
Fuck Vlad - funny how loves western influences

He's the same as all bullshit artists, full of contradictions, Vlad is envious of the west and resentful, he lies as much as Trump FFS. He's as good at managing things as is Donald too, and over 20 years with a fortune in oil money coming in, he ran his country into the fucking ground. No better managed than a Trump run casino and he's as good as Donald at never admitting mistakes and not learning from them. Donald revealed how big a fuckup and asshole he was when he got elected and Vlad did it when he started this war.
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His customer base for Tesla and starlink probably are pro Ukrainian and Uncle Sam and other in the national security community might be curious to know if he's more than just a fucking idiot with money and his company is vital to national security interest and he has to be "reliable". He's been pretty badly burned by this, and people are questioning his control of Twitter.

His little flip flop cost him Billions in future profit. Soldiers have long memories, and they don't really like it when you pull support from folks in the field. This will cost him contracts.

‘It’s not going to work’: Retired general on Putin’s ‘kamikaze’ drone attacks

573,854 views Oct 17, 2022 Retired Brig. Gen. Steven Anderson breaks down the capabilities of the Iranian-made drones being used by the Russian military to attack Ukraine and why he thinks the attacks won’t be successful.
His little flip flop cost him Billions in future profit. Soldiers have long memories, and they don't really like it when you pull support from folks in the field. This will cost him contracts.
There is no neutral ground in the fight between fascism and liberal democracy, guys like Elon who sit on the barbed wire fence in no man's land get shot from both sides and have a sore ass from the barbs. Giving Ukraine starlink access over their entire internationally recognized territory would be nice, payment should not be an issue moving forward. Uncle Sam is watching closely, and the national security community and state department can't be pleased with this shit and his call with Vlad, a recording of which, they and others have.
There is no neutral ground in the fight between fascism and liberal democracy, guys like Elon who sit on the barbed wire fence in no man's land get shot from both sides and have a sore ass from the barbs. Giving Ukraine starlink access over their entire internationally recognized territory would be nice, payment should not be an issue moving forward. Uncle Sam is watching closely, and the national security community and state department can't be pleased with this shit and his call with Vlad, a recording of which, they and others have.
He may be trying to sell a fence-sitting posture, but he declared when he tweeted for Vladolf and f’d with Larstink in the combat area … and will be putin his place soon enough.
He may be trying to sell a fence-sitting posture, but he declared when he tweeted for Vladolf and f’d with Larstink in the combat area … and will be putin his place soon enough.
Someone is looking into it and will find out the details, Elon's been waffling in public. The idea of the Ukrainians telling him where their offensives will be so he can give them service is suspect at best. Give service for the entire country, block Russians and captured terminals reported by Ukraine, sounds simple enough. Uncle Sam will pick up the tab and Elon isn't stupid enough to interfere in Uncle Sam's military operations. The call to Vlad got the government and state departments interest. Elon is part of the military industrial complex now with starlink useful for drones and regular launches for the NRO and I believe military now. Congress could be interested too, and everybody could have to testify on TV. We will see what November brings, if the republicans win the house, I think Ukraine might be an issue that divides them and their base. Vlad's biggest fan Donald will also be in prison either way, so his voice might not count for much moving forward.
Putin’s use of those Iranian Kamikaze drones reminds me of those shoot and scoot times as a kid.
Lighting bottle rockets laying on the ground , running and hiding as they go “ wherever “.
Or when a car passes light it and watch it chase it.
Ukraine is currently destroying 85% of these drones and tactical redeployments and experience should take care of even more. Apparently, a lot of these drones are missing their intended targets by a wide margin but falling on the surrounding neighborhoods. I suspect they are being GPS jammed and use other electronic means redirect them and bring them down. More air defense and something cheaper and suited to the job would be better.

If you think the Ukrainians are having trouble with stealth drones like these, it would be nothing compared to the trouble the Russians would have. They would expend a lot of S300 and S400 missiles on them and there are a lot of electric substations spread apart in Russia. They might not be able to repair and replace their electrical infrastructure like Ukraine can, with the help and parts from the entire EU. No trains and no power, gas too, for the Russians in retaliation, make some 500kg warhead cruise missiles for the rail bridges. If they want to keep lobbing missiles and cruise missiles into Ukraine, they must make it too painful to continue to do so.

Some sweet Ukrainian drone vs. Commie drone carnage - RIP Tiny Pilot ( lol )

I haven’t spoiled the effect by hitting the Play button yet, but that smoke cloud looks like an amazed Claymation face, like red cap dude at upper left.

Only advantage of those delta winged cherry bombs is the 1500 mile range . VLAD could launch from his rat hole and hope they hit something strategic. 80 lb warhead is like a bag of cement flying at ya. ( weight wise ).

‘Frozen - The Russian cut

Ukranians will most likely be logistically ahead of Putin’s Winter Wino Soldiers - them iron caskets on tracks ( tanks ) would be a bigger hazard as cold temperatures drop. Exterior hulls would slippery as shit , tanks would need good cold weather lubricants ( doubt that’s on a supply list ) and probably track extenders for more grip. Imagine a 16 ton tank trying to transverse over frozen water , so there’s that too. Plus the fact that engines would need to heat up as to keep things running. Maybe some good ol carbon monoxide cases waiting to happen.

Not sure of drone durability during deep cold but looking for campfires as they huddle over a squirrel dinner or using a blasted house for warmth , would be easy pickings for thermal locks. The Russian rejects from the local bar will hit up any alcohol they can down thinking it provides warmth but in reality dilates blood vessels and loses more body heat. I foresee a field of frozen scarecrows . Severe frostbite / Hyperthermia and it’s a party.
Maybe with shitty logistical support as in food , they will resort to cannibalism and Donner party their comrades.

What is the coldest month in Ukraine?

The cold season lasts for 3.8 months, from November 18 to March 12, with an average daily high temperature below 39°F. The coldest month of the year in Kiev is January, with an average low of 21°F and high of 30°F.

I may sound callous at times about the Russians but as they murder innocents, rape babies / children / women , loot every fucking thing they can grab , torture / mutilate and cause genocidal atrocities - I say fuck them .