
Sweden is inside NATOs borders thanks to the war on Ukraine and Finland joining, it is in no real rush to join, but will eventually, until then they are a close ally, coordinate with us and might as well be members of NATO. They cannot be attacked by Russia without going through or flying over a NATO country and the Baltic is a NATO lake with Sweden as a NATO ally.

Sweden is inside NATOs borders thanks to the war on Ukraine and Finland joining, it is in no real rush to join, but will eventually, until then they are a close ally, coordinate with us and might as well be members of NATO. They cannot be attacked by Russia without going through or flying over a NATO country and the Baltic is a NATO lake with Sweden as a NATO ally.

They might not have it soon and if Belarus goes, it will too, any use of weapons of mass destruction by Russia in Ukraine might see it overrun by Poland or NATO. It is currently isolated by land and could be blockaded by sea just by mining the entrances to the port, the Baltic is a NATO lake and Kaliningrad does not change that and more than St. Petersburg.
They might not have it soon and if Belarus goes, it will too, any use of weapons of mass destruction by Russia in Ukraine might see it overrun by Poland or NATO. It is currently isolated by land and could be blockaded by sea just by mining the entrances to the port, the Baltic is a NATO lake and Kaliningrad does not change that and more than St. Petersburg.
It’s still Russian, and a coupla -160s could be over Stockholm in fifteen minutes. I’d not count them out.

Retired general explains whether Ukraine is ready for counter-offense

7,041 views May 26, 2023 #CNN #News
Retired Brig. Gen. Peter Zwack discusses whether Ukraine is prepared for a counter-offense after reports of a wave of overnight strikes. And CNN’s Matthew Chance speaks to Russians who prank call foreign officials and other influential people.
Sweden is inside NATOs borders thanks to the war on Ukraine and Finland joining, it is in no real rush to join, but will eventually, until then they are a close ally, coordinate with us and might as well be members of NATO. They cannot be attacked by Russia without going through or flying over a NATO country and the Baltic is a NATO lake with Sweden as a NATO ally.

[/QUOTE Turkey,Erdogan in particular gets off on being difficult (see Erdogan's purchase of S-400 Russian AA system as a NATO member spit in the face of NATO),if Turket didn't enjoy such a important and crucial geo-political position they wouldn't be worth the bother of NATO membership,but location,location ,location forces Nato countries to put up w/the BS.Turkey also has traditionally tough well trained soldiers who stand up.
Russia would "go to the mattresses" over Kaliningrad,they prize it as a thorn in NATO's flank,nuke use surely if it's attacked.
I’m not suggesting attacking it. I’m saying it is an opener window on the Baltic and southern Sweden than the bit of coast around St. Petersburg. They could stage bombers from there.
The time has come, much is secret, but somethings they want the Russians to see, like this, it will help induce panic in them and make it more likely they will run when attacked. It also raises public and military morale. They have been downplaying things, but they also have been training a lot of assault troops and getting a lot of arms and ammo from allies.

Leave all of Ukraine, return the kidnapped kids, then they can start negotiating the surrender of Russian war criminals and then perhaps peace talks, after regime change in Russia. They are a long fucking way from a meaningful peace, Russia must be driven from Ukraine and suffer a catastrophic defeat just to get to the start line and nothing can be negotiated with Putin or his regime.
