
In Joe's case he has far more actual lived experience of events, that some of his advisors and experts read about in books, he doesn't go with his "gut" he goes with his brain and considers the views of experts, since he was playing the cold war game and dealing in policy before most of them were born. If he didn't have his own expertise and deep knowledge, then there is a problem, but this is a discussion among professional peers, not people with knowledge advising an ignorant dummy like Dubya or Trump.

In Joe's case he has far more actual lived experience of events, some of his advisors and experts read about in books, he doesn't go with his "gut" he goes with his brain and considers the views of experts, since he was playing the cold war game and dealing in policy before most of them were born. If he didn't have his own expertise and deep knowledge, then there is a problem, but this is a discussion among professional peers, not people with knowledge advising an ignorant dummy like Dubya or Trump.

Call him old or whatever they will,this man has decades of honed experience and perspective,I wish he were 10 yrs. younger but it is what it is,I hope and pray his faculties stay strong.I've come to the conclusion that there is no perfect candidate to replace him and with the goings on in a very tense difficult time we need continuity now more than ever. A 2024 Rep. pres.victory would be disastrous for the foreign policy situation and would delight Russia,not to mention the domestic strife it would cause. I find Biden to be a decent human being first and foremost,which is comforting taking into account his predecessor,and we need to stay the course in these turbulent times and I hope he can keep it all together at his advanced age and continue to provide his matter of fact,steady, consistent leadership.
Sweden doesn't need to join NATO, it has no border with Russia, and they would have to go through a NATO country to get to them. Sweden would be all in if Russia attacked Finland anyway and would be a Defacto member of NATO or so close an ally that it would make little difference. Besides after the Ukrainians are done with the Russians and the sanctions really bite, the Russians will be lucky to keep their empire together, much less attack anybody, even smaller neighbors, for a decade. When Ukraine sorts out the plethora of arms they have been given after they beat the Russians, much will be passed on Russia's smaller neighbors. Small countries surrounding the Russians won't need much to stop them at the borders when given modern arms and support, losing the first hundred tanks to Javelins and artillery should make them think twice. All of these countries will have learned from Ukraine and will have large reserve forces that can fight in defensive positions at least.

Think about it, for just 20 billion a year from the US defense budget and European help, they can equip Ukraine with a modern armed forces and cover their entire military budget while making them the strongest army in Europe for a decade or two, aside from the Germans. They can, "contract out" the policing of Russia to Ukraine and a good part of their own defense, after this shit the Russians will have a visceral fear of the Ukrainians. Once burned on the red-hot stove, they will be reluctant of lean the remaining stump on it again. Uncle Sam could do it just by disposing of arms they are replacing every year FFS.
How much does it cost America for a NATO presence in Europe? Wouldn't it be cheaper after the war and the Ukrainians have proved their chops, to contract it out to Ukraine? After an agreement with Europe of course, but why be in Europe with the Russian army and threat destroyed, when you can probably hire the guys who destroyed them to police them and defend Europe from an attack for a fraction of the cost. While selling them new arms and passing down US equipment that is being replaced but is still a couple of generations or more ahead of the Russians.
How much does it cost America for a NATO presence in Europe? Wouldn't it be cheaper after the war and the Ukrainians have proved their chops, to contract it out to Ukraine? After an agreement with Europe of course, but why be in Europe with the Russian army and threat destroyed, when you can probably hire the guys who destroyed them to police them and defend Europe from an attack for a fraction of the cost. While selling them new arms and passing down US equipment that is being replaced but is still a couple of generations or more ahead of the Russians.
crazy talk.
crazy talk.
Maybe not, an EU army could arise from this, and Russia will be destroyed and unable to project conventional military power onto its neighbors for a decade. Things go out of service in the America military there are enough ships in mothballs and aircraft in the boneyard to full equip Ukraine from the scrap heap. America is in the process of replacing 12,000 heavy military trucks right now. Prewar Ukraine's military budget was around 6 billion and they will have lot's leftover from the war. Then there are the oil and NG resources that Europe desperately needs and particularly German industry which is why Crimea is important to them too and it will speed up EU membership. I'm not talking about breaking up NATO, just a reordering in the years after the war. America's focus will increasingly be westward across the pacific and with China.

Veterans group DESTROYS Fox ‘News’ with POWERFUL new ad

34,418 views Apr 2, 2023
Fox News hosts like Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity have been exposed in court for knowingly lying about the 2020 election. Yet their shows, which continue to propagate misinformation, are broadcast on US military bases around the world. This must stop.
get that nasty fucking shit off of the air, EVERYWHERE

russia is blaming Ukraine...to which i reply..."So what if they did?"...
I do not think Ukraine is responsible, I think it much more likely that a russian "resistance" group is responsible, but, so what if Ukraine was responsible? Is it a crime to kill a leader of the opposition military in an unconventional way? If so...tough shit, he's still dead, and i'd still say do it again...I don't see any real difference in this and the rocket attack that killed prigozhin's son because he stupidly published where he was on social media.
Maybe not, an EU army could arise from this, and Russia will be destroyed and unable to project conventional military power onto its neighbors for a decade. Things go out of service in the America military there are enough ships in mothballs and aircraft in the boneyard to full equip Ukraine from the scrap heap. America is in the process of replacing 12,000 heavy military trucks right now. Prewar Ukraine's military budget was around 6 billion and they will have lot's leftover from the war. Then there are the oil and NG resources that Europe desperately needs and particularly German industry which is why Crimea is important to them too and it will speed up EU membership. I'm not talking about breaking up NATO, just a reordering in the years after the war. America's focus will increasingly be westward across the pacific and with China.
crazy talk
get that nasty fucking shit off of the air, EVERYWHERE
It's coming, if the democrats win in 24, they have plenty of evidence and cause for J6 style hearings for TV and media reform in America, and Elon is helping with social media regulation too.

I can't emphasize how important it is to nail foxnews and make their business model very problematic for replacements popping up on cable TV at least. Without foxnews pumping out propaganda, free adverising and lies, the republicans would be fucked, they are completely dependent on culture wars and work and in glove with foxnews to craft social division and amply existing division into culture wars, while perfecting the art of the dog whistle. Other countries have laws to protect children from pernicious influences, but America needs it for adults, maybe call it, the moron protection act, to drive home the point! An act of compassion to prevent the weak minded from fucking themselves and taking everybody else with them in their folly.
A little backgrounder on drones and RC planes used in war, all use flight control computers about 2" or so square and using standard processors. The firmware runs on the FC and a configuration program you run on your computer is used to load the firmware via USB onto the FC and to configure its many functions and when coupled with a GPS unit it can fly autonomously and hit a target inside a few feet. You can hook a variety of radio receivers up to it, or a 4G data dongle or a starlink terminal and it provides a HUD or OSD for the pilot overlaying the video with instruments, also configured by the program. It can fly the plane or drone and return it home to the user and it with a GPS unit costs less than a hundred bucks. This is what they use to set them up, these are mostly open-source projects and offshoot off each other and I'm sure the folks in Ukraine have a custom version made from these open source projects, no need to reinvent the wheel. This applies to FPV drones and RC planes (drones) using FPV or GPS targeting methods. This hardware/firmware can also control a much larger plane type drone with a bit of addition for the increased power required for the control servos.
