
Can we designate Russia a state sponsor of terrorism already?
Senators introduce bill designating Russia ‘state sponsor of terrorism’

Can we designate Russia a state sponsor of terrorism already?

there is already chatter in the northern baltic states that they will.....

fyi....tat mass grave isn't the only one there...there are more, estimates are higher than the Bucha masssacre...we'll see as time goes on
there is more:::: oll phucker carlson

Russian Propagandist in the US, and if i'm right he was also the one who wanted everyone to call they're rep in support of Russia too before the war
someone needs to start a petition to get him taken off the air, and really, he should be locked up...he's a fucking criminal..how many died because of him pushing misinformation? he should be held responsible for every one of those deaths
someone needs to start a petition to get him taken off the air, and really, he should be locked up...he's a fucking criminal..how many died because of him pushing misinformation? he should be held responsible for every one of those deaths

he really needs to be taken off the air completely imo, he's already linked to the Kremlin, he's has also been mentioned in the local propaganda machine there many of time along with the orange avenger.........
Shit like this just means motivation for Ukrainian forces and more arms delivered to Ukraine. It might also probably means some Russians never make it to captivity, or won't be exchanged no matter what. This kind of thing creates generational hatred and future private retribution that will go on for years to come. When WW2 ended history does not speak much about the aftermath and the private retribution that happened all over Europe for years as people sought justice or vengeance for atrocities.

I just don't understand. Why did the russians do this? What possible motive could they have had?
Why have they murdered civilians throughout the whole war?
Were they trying to get information? from civilians? What would civilians know?
Were the civilians caught trying to sabotage russian equipment? The russians would have said so, loudly, and often, as an excuse for murdering civilians, but they didn't..they didn't say anything...
There is only one reason for the atrocities...the russians are an atrocious people. They've been brainwashed into the ultimate magats for putin. They've been programmed to believe that Ukrainians are nazis,which effectively dehumanizes them in the view of the russians, and then they are free to vent a lifetime of anger at stories their grandparents told them, that they weren't even alive for yet.
putin is the real criminal, but the reality is, that this entire generation of russians are never to be trusted, and their progeny have to be re-educated...Until the old stories become old stories, not to be forgotten, but not to guide your life, either.
They need to be taught that ALL people have the same rights, and that the borders of other nations are inviolate...
Or they have to be exterminated. The alternative is eternal war, as soon as they can recover enough to start shit with someone they consider weaker than themselves.
he really needs to be taken off the air completely imo, he's already linked to the Kremlin, he's has also been mentioned in the local propaganda machine there many of time along with the orange avenger.........
One potential fix that would be possible with changes to the law and expanded FCC powers, they can regulate everything over the airwaves or over the wires, including cable TV. Every time Tucker lies or spreads dangerous disinformation he is hauled before an FCC standing committee and asked for clarification under oath, in short repeat under oath what you said to the public on the public airwaves. We don't want to stifle your 1st amendment rights, far from it, we want to help you get your ideas out! If there's a difference between what you say to the public and what you say under oath, we would like to know why and you'll also have to show your sworn testimony on your show to correct the factual record...
I just don't understand. Why did the russians do this? What possible motive could they have had?
Why have they murdered civilians throughout the whole war?
Were they trying to get information? from civilians? What would civilians know?
Were the civilians caught trying to sabotage russian equipment? The russians would have said so, loudly, and often, as an excuse for murdering civilians, but they didn't..they didn't say anything...
There is only one reason for the atrocities...the russians are an atrocious people. They've been brainwashed into the ultimate magats for putin. They've been programmed to believe that Ukrainians are nazis,which effectively dehumanizes them in the view of the russians, and then they are free to vent a lifetime of anger at stories their grandparents told them, that they weren't even alive for yet.
putin is the real criminal, but the reality is, that this entire generation of russians are never to be trusted, and their progeny have to be re-educated...Until the old stories become old stories, not to be forgotten, but not to guide your life, either.
They need to be taught that ALL people have the same rights, and that the borders of other nations are inviolate...
Or they have to be exterminated. The alternative is eternal war, as soon as they can recover enough to start shit with someone they consider weaker than themselves.
Their style of war and discipline seems little changed from the Romans, except they didn't cart them off to Moscow as slaves, that would have come later.
I just don't understand. Why did the russians do this? What possible motive could they have had?
Why have they murdered civilians throughout the whole war?
Were they trying to get information? from civilians? What would civilians know?
Were the civilians caught trying to sabotage russian equipment? The russians would have said so, loudly, and often, as an excuse for murdering civilians, but they didn't..they didn't say anything...
There is only one reason for the atrocities...the russians are an atrocious people. They've been brainwashed into the ultimate magats for putin. They've been programmed to believe that Ukrainians are nazis,which effectively dehumanizes them in the view of the russians, and then they are free to vent a lifetime of anger at stories their grandparents told them, that they weren't even alive for yet.
putin is the real criminal, but the reality is, that this entire generation of russians are never to be trusted, and their progeny have to be re-educated...Until the old stories become old stories, not to be forgotten, but not to guide your life, either.
They need to be taught that ALL people have the same rights, and that the borders of other nations are inviolate...
Or they have to be exterminated. The alternative is eternal war, as soon as they can recover enough to start shit with someone they consider weaker than themselves.
It does not come from the head. It comes from the gut. Most of these kids are being sent into a meat grinder without food, fuel and support.

