to get one hit in before they're obliterated.
what....?....what the fuck are they going to attack NATO with? ANYTHING they do to a NATO nation unprovoked will be the END of them. they will be bombed flat in a day. they made a huge show of moving ONE icbm into a silo...one...they better be coming harder and heavier than that, if they even want to get one hit in before they're obliterated.

make me wonder is Medvedev even knows that at this point, the guy has been stuck inside a liquor bottle most of the time....then he spews crap.....
Depending on how ya count, that's 40 regiments or 4 divisions of troops, or 20 BTRs Russian style. I imagine they will be coming complete with kit, from boots to helmets and body armor with a personal weapon. They want this war over ASAP and they want Vlad to lose and lose badly, badly enough he finds a window to fly out of in Moscow and we start fresh. They are gonna redraw the map of Europe and perhaps eventually break up the Russian empire.

thank you...i wanted to see if anyone else suggested it before i said it.
and added nationalize twitter as well...give him fair market value for the business, and if he bitches, call it imminent domain and just fucking take it.
In Canada we have a thing called a crown corporation. However the government need not nationalize SpaceX or hive off the internet portion, if it is a public company they just have to buy a controlling interest, say 10 or 20% would give them effective control.
Maybe they should make a video of what just one American boomer submarine could do to Russia, just one would wipe out 90% of the population and sicken the rest with radiation. America has several, so does the UK and France and that's just one part of America's nuclear triad.

They need to get this stupidity out of their heads before Moscow is lite up like a strobe light by multiple systems from multiple nations and turned into green glass that glows in the dark for a century.