
The dead trees in the Red forest probably glowed in the dark like scene from Avatar. :lol:
I disagree. I doubt the areas were very hot, and I do not believe the radiation injury stories. If you weren’t inside, there isn’t enough.
I read this as a psyop. As an undereducated Russian conscript, I would find such rumor to be a real something-shrinker. That’s useful.
No. I want cpm. Luminosity!1 Sieverts is the first (deity-blasted) integration1!
whole nother math.
Standard medical unit for what kills ya and that's what counts here, 8 SV does the job quick and 1 SV makes ya sick. They had several hundred taken out, many sick and one died, with a week or two exposure I believe. The red forest is a deadly place with a well deserved reputation and this will grow it's legend. A lot of Chernobyl fall out dumped there with the wind at the time, Christ knows what isotopes are fizzling in there.
Standard medical unit for what kills ya and that's what counts here, 8 SV does the job quick and 1 SV makes ya sick. They had several hundred taken out, many sick and one died, with a week or two exposure I believe. The red forest is a deadly place with a well deserved reputation and this will grow it's legend. A lot of Chernobyl fall out dumped there with the wind at the time, Christ knows what isotopes are fizzling in there.
I believe there is a big time factor there. Not making the claim, but vague memory that (2x joules) over 24 hours won’t kill you (immediately; I have no chronic data) while 1x joules at once (frog sound).
I disagree. I doubt the areas were very hot, and I do not believe the radiation injury stories. If you weren’t inside, there isn’t enough.
I read this as a psyop. As an undereducated Russian conscript, I would find such rumor to be a real something-shrinker. That’s useful.
If they were digging trenches and camping in the area they would get dosed, driving through not so much, but ingesting that shit might not be wise.

If they were digging trenches and camping in the area they would get dosed, driving through not so much, but ingesting that shit might not be wise.

I agree they’d catch a dose, but unless they were in the central four square km they’d gotten no more than a dozen rem, which is below noise floor.
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I'm finding the convergence of war and my hobby interesting, drones, Stingers, Javelins and NLAWs are changing the nature of modern land warfare and changing history in the fight for liberal democracy, two other interests of mine. The fight for liberal democracy interests me whether in America politically or in Ukraine with conventional warfare.

Vlad has mostly an old fashioned tank army a relic of WW2 blitzkrieg attacks and armor punching through with close air support and roaming the enemy rear sowing confusion and destruction, enveloping the enemy in great pincer movements. Well Stingers and Javelins with small tank hunting teams took that off the table and as stated, the dumb bastard is stuck on the roads and can't bypass built up areas because of mud.

It's history in the making Canuck and a struggle for freedom by a brave and determined people who are underdogs, of course it would get the attention of anybody with a fucking brain and pulse.
You Canadian's are great,if I only could grow better weed outdoors there that's where I'd want to be
I offered them to you guys last winter,at least your gov. is smart enough to wait until all the bugs are gone,if you wait a little longer the US is developing a cheaper fighter due to F35 costs,already firing up production of F15EX,and rumor has it the US has built and flown a 6th Gen fighter,I believe the cheaper fighter might be called the Kingsnake,like Roosevelt once said "the arsenal of democracy",cash or credit guys.
Just the Kremlin and the duma buildings, not all of Moscow.
I'm sure NATO has their eyes in the sky on the Russian nukes, ready to take them out before they reach 10ft off the ground.
Ukraine shouldn't just kick the Russian military machine out of the Ukraine but carry on kicking the shit out of it all the way into Russian territory, completely destroy it so it'll never be able to do this sort of shit ever again.
Said it before,the bridge over the Kerch Strait,connecting Russia to Crimea is Vlads "piece de resistance",his pride and joy,he cut the ribbon himself and it took yrs. to complete at a cost of much Russian treasure,I can't think of a more symbolic target for the Ukranian's to hit,LED is right don't FK w/Moscow,that will have the Russians digging deep for a "special technical response" in their words.
Good. The Russians seem a little butt hurt that the war is entering their territory …..to fucking bad, not so sad ;). There needs to be more of these actions to show the Russian population there are consequences for attacking a sovereign country. It’s total bullshit and the Ukrainian people need more weapons that can reach out and touch the Russians where it hurts. I fucking hate this shit. The longer it goes on the more hate will be laid upon Russia, again good. I hope it takes a hundred years for them to recover from this and they all pay for the person they’ve let do this. Fuck Russia!!!!