Some of them frag the mid-rank officers who are the visible component of the power structure that put them into this bullshit.

Others play it safer and blame the Ukrainians. If the Ukrainians weren’t causing all this trouble, Private Ivan wouldn’t be in this bowl of iced shit. The kids are hungry, cold, marched half to death and really pissed off. They wanna hurt somebody, anybody, so long as they aren’t summarily shot for it.
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Looks like the Ukrainians took a pause to sleep, consolidate gains and move reservist forces in behind them to mop up and control their rear area. Now they appear to be beginning to conduct a large pincer movement deep into Luhansk with bridgeheads in the north and south. They probably already have their special forces and reconnaissance scouts deep inside the area now, slowing down Russians heading to the area, along with HIMARS drones and Ukrainian airpower, such that it is.

Ukraine Just Captured Another Rare Russian Electronic Warfare Vehicle
The potential intelligence windfall from the electronic warfare battle in Ukraine continues, with the first confirmed capture of a vehicle from the Russian Taran-M signals intelligence, or SIGINT, system. The vehicle, captured by Ukrainian forces in the ongoing counter-offensive in the east of the country, is the latest addition to a growing collection of seized modern Russian electronic warfare (EW) equipment, which ranges from containerized components of vehicle-borne systems to airborne jamming pods.

The vehicle in question was reportedly captured by the Ukrainian Army in Kharkiv Oblast, from where Russian forces have recently retreated en masse, as you can read about here. The vehicle has been identified by various sources as an R-381T2M, part of the wider R-381TM Taran-M SIGINT system, which typically involves multiple vehicles, although these can also operate independently.

The R-381Thttps://twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1506306740421341193?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1506306740421341193%7Ctwgr%5Ea2f15184cde7605507399e7aea5253d7b2a7b877%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thedrive.com%2Fthe-war-zone%2Fukraine-just-captured-another-rare-russian-electronic-warfare-vehicle M Taran-M is an upgrade of the Cold War-era R-381T Taran, described in Russian parlance as an ‘automatic radio intelligence complex.’ The job of this system is to monitor radio signals, eavesdropping on enemy forces’ communications across a range of frequencies. As well as providing raw intelligence in the form of intercepted communications, the Taran is also able to geolocate emitters, providing commanders with critical data on the actual positions of enemy forces. As such, it provides very high-value battlefield awareness of land forces, aircraft, and even naval ships in its vicinity.

The R-381T2M doesn’t perhaps offer the kind of intelligence goldmine as the Krasukha-4 mobile EW system, part of which was captured by Ukraine earlier in the war. Nevertheless, it still would be of very significant interest to military intelligence agencies, especially those of the United States, providing an idea of the kinds of battlefield SIGINT capabilities that Russia can currently bring to bear, as well as its differences compared to the original Taran system.

There will be a lot of learning what the other guy is capable of. Germany has been chastised for not supplying their up to date tanks. They have replied that no one has supplied any latest technology tank. Something that Russia would like to get their hands on to learn and steal the latest technology for the next war.
It does not come from the head. It comes from the gut. Most of these kids are being sent into a meat grinder without food, fuel and support.

Some of them frag the mid-rank officers who are the visible component of the power structure that put them into this bullshit.

Others play it safer and blame the Ukrainians. If the Ukrainians weren’t causing all this trouble, Private Ivan wouldn’t be in this bowl of iced shit. The kids are hungry, cold, marched half to death and really pissed off. They wanna hurt somebody, anybody, so long as they aren’t summarily shot for it.
I can understand that, and i also understand that it is no excuse, and only reinforces what i previously stated. They've been indoctrinated into actually being orcs...They pillage, rape, and murder because it makes them feel better.
they could choose to surrender. they could choose not to fight. they could choose to desert.
they choose to murder, rape, torture, and steal.