What has Trump done to this country?

Trump Promises Pardons to DHS Officials if They'll Violate U.S. Immigration Laws to Keep People Out

We just learned from one of Donald Trump's appointees, Miles Taylor, Chief of Staff for the Department of Homeland Security, that Trump encouraged DHS officials to violate U.S. immigration laws by offering to pardon them if they got in trouble.

What crime, if any, did Trump commit by promising these corrupt pardons? And how untouchable are presidential pardons? After spending 30 years as a federal prosecutor, here's my take on these questions.
And the hits just keep on coming ....

Donald seems to have more conservatives and republicans gunning for him than democrats, how many of these organisations are there running ads now over 2 months before the election? How many extrumper testimonials? Joe and the democrats have hardly lifted a finger against Trump and the republicans, why should they, if your enemy is digging his own grave, get out of his way! In this case Donald is way down in the hole using dynamite on the bedrock of his base, having given up on the pickaxe. These conservatives are shoveling the dirt back in the hole on top of Donald and will hopefully bury him along with the stars and bars.

Joe needs to stick to plans and future action, solutions to get America back on its feet ASAP, he need not spent too much time getting shit on his shoe by stepping on Donald, except in the debates, there Donald would get a bull whipping, not a horse whipping.
Donald Trump Jr. Denies Rumors That He Was On Cocaine During His RNC Speech .... maybe Adderall


Donald Trump Jr. has denied rumors that he was under the influence of cocaine while delivering his Republican National Convention speech on Monday night.

Speaking to “Fox & Friends” host Steve Doocy on Wednesday, Trump Jr. addressed his sweaty forehead and “glassy” eyes” during the speech — features that had been noticed across social media and even by “The Late Show” host Stephen Colbert, who speculated that he was high.

“I guess there must have been something with the lighting,” Trump Jr. said. “They started doing this trending thing — ‘Donald Trump Jr.‘s on cocaine’ and all of that — I said, no no no. You have me confused with Hunter Biden.”

Hunter Biden, the second son of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, has struggled with using cocaine and other drugs in the past and was discharged from the Navy Reserve in 2013 after failing a drug test.

“It was pretty ridiculous,” Trump Jr. continued. “When they can’t attack the delivery, when they can’t attack the substance, they gotta attack something.”
Donald Trump Jr. Denies Rumors That He Was On Cocaine During His RNC Speech .... maybe Adderall

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Donald Trump Jr. has denied rumors that he was under the influence of cocaine while delivering his Republican National Convention speech on Monday night.

Speaking to “Fox & Friends” host Steve Doocy on Wednesday, Trump Jr. addressed his sweaty forehead and “glassy” eyes” during the speech — features that had been noticed across social media and even by “The Late Show” host Stephen Colbert, who speculated that he was high.

“I guess there must have been something with the lighting,” Trump Jr. said. “They started doing this trending thing — ‘Donald Trump Jr.‘s on cocaine’ and all of that — I said, no no no. You have me confused with Hunter Biden.”

Hunter Biden, the second son of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, has struggled with using cocaine and other drugs in the past and was discharged from the Navy Reserve in 2013 after failing a drug test.

“It was pretty ridiculous,” Trump Jr. continued. “When they can’t attack the delivery, when they can’t attack the substance, they gotta attack something.”
Dunno if drugs would be strong enough, being Donald's son would do it and drugs would help cope with the fact, suicide would be a viable option too...
Here is what Fox news did to the country and why they need to put cable and large social media companies under FCC control and make them apply for licencing. Existing fox affiliates or portions of FOX who operate under FCC license should have those licenses removed permanently. Here is but a small example of public irresponsibility on their part, there have been far worse crimes concerning public health disinformation and fostering social division. Fox news is a public health menace and unworthy of a broadcast license, that license comes with public responsibilities too. If Trump loses, Fox news should lose too, they went all in for Trumpism and became a propaganda machine for America's destruction. It's not just Trump or America, it's Fox news or America too. The investors should take a mighty big hit and rightly so, no tax write offs for it either!
Lawrence O'Donnell: FOX News Advocating 'Vigilantism' Over Kenosha Protests | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell reacts to Tucker Carlson's take on the deadly shooting at the Jacob Blake protests. Carlson said, 'How shocked are we that 17-year-olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would?'
Stephen Colbert: I Didn't Watch The RNC Tonight, And I Feel Great About It

At a time when the NBA is showing more leadership than the RNC, our host found it pointless to watch Republicans spend Night 3 of their convention talking about everything but what's really going on in America, where 180,000 people have been lost to a pandemic and heavily-armed Rambo wannabes murder people in the streets.
Another thing Trump has done to America, though there was fertile ground for this sort of bullshit. Another reason racists are a national security threat, aside from treason and becoming an enemy 5th column, witting or not. I think the department of homeland security should follow the data and be guided by the facts when executing their sworn duties, hopefully after January they will be. I believe a new FBI director might be required, because the current one will have much to answer for, as will many others.

Right Wing extremist groups are responsible for
2/3 of terror attacks and plots in in 2019; 90% in 2020 (Jan-May)


Trump the Chump wants a drug test done on biden before debates ... how about starting with your son instead ?

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Biden should make an ad baiting Donald about his "secret" brain pill, it's called exercise, diet and a healthy lifestyle. How about Joe says ok for the drug test, right after the 2 mile foot race on national TV around the reflecting pool! Let's seeya lumber around the pool fatboy!:D

I imagine them bone spurs would act up again. Bone Spurs are for life and Donald should still have them or the scars from the surgery, show us the Xrays, you wanted to see Obama's birth certificate and record of marks, now you want Joe drug tested, show us the Xrays. How about Donald and Joe go for an MRI brain scan, with a panel of experts interpreting the results!
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Trump the Chump wants a drug test done on biden before debates ... how about starting with your son instead ?

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I don't think there is gonna be a debate, if there is, Donald will run from the stage with blood running out of his asshole after Joe rips him an oversized one. Next day he will say Joe was all hyped up on drugs like a crazy person, while he tells us not to believe what we saw, but a new reality.

I've seen Joe in action in the past, he's still got it in him, the stutter disappears when he gets pissed, Joe can rip a strip off someone like no one else can, he has a tongue like a razor if moved to use it. Most people become articulate when pissed, all the shyness disappears as they lay it on the line, Joe like most Americans has much to be pissed about. I figure Joe should piss Donald off so much he snowflakes out and storms off the stage in a rage. I also figure calling him a moron and saying he has a professionally assessed IQ 78 that he demonstrates daily, would be highly effective, if you want to piss off a pretentious moron, call him a moron. The fact he is a liar is well known and won't have much impact, but calling him a dummy and a loser will get the desired effect.

Once Joe drives Donald from the stage and humiliates him on the way out the door, he owns the venue and should immediately forget Donald and focus on the plan for recovery and the future. Donald is very reactive and if you know his triggers you can play him like a fish, he needs to get his ego through the moment and will do anything to do it, overwhelm him, shock and awe, make panic and retreat his mode of survival. Speak the outrage of the American people, be their voice of justice and accountability until he's gone from the venue, only Trump's hardcore base could be offended. Joe wouldn't lose an honest vote by speaking the simple truth to Donald's face and calling him what he is and what his own cabinet has called him, a moron, then proceed to prove it.