Watering; Every 3 days too often?

cannabis culture

Well-Known Member
I been watering my plants every 5-6 days, with good results. Now on the 5th days I go to water and I am see leaves drooping (mostly bottom leaves). This obviously under watering because webber I water they perk right up after an hour or so.

I want to water every 3 days instead of every 5 now, would this be too often to water? Or shouldi
.be fine. Anyone here water their plants every 3 days?

I am around 4 weeks into flower, in 3 gallon pots with ocean forest/perlite mix. I usually water about a 1/2 gallon of water each. So when i do start to water every 3 days it'll be about the same volume of water.


Well-Known Member
Ok, every grow room is different. Can't base your watering frequency on others. I've had plants needing water every day and others that needed it every 5 days. Soil, lights, temps, strains, buckets, and a ton of other things factor in to how often your girls need a drink.

You are doing it right, read the plant. She starts to droop water it. Feel the weight of the bucket dry and when it's saturated. Water it slowly and thoroughly until it comes out the bottom.

Hopes this helps, good luck!


Well-Known Member
I'd say if the soil feels dry then water it. I usually water mine twice a week and it seems to work alright.


Well-Known Member
Water only when needed, avoid until your inserted finger is withdrawn clean and not damp

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
When you first pot up to a bigger pot size and give the plants a good water, its not unusual for that water to last 5 days or so, then as the plants get bigger, usually quite quickly as a reaction to the potting up, they need water faster until I find that every 3 days is about the normal. as others say above let the plant dry out between waterings


Its better to underwater than to overwater
but it all comes down to your pot size
i use a 1gal and have to water almost every 36hrs
watch ur plants theyll tell u wen their thirsty


Well-Known Member
Go by the weight.

Also each girl is going to want to be more wet than another for sure.

I have two sisters, Sour Og [from clones], the 'taller' sister is in a 1 gallon fabric and she can take water daily now. Go two or more days and she needs nearly a full gallon to hydrate.
Her Big sister is in a 5 gallon fabric pot, and can also take water daily now. Two or more days and she needs nearly two gallons to be hydrated.

I also have three ladies from seed, one is in a double stacked 2 gallon plastic pot, makes it 3 gallons of soil, one is in a 1 gallon fabric pot, and the third is in a 3 gallon fabric pot.

Whether you are growing in soil or coco will also affect when you water. All of my girls are in coco, aside from the Big Girl. At this point, 5 weeks into flower, watering is for sure every other day, and occasionally a daily occurrence.